<![CDATA[projecoach.cz]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/feedRSS for NodeSat, 27 Apr 2024 08:05:13 GMT<![CDATA[7. Inspiration – 3 books about coaching and not only for coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/7-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-not-only-for-coaches-1653561e695d1339cc648bf0dSun, 22 Oct 2023 20:22:10 GMTMiroslav Czadek

1.Book: "Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss" by Marilyn O'Hearne

1.1 About the Book

This book, in my opinion, fills a gap in the market for both coach and manager work that google opened some time ago - see re:Work with Google, https://rework.withgoogle.com

In our day-to-day communication we are subject to the necessary bias of information that flows to us from our surroundings and on the basis of which we make our own judgements and decisions about our next steps.

In 9 chapters, this book offers examples and a fairly simple application of the acronym IMPACT, which is reflected in each chapter.

  • Chapter 1 discusses a client's realization about their own bias and how it affected their performance. The author also shares their personal experience with bias and the reason for writing the book. The reader is encouraged to reflect on their own experiences with bias.

  • Chapter 2 examines an organizational case study on bias and its effects when overcome with IMPACT.

  • Chapter 3 provides three tools for identifying unconscious bias for oneself and one's organization, starting with Step One, which involves using the "I" in IMPACT.

  • In Chapter 4, the reader learns how to manage bias when it comes to hiring and managing people from different cultures. This is Step Two in the IMPACT framework.

  • In Chapter 5, the reader analyzes their situation using the ACHE approach (Awareness, Curiosity, Humility, Empathy) and applies it to recruiting, developing, and promoting talent, including at the board level. This is Step Three in the IMPACT framework, and it is compared to a treasure hunt.

  • In Chapter 6, the reader learns how to act strategically with awareness and accountability, using feedback and a model for challenging conversations. This is Step Four in the IMPACT framework, represented by the letter "A."

  • Chapter 7 provides guidance on how to obtain organizational buy-in for addressing bias, how to call out bias carefully, how to identify signs of bias (including nonverbal cues), and how cultural differences can trigger bias and how to deal with it. This is Step Five of the IMPACT approach.

  • In Chapter 8, the author suggests repeating the Breaking Free from Bias scorecard taken at the beginning of the book to track progress and identify areas for improvement. This is Step Six of the IMPACT approach.

  • Chapter 9 provides advice on moving forward with courage, persistence, and partnership.

1.2 Interesting insights

Interesting is the scorecard both before and after reading and implementing the six IMPACT steps to Breaking Free from Bias that can help to compare the two to reveal your progress as well as areas for further development.

I like this statement:

1.3 What makes a book good?

The 6-step process for leveraging our response to bias with greater IMPACT:

  • Identifying bias

  • Managing bias

  • Plan to unleash potential

  • Acting strategically with Awareness and Accountability

  • Communicating confidently

  • Taking stock and repeating successes

1.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?

The limit of a coach's perspective trying to show how to apply it with examples seems curious to me. Using the example of how many millions of bits of information are coming into our brain, starting with a pause and applying IMPACT changes everything.

If you bring it into a coaching session, then I understand, but outside of coaching, it requires preparation and proper application.

Although it deals with unconscious bias, I think it is a great shame that it does not reflect the work with the SEEDS model that would complement the book.

More or less I think that the book is good and can definitely recommend it.

2.Book: Why We Do What We Do" from Edward L. Deci, Richard Flaste

2.1 About the Book

  • Chapter ONE: Authority and Its Discontents: It discusses the limitations of control and external motivation in promoting responsible behavior and introduces the concepts of autonomy and authenticity as key to understanding human motivation. It emphasizes the importance of people making their own choices and explores how one-up/one-down relationships impact motivation and responsibility. The book aims to provide insights into promoting responsible behavior in a world marked by alienation and offers prescriptions for individuals, teachers, managers, parents, doctors, and policymakers. It draws on extensive research and empirical evidence to explore the complex dynamics of human motivation and responsibility.

  • Chapter TWO: I'm Only in It for the Money: In "I'm Only in It for the Money," the author discusses experiments that reveal the impact of monetary rewards on intrinsic motivation. The experiments show that when people are rewarded with money for an activity they initially found interesting, their intrinsic motivation diminishes, leading to a strained, instrumental relationship with the activity. The author suggests that this loss of intrinsic motivation can result in alienation and a disconnect from one's inner self. The findings raise questions about the role of money in controlling and potentially undermining people's authentic engagement with various activities in society.

  • Chapter THREE: The Need for Personal Autonomy: In the quest to understand personal autonomy and intrinsic motivation, research has shown that rewards, threats, competition, and control can have complex effects. Administering rewards with a non-controlling intention can mitigate their negative impact on intrinsic motivation. Similarly, competition can either enhance or diminish intrinsic motivation depending on whether it's framed as pressure or encouragement. It's important to strike a balance between setting limits and supporting autonomy, as autonomy-supportive limit setting can promote responsibility without stifling authenticity. Overall, fostering autonomy and minimizing control in various situations can lead to more positive outcomes and sustained intrinsic motivation.

  • Chapter FOUR: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation, driven by genuine interest and enjoyment in an activity, leads to richer experiences, better understanding, creativity, and problem-solving. In contrast, extrinsic rewards and controls can undermine intrinsic motivation, leading to shortcuts, deception, and lower-quality performance. Rewards should be administered equitably but not used primarily for motivation. Pay-for-performance schemes may motivate but often encourage shortcuts and distract from the task at hand. Instead, emphasizing the inherent value of tasks and minimizing the role of extrinsic rewards can lead to more engaged and committed individuals.

  • Chapter FIVE: Engaging the World with a Sense of Competence: In Soviet-era Bulgaria, the absence of motivation resulted from a lack of meaningful incentives, contrasting with the American system's built-in motivators. While instrumentalities can motivate, they may also exert control. Intrinsic motivation thrives on competence in instrumental activities, observed in children's natural curiosity. Optimal challenges are vital for cultivating this sense of competence. The text discusses the impact of perceived competence on intrinsic motivation and feedback. It reveals gender differences in the response to praise, with males motivated and females feeling controlled. Non-controlling praise and autonomy-supportive feedback are crucial. Overall, perceived competence and autonomy are essential for motivation and well-being.

  • Chapter SIX: The Inner Force of Development: The text discusses two contrasting identities within the field of developmental psychology:

    • one focusing on internal processes, including psychoanalytic traditions, and

    • the other on external behaviors, as seen in behaviorism.

It emphasizes the importance of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in intrinsic motivation and human development. Autonomy-supportive environments foster natural development, while controlling ones hinder it. The narrative suggests that people can be both autonomous and interdependent, and that genuine dependence on others can contribute positively to well-being.

  • Chapter SEVEN: When Society Beckons: This text delves into the challenge of fostering desirable behavior when intrinsic motivation is lacking, emphasizing the role of parents and teachers as socializing agents. It stresses the significance of autonomy and integration in contrast to mere introjection of rules, as introjected values can result in rigid compliance or rebellion. The ultimate aim is to encourage autonomous, authentic self-regulation for the benefit of individuals and society. A study by Richard Ryan and Wendy Grolnick at the University of Rochester underscores the importance of autonomy support in promoting internalization of values and regulations, with introjected motivation leading to anxiety and maladaptive coping.

  • Chapter EIGHT: The Self in a Social World: In a social world, many individuals suppress their true feelings and beliefs out of fear, guilt, or the desire for approval. They often adopt introjects, societal expectations, as their own, losing touch with their genuine selves. Some may even fail to recognize this suppression. The development of true self-esteem requires autonomy support, while contingent love and esteem hinder it. Relationships based on mutual autonomy and respect allow for genuine connection and emotional expression. Overcoming introjects and ego involvement is crucial for personal growth and the ability to form mature, fulfilling relationships. Loving someone authentically demands self-awareness and freedom from societal pressures.

  • Chapter NINE: When Society Corrupts: In the decades since World War II, the American Dream has driven people to work harder and pursue material success, but for many, it hasn't brought the expected leisure and luxury. Dual-income families struggle to find time for leisure, and possessions like cars and gadgets have become necessities. One man's therapy journey highlights the toll of this pursuit on personal relationships. Research shows that strong desires for extrinsic goals like wealth and fame, when out of balance with intrinsic aspirations, are linked to poorer mental health. Individualism and autonomy are distinct concepts, with autonomy requiring self-knowledge and personality integration. In an individualistic society, conformity to external symbols of status is common, driven by the pressure to achieve narcissistic extrinsic goals.

  • Chapter TEN: How to Promote Autonomy: The text emphasizes the importance of promoting autonomy in education and management. It highlights the positive impact of autonomy support on motivation, performance, and satisfaction among individuals. The text also discusses the need for individualized and challenging goals, problem-solving in performance assessment, and team-focused rewards. It addresses obstacles to autonomy support, such as controlling personalities and external pressures, and underscores the significance of training and support for effective leadership and teaching. Overall, the text underscores the value of autonomy support in various aspects of life.

  • Chapter ELEVEN: Promoting Healthy Behavior: The text discusses the significance of personal commitment and autonomous motivation in promoting healthy behavior. It highlights the difference between external pressures and internal drive as drivers for change. Research suggests that autonomous reasons for behavior change lead to better outcomes. Despite known health risks, many people continue unhealthy behaviors because they serve a purpose, such as reducing anxiety. To succeed, individuals must accept responsibility, explore their motivations, and make genuine choices for their well-being.

  • Chapter TWELEVE: Being Autonomous Amidst the Controls: The text explores how individuals can maintain autonomy and thrive despite challenges, emphasizing the role of personal traits like temperament and motivation. It discusses the impact of social relationships and one's interpretation of the environment. Autonomy and autonomy-supportive contexts are crucial for positive development. It also highlights the importance of managing emotions and regulating behavior for autonomy. The text concludes that internal motivation, self-acceptance, and understanding one's behavior are key to meaningful change in a non-blaming, pressure-free manner.

  • Chapter THIRTEEN: The Meaning of Human Freedom: True human freedom, as Abraham Maslow and Jean-Paul Sartre suggest, involves accepting constraints, whether natural or social. However, achieving this balance is a challenge. In different social contexts, such as was totalitarian Bulgaria or the individualistic West, people may experience varying degrees of freedom and responsibility. Ultimately, genuine freedom entails making choices aligned with one's integrated self while respecting others and the environment.

2.2 Interesting insights

Perhaps the most important aspect is realizing the significance of autonomy in motivation. It explains why micromanagement doesn't work.

2.3 What makes the book good?

The book deals with human motivation and how to create and support it.

2.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?

The book is available only in spoken and paper form

3.Book: Be useful : seven tools for life" by Arnold Schwarzenegger

3.1 About the Book

Honestly, I had been waiting for this book for quite a while. Arnold had mentioned it in his posts and built it on his practical experience. So when it was released in the fall of 2023, there was no hesitation. In coaching, you sometimes deal with how to work with a client who wants to improve their appearance, or perhaps how to improve their fitness, and so on. There is probably no better person on this planet who has accomplished more over the course of their life and is willing to share how they did it. The book doesn't hold back, it's authentic, precisely what you need for your clients.

  • In "Chapter 1: Have a Clear Vision," the author emphasizes the paramount importance of having a clear life vision. Without it, individuals may find themselves adrift in unfulfilling jobs and relationships. A clear vision provides purpose and meaning, helping people make informed decisions aligned with their ideal future. The author suggests two approaches:

    • starting broad and zooming in or

    • beginning small and expanding.

Creating space and time for inspiration is crucial, with activities like walking enhancing creativity. The text also underscores the power of clear visualization and staying true to one's goals, even when faced with tempting distractions. Self-awareness and self-reflection are essential for personal growth and success. Successful individuals regularly assess their progress and adapt their vision as they evolve, confronting their reflection to truly see themselves.

  • In Chapter 2 of the book, Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes the importance of thinking big and pursuing ambitious dreams. In the 1980s, he faced skepticism from Hollywood executives but proved his versatility with the success of "Twins." He reflects on his collaboration with James Cameron, highlighting the need for unwavering dedication to achieve excellence. Schwarzenegger encourages readers to ignore naysayers, citing examples of famous figures who faced rejection before achieving success. Furthermore, he discusses his experience as California's governor, emphasizing the importance of persistence and rejecting the idea of a plan B. Schwarzenegger also draws inspiration from Sir Edmund Hillary's conquest of Mount Everest, illustrating the power of setting audacious goals and continuing to push boundaries even after achieving success. He encourages readers to dream big, inspire others, and leave a lasting legacy of ambition and achievement.

  • In "Chapter 3: Work Your Ass Off," Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes the paramount importance of hard work as the key to success and personal growth. He stresses that innate talents and advantages are secondary to relentless determination and work ethic. Schwarzenegger highlights the negative consequences of unearned wealth, citing examples of lottery winners and generational wealth. The text draws parallels between various fields like bodybuilding, acting, and sports, showcasing how meticulous repetition and mastering fundamentals are essential for excellence. Schwarzenegger views pain and discomfort as temporary but crucial for achieving greatness, with examples from his career and others like Muhammad Ali. He underscores the significance of follow-up and follow-through, citing his experience as California's governor during wildfires. Lastly, the text advocates effective time management and consistent effort in pursuing goals, dismissing common excuses. Overall, it underscores the enduring value of hard work and determination in realizing one's aspirations.

  • In Chapter 4, titled "Sell, Sell, Sell," Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes the significance of self-promotion and effective communication in achieving one's goals. He recalls how bodybuilders needed to advocate for their sport to change public perception. Schwarzenegger's journey from acting to politics underscores the importance of knowing your audience and adapting your pitch. He shares the value of identifying decision-makers, even when it's not apparent. The text also highlights the power of sharing your vision, both for self-motivation and inspiring others. Joe Weider's promotion of bodybuilding exemplifies this strategy. Furthermore, it discusses managing low expectations strategically, drawing from the author's experience in politics. Finally, Schwarzenegger's authenticity and ownership of his narrative led to political success, emphasizing the importance of being genuine when pursuing personal goals or in politics.

  • In "Chapter 5: Shift Gears," the author recounts their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, where they took action by connecting with a logistics company to procure PPE. This narrative underscores the importance of proactive problem-solving. The text explores the idea of "negativity bias" and the author's commitment to maintaining a positive perspective. They share personal experiences to encourage readers to redirect their energy towards positivity and growth. Finally, he discuss the subjective nature of risk, advocating for taking calculated risks to achieve one's goals. Overall, this chapter highlights the importance of action, positivity, resilience, innovation, and calculated risk-taking in the face of challenges.

  • In "Chapter 6: Shut Your Mouth, Open Your Mind," Arnold Schwarzenegger reflects on the importance of learning, curiosity, and open-mindedness in shaping one's life. He pays tribute to Fredi Gerstl, a mentor who taught him valuable life lessons, emphasizing the hunger for knowledge and the world as the ultimate classroom. Schwarzenegger questions the traditional focus on college education, advocating for the real world as the best classroom. He encourages readers to be like sponges, absorbing knowledge from others to foster personal growth and contribute to a better future. It emphasizes the importance of actively applying knowledge and staying engaged to make a meaningful impact in the world.

  • In "Chapter 7: BREAK YOUR MIRRORS," Arnold Schwarzenegger reflects on his journey to success and the importance of giving back. He credits numerous individuals for his achievements and emphasizes that no one truly succeeds alone. Schwarzenegger urges readers to recognize their duty to help others and highlights the positive impact of selflessness. He discusses simple ways to give back, emphasizing that anyone can make a difference with awareness and effort.

3.2 Interesting insights

  • I like the importance of defining clear goals to sharpen one's focus and achieve a vision. There is also mentioned how important is significance of knowing what success looks like and what it doesn't, as it helps in making informed decisions and avoiding distractions.

  • Great technique, that highlights the significance of looking in the mirror both metaphorically and literally to understand oneself better. Many people avoid self-reflection, and as a result, they may become lost and fail to fulfill their potential. The distinction between successful individuals and those who are not lies in their ability to define and pursue specific goals, regularly assess their progress, and adapt their vision as they evolve. To achieve any vision or performance, one must be unafraid to confront their reflection and truly see themselves.

  • In life, there will always be doubters and naysayers who challenge your dreams. Naysayers are often afraid of the unknown and lack the courage to pursue big visions. Their skepticism should not influence your path. Instead, use their doubt as motivation.

  • To emphasize the importance of pursuing big goals with unwavering determination, rejecting the idea of a plan B, and not succumbing to naysayers or self-doubt.

  • Embracing discomfort and pain is crucial for personal growth and success. (go beyond comfort zone)

  • How important is selling your vision that involves articulating your goals in a positive light to those whose support you need.

  • The significance of identifying the decision-maker and catering your pitch to them, even if it's not obvious.

  • Failure is a natural part of pursuing challenging goals and we should not be feared. He encourages individuals to embrace failure as a source of valuable lessons and motivation to improve.

  • When you truly desire something, you should be willing to take risks, and the potential rewards often outweigh the perceived dangers.

  • To embrace selflessness, emphasizing that one can make a positive impact on others' lives and their own, regardless of their financial situation.

3.3 What makes the book good?

The book feels authentic and is suitable for practical use. The stories the author describes are interspersed with practical recommendations.

3.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?

Although the book is intended for a general audience, it addresses a topic for which it is advisable to have references that can be further explored. Additionally, it would be beneficial to have a summary at the end of chapters providing an overview of recommended steps.

<![CDATA[7. Inspirace – 3 knihy o koučinku a ne jenom pro kouče]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/7-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-not-only-for-coaches65357674ef04a79acede331aSun, 22 Oct 2023 20:21:41 GMTMiroslav Czadek

1.Kniha: "Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss" od Marilyn O'Hearne

1.1 O Knize

Tato kniha podle mého názoru zaplňuje mezeru na trhu pro práci koučů a manažerů, kterou Google otevřel již před časem, viz re:Work with Google, https://rework.withgoogle.com

V naší každodenní komunikaci jsme vystaveni nutnému zkreslení informací, které k nám proudí z našeho okolí, na základě kterého posuzujeme a rozhodujeme o našich dalších krocích.

Tato kniha nabízí v 9 kapitolách příklady a poměrně jednoduchou aplikaci akronymu IMPACT, který se odráží v každé kapitole.

  • Kapitola 1 se zabývá uvědoměním klienta o vlastních předsudcích a jak ovlivnily jeho výkon. Autor rovněž sdílí své osobní zkušenosti s předsudky a důvod psaní knihy. Čtenář je povzbuzen k zamyšlení nad svými vlastními zkušenostmi s předsudky.

  • Kapitola 2 se zabývá organizační případovou studií o předsudcích a jejich účincích, když jsou překonány s použitím IMPACT.

  • Kapitola 3 poskytuje tři nástroje pro identifikaci nevědomých předsudků pro sebe i svou organizaci, začínající krokem jedna, který zahrnuje použití "I" v IMPACT.

  • V kapitole 4 se čtenář naučí, jak řídit předsudky při náboru a řízení lidí z různých kultur. To je krok dvě v IMPACT rámci.

  • V kapitole 5 analyzuje čtenář svou situaci pomocí přístupu ACHE (uvědomění, zvědavost, pokora, empatie) a aplikuje ji na nábor, rozvoj a povýšení talentů, včetně na úrovni představenstva. To je krok tři v IMPACT rámci a je přirovnán honbou za hledání pokladu.

  • V kapitole 6 se čtenář naučí jednat strategicky s uvědoměním a zodpovědností, používat zpětnou vazbu a model pro náročné rozhovory. To je krok čtyři v IMPACT rámci, který je zastoupený písmenem "A".

  • Kapitola 7 poskytuje návod, jak získat organizační podporu pro řešení předsudků, jak opatrně označovat předsudky, jak identifikovat známky předsudků (včetně neverbálních signálů) a jak kulturní rozdíly mohou vyvolávat předsudky a jak se s nimi vypořádat. Toto je pátý krok IMPACT přístupu.

  • V kapitole 8 autor navrhuje opakovat skóre z karty „Breaking Free from Bias“, které bylo provedeno na začátku knihy, aby se zjistil a sledoval pokrok a identifikovaly oblasti pro zlepšení. Toto je šestý krok IMPACT přístupu.

  • Kapitola 9 poskytuje doporučení, jak dál s odvahou, vytrvalostí a partnerstvím pokračovat.

1.2 Zajímavé poznatky

Zajímavým prvkem je skóre karty před a po čtení a implementaci šesti IMPACT kroků k odbourání předsudků, které mohou pomoci porovnat oba stavy a odhalit váš pokrok a oblasti pro další rozvoj.

Líbí se mi toto prohlášení:

1.3 V čem je kniha dobrá?

6 kroků k využití naší reakce na předsudky s větším IMPACTem:

  • (I)dentifikace předsudků

  • (M)Řízení předsudků

  • (P)lán pro uvolnění potenciálu

  • (A)Strategické jednání s vědomím a odpovědností

  • (C) Sebevědomá komunikace

  • (T) Zhodnocení a opakování úspěchů

1.4 Jaký nedostatek kniha má?

Omezení pohledu kouče, který se snaží na příkladech ukázat, jak jej aplikovat, mi připadá zvláštní. Na příkladu toho, kolik milionů informací nám přichází do mozku, začít pauzou a aplikovat IMPACT a tím se vše změní.

Pokud to přenesete do koučovacího sezení, pak to chápu, ale mimo koučování to vyžaduje přípravu a správnou aplikaci.

Ačkoliv se zabývá nevědomou zaujatostí, myslím si, že je velká škoda, že nereflektuje práci s modelem SEEDS, který by knihu doplnil.

Víceméně si myslím, že kniha je dobrá a rozhodně ji doporučuji.

2.Kniha: Why We Do What We Do" od Edward L. Deci, Richard Flaste

2.1 O Knize

  • Kapitola PRVNÍ: Autorita a její nespokojenci

Kniha diskutuje omezení kontroly a vnější motivace při podpoře zodpovědného chování a představuje koncepty autonomie a autenticity jako klíčové pro pochopení lidské motivace. Důraz klade na důležitost toho, aby lidé sami činili své volby, a zkoumá, jak vztahy "jeden nahoře/jeden dole" ovlivňují motivaci a zodpovědnost. Kniha si klade za cíl poskytnout náhledy na podporu zodpovědného chování ve světě, který je poznamenán odcizením, a nabízí doporučení pro jednotlivce, učitele, manažery, rodiče, lékaře a politiky. Vychází z rozsáhlého výzkumu a empirických důkazů k tomu, aby zkoumala složité dynamiky lidské motivace a zodpovědnosti..

  • Kapitola DRUHÁ: Jsem v tom jenom kvůli penězům - V kapitole "Jsem v tom jenom kvůli penězům" autor diskutuje o experimentech, které odhalují vliv peněžních odměn na vnitřní motivaci. Experimenty ukazují, že když jsou lidé odměňováni penězi za činnost, kterou považovali za původně zajímavou, jejich vnitřní motivace klesá, což vede k napjatému, instrumentálnímu vztahu k činnosti. Autor naznačuje, že tato ztráta vnitřní motivace může způsobit odcizení a odtržení od svého vnitřního já. Tyto zjištění vyvolávají otázky ohledně role peněz při kontrole a potenciálním oslabení autentického zapojení lidí do různých činností ve společnosti.

  • Kapitola TŘETÍ: Potřeba osobní autonomie: Při snaze pochopit osobní autonomii a vnitřní motivaci ukázal výzkum, že odměny, hrozby, soutěžení a kontrola mohou mít komplexní účinky. Udělování odměn s nekontrolujícím záměrem může zmírnit jejich negativní vliv na vnitřní motivaci. Stejně tak může soutěž buď zvýšit, nebo snížit vnitřní motivaci v závislosti na tom, zda je vnímána jako tlak nebo povzbuzení. Je důležité najít rovnováhu mezi stanovováním limitů a podporováním autonomie, protože podpora autonomie při stanovování limitů může podporovat zodpovědnost bez potlačení autenticity. Celkově je podpora autonomie a minimalizace kontroly v různých situacích spojena s pozitivnějšími výsledky a trvalou vnitřní motivací.

  • Kapitola ČTVRTÁ: Vnitřní a vnější motivace, Vnitřní motivace, kterou pohání opravdový zájem a potěšení z činnosti, vede k bohatším zkušenostem, lepšímu porozumění, kreativitě a řešení problémů. Naopak vnější odměny a kontroly mohou podkopávat vnitřní motivaci a vést k zkratkám, klamání a nižší kvalitě výkonu. Odměny by měly být udělovány spravedlivě, ale neměly by být primárně používány pro motivaci. Placené výkonnostní systémy mohou motivovat, ale často povzbuzují zkratky a odvádějí pozornost od úkolu. Místo toho zdůrazňování vnitřní hodnoty úkolů a minimalizace role vnějších odměn může vést k angažovanějším a závazným jednotlivcům.

  • Kapitola PÁTÁ: Angažování se ve světě s pocitem kompetence, V době Sovětské éry, Bulharsko absentovalo motivaci důsledkem nedostatečných motivujících podnětů, což kontrastovalo s vestavěnými motivátory v americkém systému. I když nástroje mohou motivovat, mohou také vyvíjet kontrolu. Vnitřní motivace prosperuje na základě kompetence v instrumentálních činnostech, což lze pozorovat u přirozené zvídavosti dětí. Optimální výzvy jsou klíčové pro rozvoj tohoto pocitu kompetence. Text diskutuje o vlivu vnímané kompetence na vnitřní motivaci a zpětnou vazbu. Ukazuje rozdíly mezi pohlavími ve vztahu k chvále, s muži motivovanými a ženami, které se cítí kontrolované. Neřízená chvála a autonomně podporující zpětná vazba jsou klíčové. Celkově je vnímaná kompetence a autonomie klíčová pro motivaci a pohodu.

  • Kapitola ŠESTÁ: Vnitřní síla rozvoje: Kapitola diskutuje dvě kontrastující identity v oblasti vývojové psychologie:

    • jedna se zaměřuje na interní procesy, včetně psychoanalytických tradic, a

    • druhá na externí chování, jak je vidět v behaviorismu.

Důraz klade na důležitost autonomie, kompetence a souvislostí vnitřní motivace a lidského rozvoje. Autonomní prostředí podporuje přirozený vývoj, zatímco řízené prostředí jej brzdí. Narativ naznačuje, že lidé mohou být zároveň autonomní a vzájemně závislí a že skutečná závislost na druhých může pozitivně přispět k pohodě.

  • Kapitola SEDMÁ: Když společnost volá: Tato kapitola se zabývá výzvou podporovat žádoucí chování, když chybí vnitřní motivace, a zdůrazňuje roli rodičů a učitelů jako socializačních agentů. Důraz klade na význam autonomie a integrace na rozdíl od pouhé internalizace pravidel, protože vnitřně přijaté hodnoty mohou vést k rigidnímu dodržování nebo vzpouře. Konečným cílem je podporovat autonomní, autentickou seberegulaci k prospěchu jednotlivců a společnosti. Studie Richarda Ryana a Wendy Grolnick na University of Rochester zdůrazňuje význam podpory autonomoe při podporování internalizace hodnot a pravidel, s vnitřně přijatou motivací vedoucí k úzkosti a neadaptivnímu zvládání.

  • Kapitola Osmá: Sám v sociálním světě: Ve společenském světě mnozí lidé potlačují své skutečné pocity a přesvědčení z obavy, viny nebo touhy po schválení. Často vnitřně přijímají společenská očekávání, jako své vlastní, a ztrácejí kontakt se svým skutečným já. Někteří mohou dokonce selhat v tomto rozpoznání. Rozvoj skutečné sebehodnoty vyžaduje podporu autonomie, zatímco podmíněná láska a úcta ji brzdí. Vztahy založené na vzájemné autonomii a úctě umožňují skutečné spojení a emocionální vyjádření. Překonání vnitřního přijetí a ega je klíčové pro osobní růst a schopnost tvořit zralé, naplňující vztahy. Autentická láska někoho vyžaduje sebepoznání a osvobození se od společenského tlaku.

  • Kapitola DEVĚT: Když společnost degeneruje: V desetiletích po druhé světové válce americký sen motivoval lidi k tvrdší práci a hledání materiálního úspěchu, ale pro mnohé nepřinesl očekávaný volný čas a luxus. Rodiny s dvojími příjmy bojují, aby našly čas na volný čas, a majetky jako auta a elektronika se staly nezbytnostmi. Cesta člověka terapeutickým procesem ukazuje, jakou daň má dopad tohoto usilování na osobní vztahy. Výzkum naznačuje, že silné touhy po vnějších cílech, jako je bohatství a sláva, pokud nejsou v rovnováze s vnitřními aspiracemi, jsou spojeny s horším duševním zdravím. Individualismus a autonomie jsou odlišné koncepty, přičemž autonomie vyžaduje sebepoznání a integrování osobnosti. V individualistické společnosti je běžná konformita k vnějším symbolům statusu, což je motivováno tlakem dosáhnout narcistických vnějších cílů.

  • Kapitola DESET: Jak podporovat autonomii: Kapitola zdůrazňuje důležitost podpory autonomie ve vzdělání a řízení. Poukazuje na pozitivní vliv podpory autonomie na motivaci, výkon a spokojenost jednotlivců. Text také diskutuje o potřebě individualizovaných a náročných cílů, řešení problémů při hodnocení výkonu a odměnách zaměřených na tým. Zaměřuje se na překážky podpory autonomie, jako jsou ovládající osobnosti a vnější tlaky, a zdůrazňuje význam školení a podpory pro efektivní vedení a výuku. Celkově kapitola zdůrazňuje hodnotu podpory autonomie v různých aspektech života.

  • Kapitola JEDENÁCT: Podpora zdravého chování: Kapitola popisuje význam osobního závazku a autonomní motivace při podpoře zdravého chování. Zdůrazňuje rozdíl mezi vnějšími tlaky a vnitřní motivací jako hnacími silami změny. Výzkum naznačuje, že autonomní důvody k změně chování vedou k lepším výsledkům. Navzdory známým rizikům pro zdraví pokračuje mnoho lidí v nezdravém chování, protože slouží nějakému účelu, jako je snížení úzkosti. Aby jednotlivci uspěli, musí přijmout zodpovědnost, zkoumat své motivace a činit opravdové volby pro své blaho.

  • Kapitola DVANÁCT: Autonomie v kontrolovaném prostředí: Kapitola popisuje, jak jednotlivci mohou udržovat autonomii a prosperovat navzdory výzvám, zdůrazňuje roli osobních vlastností, jako jsou temperament a motivace. Diskutuje o vlivu sociálních vztahů a vlastního vnímání prostředí. Autonomie a autonomie-podporující kontexty jsou klíčové pro pozitivní rozvoj. Také zdůrazňuje důležitost řízení emocí a regulace chování pro autonomii. Text uzavírá, že vnitřní motivace, sebeakceptace a porozumění svému chování jsou klíčem k významné změně bez obviňování a tlaku.

  • Kapitola TŘINÁCT: Význam lidské svobody: Skutečná lidská svoboda, jak naznačují Abraham Maslow a Jean-Paul Sartre, zahrnuje přijímání omezení, ať už přírodního nebo společenského. Dosáhnout této rovnováhy je výzvou. V různých sociálních kontextech, jako bylo totalitární Bulharsko nebo individualistický Západ, mohou lidé zažívat různé úrovně svobody a zodpovědnosti. Skutečná svoboda nakonec spočívá v tom, že člověk činí volby, které jsou v souladu se svým integrovaným já, a zároveň respektuje ostatní a prostředí.

2.2 Zajímavé poznatky

Asi nejdůležitější je uvědomění toho jak je autonomie důležitá při motivaci. Vysvětluje proč mikromanagement nefunguje.

2.3 V čem je kniha dobrá?

Kniha se zabývá motivací člověka a jak ji motivaci vytvořit a podpořit.

2.4 Jaký nedostatek kniha má?

Kniha je dostupná jen v mluvené a papírové podobě.

3.Kniha: Be useful : seven tools for life" od Arnolda Schwarzeneggera

3.1 O Knize

Upřímně, na tuto knihu jsem čekal relativně dlouho. Arnold ji ve svých příspěvcích zmiňoval a postavil ji na zkušenostech z jeho praxe.A tak když na podzim 2023 vyšla, nebylo o čem přemýšlet. V koučinku občas řešíte, jak pracovat s klientem, který chce zlepšit, jak vypadá, popřípadě jak zlepšit kondici apod. Asi není lepší osoba na této planetě, která v průběhu svého života dokázala více a která se chce podělit o to jak to dokázala. V knize nejde pro slovo daleko, je to autentické, přesně to co pro klienty potřebujete.

  • V kapitole 1 nazvané "Mějte jasnou vizi" autor zdůrazňuje nesmírný význam mít jasnou životní vizi. Bez ní se jednotlivci mohou ocitnout v neuspokojivých zaměstnáních a vztazích. Jasná vize poskytuje účel a smysl, pomáhá lidem rozhodovat se informovaně v souladu s jejich ideální budoucností. Autor navrhuje dvě přístupy:

    • začít široce a postupně se zužovat nebo

    • začít malými kroky a postupně se rozšiřovat.

Vytváření prostoru a času pro inspiraci je klíčové, a to i prostřednictvím aktivit jako je chůze, která podporuje tvůrčí myšlení. Text také zdůrazňuje sílu jasné vizualizace a setrvání na svých cílech, i když čelí lákavým rozptýlením. Sebeuvědomění a sebereflexe jsou nezbytné pro osobní růst a úspěch. Úspěšní jedinci pravidelně hodnotí svůj pokrok a mění svou vizi, jak se vyvíjejí, konfrontují svůj odraz, aby se skutečně viděli.

  • V kapitole 2 knihy Arnold Schwarzenegger zdůrazňuje důležitost velkorysého myšlení a sledování ambiciózních snů. V 80. letech čelil skepticismu hollywoodských producentů, ale prokázal svoji všestrannost úspěchem filmu "Dvojčata". Zmiňuje svou spolupráci s Jamesem Cameronem a zdůrazňuje potřebu neochvějného odhodlání k dosažení excelence. Schwarzenegger povzbuzuje čtenáře, aby nebrali vážně kritiky a uvádí příklady slavných osobností, které čelily odmítnutí, než dosáhly úspěchu. Dále diskutuje o své zkušenosti jako guvernéra Kalifornie a zdůrazňuje důležitost vytrvalosti a odmítání myšlenky na plán B. Schwarzenegger také čerpá inspiraci z dobytí Mount Everestu Sir Edmundem Hillarym, ilustrující sílu stanovování smělých cílů a pokračování v překračování hranic i po dosažení úspěchu. Vyzývá čtenáře, aby si snili velké sny, inspirovali ostatní a zanechali trvalé dědictví ambicí a úspěchem.

  • V kapitole 3 s názvem "Tvrdě pracujte" Arnold Schwarzenegger zdůrazňuje nesmírný význam tvrdé práce jako klíče k úspěchu a osobnímu růstu. Klade důraz na to, že vrozené talent a výhody jsou sekundární ve srovnání s neúnavným odhodláním a pracovní etikou. Schwarzenegger poukazuje na negativní důsledky nezískaného bohatství, uvádí příklady výherců loterie a generovaného bohatství. Text ukazuje paralely mezi různými oblastmi, jako je kulturistika, herectví a sport, a ukazuje, jak pečlivé opakování a ovládání základů jsou nezbytné pro dosažení excelence. Schwarzenegger vnímá bolest a nepohodlí jako dočasné, ale zásadní pro dosažení velikosti, s příklady ze své kariéry a od ostatních, jako Muhammad Ali. Zdůrazňuje význam následného vyhodnocení a následného jednání, s odvoláním na svoje zkušenosti jako guvernéra Kalifornie během lesních požárů. Nakonec text propaguje efektivní časový management a pravidelné úsilí při sledování svých cílů a odmítá běžné výmluvy. Celkově zdůrazňuje trvalou hodnotu tvrdé práce a odhodlání při dosahování svých aspirací.

  • V kapitole 4 s názvem "Prodávejte, prodávejte, prodávejte" Arnold Schwarzenegger zdůrazňuje význam sebepropagace a efektivní komunikace při dosahování svých cílů. Vzpomíná si, jak kulturisté museli prosazovat svůj sport, aby změnili veřejný názor. Schwarzeneggerova cesta od herectví k politice zdůrazňuje důležitost poznání svého publika a přizpůsobení své prezentace. Sdílí hodnotu identifikace těch, kteří rozhodují, i když to není zřejmé. Text také zdůrazňuje sílu sdílení své vize, jak pro sebe-motivaci, tak k inspiraci ostatních. Propagace kulturistiky Joe Weiderem ilustruje tuto strategii. Dále se zabývá strategickým řízením nízkých očekávání, vycházejíc z autorových zkušeností v politice. Nakonec Schwarzeneggerova autenticita a vlastní příběh vedly k politickému úspěchu, což zdůrazňuje důležitost opravdovosti při sledování osobních cílů nebo v politice.

  • V kapitole 5 s názvem "Změňte rychlost" autor vypráví svou reakci na pandemii COVID-19, když podnikl kroky k zajištění ochranných pomůcek ve spolupráci s logistickou společností. Tato vyprávění zdůrazňuje důležitost aktivního řešení problémů. Text zmiňuje koncept "negativního zkreslení" a autorův závazek udržovat pozitivní perspektivu. Sdílí osobní zkušenosti, aby podpořil čtenáře, aby svou energii přesměrovali směrem k pozitivnímu myšlení a růstu. Dále diskutuje o subjektivní povaze rizika a prosazuje kalkulované riziko při dosahování svých cílů. Celkově tato kapitola zdůrazňuje důležitost akce, pozitivního myšlení, odolnosti, inovace a kalkulovaného rizika při zdolávání výzev.

  • V kapitole 6 s názvem "Zavřete pusu, otevřete mysl" Arnold Schwarzenegger reflektuje o důležitosti učení, zvědavosti a otevřenosti mysli při formování života. Vzdává hold Fredimu Gerstlovi, mentoru, který mu poskytl cenné životní lekce, zdůrazňujíc hlad po znalostech a svět jako konečnou učebnici. Schwarzenegger zpochybňuje tradiční důraz na vysokoškolské vzdělání, prosazuje skutečný svět jako nejlepší učebnici. Vyzývá čtenáře, aby byli jako houby, absorbující znalosti od ostatních pro osobní růst a přispívání k lepší budoucnosti. Zdůrazňuje důležitost aktivního uplatňování znalostí a angažovanosti, aby se svět stal lepším místem.

  • V kapitole 7 s názvem "Rozbijte své zrcadla" Arnold Schwarzenegger reflektuje na svou cestu k úspěchu a důležitost dobročinnosti. Připisuje své úspěchy mnoha jednotlivcům a zdůrazňuje, že nikdo skutečně neuspěl sám. Schwarzenegger vyzývá čtenáře, aby rozpoznali svou povinnost pomáhat ostatním a zdůrazňuje pozitivní dopad nezištnosti při jednání. Diskutuje o jednoduchých způsobech, jak pomáhat, zdůrazňuje, že kdokoli může s vědomostmi a úsilím udělat rozdíl.

3.2 Zajímavé poznatky

  • Zaujala mě důležitost definování jasných cílů pro zúžení svého zaměření a dosažení vize. Zde je také zmíněno, jak důležité je znát význam toho, jak úspěch vypadá a jak nevypadá, protože to pomáhá při informovaném rozhodování a vyhýbání se rušivým vlivům.

  • Skvělá technika, která zdůrazňuje význam pohledu do zrcadla jak metaforicky, tak doslovně, abychom se lépe poznali. Mnoho lidí se vyhýbá sebereflexi a v důsledku toho může být ztraceno a selháno v naplnění svého potenciálu. Rozdíl mezi úspěšnými jednotlivci a těmi, kteří nejsou, spočívá v jejich schopnosti definovat a sledovat konkrétní cíle, pravidelně hodnotit svůj pokrok a přizpůsobovat svou vizi, jak se vyvíjejí. Pro dosažení jakékoli vize nebo výkonu musí být člověk odvážný, aby čelil svému odrazu a skutečně sebe viděl.

  • V životě vždy budou pochybovači a pesimisté, kteří budou výzvy vašich snů zpochybňovat. Pesimisté se často bojí neznámého a nemají odvahu sledovat velké vize. Jejich skepticismus by neměl ovlivňovat váš směr. Místo toho využijte jejich pochybnosti jako motivaci.

  • Zdůraznění důležitosti sledování velkých cílů s neochvějným odhodláním, odmítání myšlenky na plán B a nepodléhání pesimistům ani sebevědomí.

  • Přijímání nepohodlí a bolesti je klíčové pro osobní růst a úspěch. (jít mimo komfortní zónu)

  • Jak je důležité prodávání své vize, která zahrnuje formulaci svých cílů v pozitivním světle těm, jejichž podporu potřebujete.

  • Důležitost identifikace rozhodující osoby a přizpůsobení svého přednesu jim, i když to není zjevné.

  • Selhání je přirozenou součástí sledování náročných cílů a neměli bychom se ho obávat. Měl by povzbuzovat jednotlivce, aby si selhání osvojili jako zdroj cenných lekcí a motivaci ke zlepšení.

  • Když si něco opravdu přejete, měli byste být ochotni podstoupit rizika a potenciální odměny často převyšují vnímaná nebezpečí.

  • Přijetí nezištnosti a zdůrazňování toho, že člověk může mít pozitivní vliv na životy ostatních i svůj vlastní, bez ohledu na svou finanční situaci

3.3 V čem je kniha dobrá?

Kniha působí autenticky a je vhodná pro praktické použití. Příběhy, které autor popisuje jsou prokládané praktickými doporučeními.

3.4 Jaký nedostatek kniha má?

I když je kniha zaměřená pro obecné publikum, dotýká se tématu u kterého je vhodné mít reference, ze který lze dále čerpat. Dále by bylo dobrém mít souhrn na konci kapitol, kde je přehled doporučených kroků.

<![CDATA[How to approach coaching hours?]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/how-to-approach-coaching-hours64d914eb3f55404937355182Sun, 13 Aug 2023 18:10:58 GMTMiroslav Czadek

If you want to obtain the ICF professional coach certification (ACC, PCC, MCC), besides mentoring, completed training, meeting ethical criteria, or passing the knowledge test in the field of competencies and ethics, you need to acquire a certain number of actual coaching hours. During my practice, I meet many potential coaches who do not know how to obtain and record hours or how to proceed. Let's look at some tips.

Coaching Hours

What we understand by a coaching hour:

An hour of client coaching is 60 minutes of actual coaching with a client who has hired the applicant as a coach and not for any other activity. (Mentoring, consulting, or coach supervision is not a client coaching hour.)

Client coaching sessions shorter than 60 minutes are counted as partial client coaching hours (e.g., 30 minutes of client coaching will count as 0.5 client coaching hours). Coaching must be done in person, by phone, or other voice technology.

Types of coaching hours:

1. Paid hours:

  • These are coaching hours for which the coach receives payment from the client (payment can be of any amount, it can also be an exchange of goods or services, including coaching in exchange for coaching).

  • Internal coaching or third-party coaching, whose definitions I provide below, can also be included.

2. Pro bono hours:

  • This refers to volunteer coaching/donation.

Types of coaching hours:

1. Individual clients

For each individual client, you must provide:

  • Client's name and email address or phone number.

  • Start and end date of the coaching relationship.

  • Number of paid and pro bono hours you provided to the client.

2. Peer to Peer coaching

  • Peer to Peer coaching is an exchange of coaching between two individuals.

  • Peer to Peer coaching (outside of the training program) can be recorded as paid or exchanged coaching.

  • Peer to Peer coaching (inside Reciprocal Peer coaching) can be recorded as paid hours.

3. Group coaching sessions

To qualify as a group coach, one must create an agenda and be interactive (synchronous interaction between the coach and participants). Individual client coaching hours and group coaching time documentation should be done separately in client coaching.

For group training sessions, document the following in the training protocol:

  • Name and email address of one individual in the group (you don't need to provide names of other people in the group or the group name).

  • Start and end date of the coaching relationship.

  • Number of paid and pro bono hours you coached the group.

  • Number of people in the group (only groups of 15 or less count).

Note: You cannot multiply the times of participants in the group. If you coach 15 people for one hour, you can only count one coaching hour, not 15 hours.

4. Third-party coaching

Third-party coaching is coaching where the coach receives payment from an organization specifically for coaching the client. Payment can be any amount or exchange of goods or services.

Third-party clients should be registered the same as other individual clients or group clients unless there are organizational confidentiality policies that prevent you from providing client information. If there's a confidentiality policy, you should provide a reference letter from a contact person in the organization familiar with your work. The reference letter should be signed on the company's letterhead and must contain:

  • Your name.

  • Name and contact details of the contact person.

  • Description of the contact person's role in the organization.

  • Description of your role in the organization.

  • Confirmation of the organization's confidentiality policy.

  • Confirmation of the number of hours trained, the number of coached clients, and the duration of coaching.

For confidential third-party clients to be included in the reference letter, you don't need to include these clients in the client coaching protocol.

5. Internal coaching

Internal coaching is coaching done within the applicant's employment.

Coaching direct subordinates (employees for whom the coach is the direct supervisor) is not counted as client coaching time

Internal clients should be registered the same as other individual or group clients unless there are organizational confidentiality policies that prevent you from providing client information.

If there's no confidentiality policy that prevents you from providing client information, the following client coaching protocol information should be provided:

  • Client's name and email address or phone number.

  • Start and end date of the coaching relationship.

  • Number of paid and pro bono hours you coached the client.

If there is a confidentiality policy, you should receive a reference letter from a contact person in the organization familiar with your work. The reference letter should be signed on the company's letterhead and must contain:

  • Your name.

  • Name and contact details of the contact person.

  • Description of the contact person's role in the organization.

  • Description of your role in the organization.

  • Confirmation of the organization's confidentiality policy.

  • Confirmation of the number of hours trained, the number of coached clients, and the duration of coaching.

For confidential internal clients to be included in the reference letter, you don't need to include these clients in the client coaching protocol.


The ICF company recommends that you use the ICF Client Coaching Log (.xls) for tracking and documenting a coach's coaching experiences. Using this form streamlines and makes the accreditation process more efficient.


Providing Client Information

In accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics, you must obtain consent from each client to include their information in the client coaching log. The consent can be verbal and doesn't need to be provided to the ICF. Individuals who do not agree to have their names listed must be omitted from the log, except for internal or third parties coaching with organizations that have a confidentiality policy. In these cases, the confidential names of clients can be listed as aliases, provided you submit a reference letter from the organization.

How ICF Uses Client Information

Information from the client coaching log can only be viewed by ICF staff. Client information is never shared or sold to another person or used for any other purpose other than to verify the coach's application during the certification approval. Clients listed in the client coaching log may be contacted by ICF representatives to verify the information provided in your log. If clients are contacted, they are not questioned about coaching-related topics.

<![CDATA[Struggling with the return from vacation to work? Here are 7 ways to better reconcile with reality]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/struggling-with-the-return-from-vacation-to-work-here-are-7-ways-to-better-reconcile-with-reality64d67ea394af39d3ded3566eFri, 11 Aug 2023 18:49:55 GMTMiroslav CzadekDo you ever feel after coming back from vacation that you'd like to immediately go back? Almost everyone has felt this at some point in their lives. Returning to the reality of day-to-day work can be quite overwhelming. But, there are ways to ease this transition.

The vacation was amazing but I'm back! How will I endure here? Remember that feeling of relaxation, focus, happiness, and fulfillment; perceiving the world with a positive outlook and looking forward to the day; you might react a bit slower, but still in control; achieving the results you truly desire. That feeling, "this is great and I'd want to stay here as long as possible."

What can we do about this?

There's a way to revisit your vacation mindset, using #mindfulness techniques, so you can relive it and connect with your true self, focusing on the outcomes that serve your inner self more.

Imagine what would change in your life if you woke up every morning with the same energy, focus, and satisfaction as on vacation? Would you be more pleasant and a bit more patient? Would you be more considerate when talking to a colleague? How could your vacation mindset influence the present?

It's a quite interesting concept and every time I return home from vacation, I try to hold onto that feeling as long as possible.

But what I've realized is that I can return to that feeling anytime, even in the middle of a workday.

Using simple #mindfulness techniques like the following, you can change how you feel and respond to daily life (#the_butterfly_effect):

  1. If you're in a meeting, take a breath before responding to what someone says.

  2. On your way to lunch, take some "me time" before continuing your workday.

  3. Plan your daily schedule so you have time at the start and end of your day to think about how you want the day to go, and review what went well and what should change at the end of each day.

  4. Prioritize your tasks based on the impact they'll make; don't waste your day.

  5. Use breaks, not just for a coffee pause but as a real detachment from what you're doing or who you're dealing with.

  6. Put away your mobile phone for a while and check it less frequently.

  7. Play calming music to soothe your nerves and improve concentration.

and an additional technique:

  • Try to watch as little TV as possible, read less tabloid and biased news so you're not tempted to read news that's truly irrelevant to your life. Don't be manipulated, even though it's more comfortable for most of us. I recall when a friend of mine visited Belgrade (his birthplace) for a work meeting. He was excited about the morning meeting after staying at a hotel the night before. At breakfast, he opened the local newspaper, which was full of anger and politics. His mood shifted so much that he had a hard time staying focused and balanced during the meeting.

These #mindfulness tips might seem simple, but they're not that easy. Try them out this week and see how you manage to implement them.

Find out if you can momentarily access your true "self." Research suggests that if you can implement these techniques, they can not only make you feel happier but also improve your physical health.

It's worth a try! #projecoach

<![CDATA[Do you have clarity in your personal mission? ... find your why..]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/do-you-have-clarity-in-your-personal-mission-find-your-why64ce14236eefbd9a69b3ff90Sat, 05 Aug 2023 09:50:55 GMTMiroslav Czadek(updated: 5-Aug-23)

I believe that the vast majority of people don't understand their mission at all, and with the increasing demands for speed, virtuality, change, complexity, and often ambiguity, most individuals become somewhat lost. Yet, in everyone's life, there come situations when they are uncertain about how to behave, what their values are, or which direction to take.

If you want to delve deeper into your personal mission, I recommend the author Stephen R. Covey and his book "First Things First," which he co-authored. In this book, you will find guidance on how to prepare such a personal mission, or you can try using a "build and mission statement" approach. However, if this path doesn't suit you (because books may not cover everything and not everything will immediately click), I suggest contacting a professional ICF coach.

Your personal mission will remind you of what is important and valuable to you, guiding you in your decisions. It will help you create your own future instead of leaving it to be determined by other people, society, or life circumstances.

Some examples of personal missions

Denise Morrison, CEO Campbell Soup Company

In an Morrison said, “The personal mission statement was important for me because I believe that you can’t lead others unless you have a strong sense of who you are and what you stand for. For me, living a balanced life means nurturing the academic, physical, and spiritual aspects of my life so I can maintain a sense of well-being and self-esteem.”

Oprah Winfrey, Founder of own, The Oprah Winfrey Network

In an issue of O magazine, Winfrey recalls watching her grandmother churn butter and wash clothes in a cast-iron pot in the yard.

A small voice inside of her told her that her life would be more than hanging clothes on a line. She eventually realized she wanted to be a teacher, but “I never imagined it would be on TV,” she writes.

Sir Richard Branson, founder The Virgin Group

Branson shared his personal mission statement in an interview with Motivated magazine. He added that “In business, know how to be a good leader and always try to bring out the best in people. It’s very simple: listen to them, trust in them, believe in them, respect them, and let them have a go!”

What do we understand by a personal mission?

A personal mission declares the actions you will take in your life. The mission can be both specific and broader in scope. An effective mission is one that is concise and uses language that expresses your deepest values in action. (see examples of personal missions)

There are different ways to process a mission, either for an individual or a company. Once it is formulated, you can verify it, for example, by comparing it with whether such a mission activates your vision or aligns with your deepest values. A certified ICF coach typically knows the procedures to create and validate such a mission with you.

One of the methods to define such a personal mission, according to Erickson Coaching International, is to briefly and honestly answer the following fundamental questions:

  1. Who? Define who you are in your mission.

  2. What? What do you focus on?

  3. How? What do you need to fulfill your mission?

  4. For whom? For whom is the mission intended?

  5. Where? Environmental and ecological information related to the mission.

  6. Why? Who benefits from the personal mission..

Why is it beneficial to have clarity in your personal mission?

This topic was brought to my attention by the book "Presence" by Amy Cuddy, in which she interconnects interesting aspects of psychology and sociology related to self-assurance, which is essentially synonymous with a personal mission. Amy states that it's not enough to just recognize the values, qualities, and strengths that represent your best authentic self. You must affirm and trust your answers.

External situations that threaten our sense of self often lead to the feeling of societal rejection and disagreement (e.g., not being accepted into a university, losing a job, the end of a romantic relationship, making a mistake in front of others, confiding in someone who reacts critically). Our response to such threats is like an internal alarm that prompts us to reaffirm our identity. It's about reminding ourselves of what truly matters most and who we really are. Essentially, it is a method of self-assurance or setting a personal mission, which has been studied through hundreds of studies, many involving simple experiments. What was the experiment about?

Self-assurance in values

People go through a list of common core values (family, friends, health and physical fitness, creativity, hard work, professional achievements, religion, kindness, service to others, etc.). They choose one or two values that are most important to their identity - closest to their essence. Then, they write a short reflection on why these values are important to them and when the significance of these values was affirmed in their lives.

The Social Stress Test or How Self-assurance/Personal Mission Works?

The Social Stress Test was designed to expose participants to a high degree of stress and to allow psychologists to study their reaction to a challenging situation in the realms of sociology and psychology.

How the Social Stress Test was conducted

Participants in the test were tasked with delivering an impromptu speech in front of a group of evaluators. Before delivering the unprepared speech, the researchers randomly assigned participants to one of two tasks:

  • Write a brief reflection on one of their core personal values, or

  • Write about a value that is not part of their self-definition.

The evaluators were instructed to appear stern and unapproachable. After giving their speech, participants had one more task: for five minutes, they had to count aloud backward from the number 2083 in thirteens while the evaluators repeatedly shouted at them: “Go faster!“

After the speech and the unpleasant task of counting backward, the emotional state of the subjects was measured.

  • They measured the cortisol levels in saliva - a stress hormone that is released mainly in situations related to social criticism. Many studies have shown that the social stress test increases cortisol levels. Importantly, people who wrote about their important personal values just before this test exhibited significantly lower levels (almost unrecordable cortisol concentration) of this hormone compared to members of the second group.

  • A similar test took place several years later under conditions of real stress, during midterm exams. However, instead of cortisol, they measured the level of adrenaline, which indicates stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (related to the fight-or-flight response). Among students who engaged in self-assurance in values a few weeks before the exams, no changes in adrenaline levels were observed. In contrast, in the weeks leading up to the exams, the concentration of adrenaline significantly increased in the other students.

Interestingly, the participants reassured themselves about their core personal values, not about the values or abilities related to the challenging task they had to deal with.

In conclusion

It seems that we need to remind ourselves of some important aspects of our best selves, which are part of our personal mission. Once we know who we are, we will strengthen our sense of purpose in life, and in addition, boost our self-confidence and improve our performance. By the way, what experiences have you had with creating a personal mission for yourself?


<![CDATA[4. inspiration - 3 books about coaching and for coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/4-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-for-coaches64c8188a203b07978b2dc819Mon, 31 Jul 2023 20:50:22 GMTMiroslav Czadek

1. Book: Mindfulness, Be Mindful, Live in the Moment by Gill Hasson

Gill Hasson is a career coach who trains, writes, and coaches. As a freelance lecturer, she focuses on adult education, teaching a variety of courses in personal development, assertiveness, communication skills, and enhancing mental resilience.

As a career coach, she draws from her experiences working with students at the University of Sussex, providing guidance to help them reach their potential and find the ideal job for them.

In addition to writing books - more than 16 on topics such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, and assertiveness - she also writes articles on personal development and self-improvement. Her work is most frequently published in magazines such as Psychologies and Natural Health.

To the Book:

Do you often experience emotions like guilt, jealousy, or anger - but when you're going through them, you don't realize it? Do you frequently struggle with a lack of motivation and strong willpower? Do you often feel tension? Do thoughts and judgments about people and events usually run through your mind non-stop?

If you answered YES to these questions, then this book is ideal for you. However, the same applies even if you answered negatively because you will learn new information and techniques you haven't known before. From a coaching perspective, I can add that coaches deal with the vast majority of these topics with their clients, and this book will undoubtedly expand their horizons and possibilities for application.

The book describes valuable information for practicing Mindfulness in several chapters. The first part explains mindfulness and how to cultivate it. The second part describes interesting techniques for practical use.

Part One: Understanding Mindfulness

1. Why be Mindful?

2. Moving Towards Mindful Thinking

3. Mindful Thinking and Feeling

4. Mindful Doing

Part Two: Putting It into Practice

5. Managing Painful Emotions: Anger, Worry and Anxiety, Guilt

6. Mindfulness for Self-Esteem: Confidence, Self-Esteem and Loneliness

7. Mindful Motivation: Goals and Willpower

8. Mindfulness with Others: Listening, Managing Criticism, Forgiving, Persuading and Motivating

9. Mindfulness at Work: Interviews, Meetings and Presentations

In what is the book good?

Individual exercises and chapters can be adjusted for your needs in coaching with a client. I would say that if you master the techniques mentioned in this book as a client, you don't need coaching. For example, in the chapter describing mindfulness towards one's own emotions, it says:

Next time you experience any emotion – for example, anger, joy, guilt, or pride – try to become aware of all its components. You can start by becoming aware of any physical signs or sensations: where exactly does that feeling come from? Increased heart rate, warmth, sweating, muscle tension, butterflies in the stomach, trembling; these changes intensify the emotion. With a bit of practice, you can learn to become aware of these signals.

This is, after all, a key aspect of coaching (used by coaches with extensive experience), employed in somatic coaching, NLP, and even hypnosis.

Personally, I have adapted most of the exercises and apply them both for personal use and in coaching.Osobně jsem si většinu cvičení upravil a aplikuji jak pro osobní potřebu tak při koučinku.

Where does the book have shortcomings?

The most significant issue I perceive is the translation of some passages in Czech version. For example, "Splývání mysli"… well, I don't know why not use the established term "FLOW"... etc.

If you prefer the English version, read: MINDFULNESS, BE MINDFUL. LIVE IN THE MOMENT. Gill Hasson

Do you utilize Mindfulness techniques in your coaching practice?

2. Book: Stop Saying Youre Fine od Mel Robbins

Mel is an American author of books and a motivational speaker, appearing in various shows and events such as TEDx. She gained popularity through her work with CNN. Prior to CNN, she worked as a lawyer, legal analyst, and holds a doctorate in law. In 2011, she published the book: Stop Saying You're Fine: Discover a More Powerful You. At TEDx 2011 , she captured attention with the "five-second rule," which she later elaborated on in her second book released in 2017: "The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage."

Personally, I have read the English version of the book "Stop Saying You're Fine," which I purchased on iBooks.

About the Book:

The book is divided into three main parts that will guide you through the topic.

Part 1: Why you're not getting what you want?

Part 2: The method to become powerful and get what you want.

Part 3: Finding the energy to sustain what you want.

Some interesting insights:

Every new action you take and every positive step you make towards change will provide you with inspiration and energy to take the next step. Each positive action creates momentum for further action. When you start building momentum, you create a machine with continuous movement, giving you enough energy to face the next challenge!

Thanks to modern life, you feel stuck - standing still in life

For example, decisions that were once powerful symbols of your success, you now perceive as moments where you became victims of those decisions. Instead of seeing what your new job brought you, you start thinking about all the other job opportunities you gave up with that decision. These internal and external forces strengthen and maintain the feeling of being stuck. Uncertainty caused by the economic climate, combined with the trap of daily routine and the sense of victimhood due to unrealized dreams, all create the magical illusion that you lack control over your life.

Feeling stuck is different from a crisis! When facing a crisis, your life collapses all around you. A crisis occurs when you find an email from your husband's secret lover or from your boss saying you're fired, or when the doctor says, "I'm sorry, it's malignant." That's a crisis, and what you feel is not being stuck. You feel panic!

When you're in a crisis, your life changes whether you like it or not. Your main task is how to cope with that change. But when you're stuck, the main task is to decide whether you will change at all. The task is to find the ability to face immense resistance and create a small change in your life and build on it.

Contrary to what you believe, you can't predict very well what will happen. Hundreds of research experiments have shown that your brain constantly overestimates how "something" will make you feel bad or wrong. Therefore, when something goes wrong, you'll never feel as bad as you expect.

There are five mental barriers that you cannot avoid when trying to achieve what you want:

  • Feeling of rejection

  • Feeling of being overwhelmed

  • Feeling of demotivation

  • Feeling like an imposter

  • Feeling of repulsion

In the book, the method of dealing with these emotions properly is elaborated.

Finally, the book offers 8 rules in the appendix that will help you with the transformation.

What the book is good for:

  • It contains practical exercises and ideas.

  • It addresses timeless questions that almost everyone encounters in this complicated time.

What are the shortcomings of the book?

  • It is probably too extensive with many examples written for an American audience, not for someone who already knows a lot of information.

3. Book: Studying The Inner Game of Work, T.Gallwey

T. Gallwey was the captain of the Harvard University tennis team in 1960. In the 1970s, he learned meditation techniques from Guru Prem Rawat of the Divine Light Mission organization. According to his words, this helped him improve his ability to concentrate in such a way that it also enhanced his game. In an article in The New York Times in 1973, he described his discovery of Prem Rawat and his decision to live in an ashram and embrace celibacy. In 1997, he dedicated his book 'The Inner Game of Tennis' to Prem Rawat.

The Inner Game is based on principles where an individual uses nonjudgmental observations of key moments in order to achieve the most accurate perception. When the observations are precise, the observer's body naturally adjusts to deliver the best performance.

Book Contents:

1 The Better Path to Change

2 Inner Game Meets Corporate America

3 Focus of Attention

4 Exercise of Focus

5 Redefining Work

6 From Conformity to Mobility

8 Thinking like a CEO

9 Coaching

10 Inherent Ambition

Check out this fascinating video:

Inner Golf with Tim Gallwey, how to quiet Self 1 before your next round!

Or an interesting interview for Coaching Association - Tim Gallwey

Several interesting observations were presented at the ICW2019 webinar together with Jarmila Doubkova, ACC (http://www.uspesnykoucink.cz/)

The book and techniques of the Inner Game are essential tools for a modern coach. Right from the beginning, it becomes evident why that is the case. T. Gallwey describes two observations that formed the basis for the concept of the Inner Game:

  1. The first one is that almost everyone who came to him for a lesson struggled heavily to fix some aspect of their game that they disliked.

  2. The second observation is that positive change occurred relatively effortlessly when they stopped trying so hard and trusted their ability to learn from their own experiences.

I recommend the book and the ideas within it to all coaches. #projecoach

<![CDATA[3. Inspiration - 3 Books about Coaching and for Coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/3rd-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-for-coaches64c6c15990f66477d2fbf0adSun, 30 Jul 2023 20:32:52 GMTMiroslav Czadek

#projecoach #flow #BrainAtWork #presence

1. Book: Flow - About Happiness and the Meaning of Life

The book Flow, in my opinion, belongs in the fundamental library of every serious coach. I read the English version from 1990 published by HarperCollins Publishers (https://www.amazon.com/Flow-Psychology-Experience-Perennial-Classics/dp/0061339202 ), and its Czech translation is available here: https://obchod.portal.cz/psychologie/flow/ . The book can also be obtained in an electronic version.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi introduced the term "flow" as an expression of a particular mental state in which a person is deeply immersed in an activity, to the point where nothing else seems important. It is a moment when the body or mind rises to the challenge of achieving something difficult and worthwhile, pushing the boundaries of its capabilities.

For more details, see: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow)

Interesting TED presentation: https://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_on_flow .

From the content of the book:

  1. Returning to the theme of happiness

  2. Anatomy of consciousness

  3. Joy and the quality of life

  4. How the state of FLOW emerges

  5. The body and the state of FLOW

  6. Thinking and the state of FLOW

  7. Work and the state of FLOW

  8. Enjoyment of solitude and of company

  9. How to transcend chaos

  10. How to give meaning to one's life

Some passages are particularly interesting, where the state of Flow can emerge – It describes a wide range of areas, for example, in art, martial arts, or even during sex. The book is also suitable for managers who want to motivate their subordinates. It covers a variety of topics that coaches can use and connect.

2. Book: Presence: Unlock your inner confidence to embrace life's biggest challenges

The book written by Amy Cuddy is, in my opinion, an approachable presentation of scientific work to a wider audience. The book has 336 pages and needs to be read with certain expectations. More about Amy Cuddy, please see TED.

Note: Personally, I use some techniques both in trainings and in my life, and I can confirm that they work.

The book in Czech version: https://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/217871/tady-a-ted/

Some interesting points:

Chapter 1:

  • To be fully focused, various elements of your self must be in alignment: emotions, thoughts, bodily and facial expressions. If we don't act in line with our values, we don't feel authentic.

  • The body communicates what words cannot express; the body never lies.

Chapter 2:

  • Amy says that it's not enough just to recognize the values, qualities, and strengths that represent your best authentic self. You must affirm and trust your own responses.

  • The test on social stress and the discussion about hormone levels in relation to self-assurance are also intriguing.

Chapter 3:

  • Trust is the pillar on which influence stands, and we gain trust only when we are authentic.

Chapter 4:

  • The imposter syndrome: similar feelings are common among very capable and high-achieving people.

  • Who fears failure the most? People who have achieved something - who are definitely not imposters...

  • While we torture ourselves with ideas about what others think of us, we don't listen to them when they tell us what they really think...

  • It has been found that people suffering from the imposter syndrome are significantly represented among those who seriously considered changing their careers and also among those who actually changed them...

Chapter 5:

  • Social power is power over someone – the ability to control the state and behavior of others.

  • Personal power is the ability to do something – the ability to control one's own state and behavior...

  • The feeling of powerlessness weakens thinking and even forces one to focus on oneself...

Chapter 6:

  • It quite clearly describes the relationship between feelings and nonverbal expression, body language.

  • I remembered at the beginning it describes the traditional Maori dance HAKA, what it causes and how it originated. Well, at the same time, I was watching basketball and what do I see... HAKA performed by a basketball team... The opponents were really amazed..

Chapter 7:

  • Decisions create confidence.

  • Bodily experiences evoke emotions, not the other way around.

  • A person can pretend to have an emotion for so long until they actually experience it.

  • An interesting study on the application of Botox and its danger to genuine emotions.

Chapter 8:

  • Body posture is a source of personal power.

  • With increasing power, testosterone levels rise, and cortisol levels decrease. This hormonal profile is associated with high assertiveness and low anxiety, making it an ideal combination for enhancing persuasiveness and presence in challenging moments.

  • If people perceptually assimilate their virtual representation, they tend to adopt typical features of their avatar.

Chapter 9:

  • Recommendations on how to do it what body posture is okay and how to make it a habit.

Chapter 10:

  • The ability to slow down is a sign of strength. Slow speech, pauses, and occupying a certain space are related to power and personality strength, just as taking time in decision-making during tense moments.

  • We often look at what others are doing and deduce from that which behavior is correct – especially if we identify with those we observe. The more similar they are to us, the greater influence they have on our behavior.

  • New Year's resolutions are full of psychological traps that work against us

Chapter 11:

  • Don't pretend until you can handle it – pretend until it becomes true

3. Book: How Your Brain Works / Brain at Work

The book "Brain at Work" by Dr. David Rock, published in 2009, contains about 304 pages of fascinating reading suitable not only for coaches. I have read the English version, which I can recommend. The book in Czech can be found at:


By the way, Dr. David Rock is the founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute (https://neuroleadership.com/ ), which is one of the approaches used by coaches worldwide, based on neuroscience. You can enroll in courses like "Brain-Based Coaching."

The book takes you through the story of parents Emily and Paul and their adolescent children. The story itself stems from real-life problems that every entrepreneur or working parent faces. However, the focus is not solely on the story but on keeping the reader engaged in the context of much more important information that is essential. The book comprises 14 main chapters divided into 4 acts or themes:

  1. Problems and Decisions

  2. Staying Calm under Pressure

  3. Collaborating with Others

  4. Facilitating Change

In the individual chapters, you will learn, for example:

  • Why our brains feel overloaded and how to maximize our mental resources.

  • Why it is challenging to maintain focus and how to better manage distractions.

  • How to increase the chances of finding solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.

  • How to stay calm in any situation to make the best possible decisions.

  • How to collaborate more effectively with others.

  • Why giving feedback is so difficult and how to make it easier.

  • How to be more effective in changing the behavior of others.

  • And much more.

What caught my attention the most?

  1. How energetically demanding and complex processes occur in the brain. When it is ideal to tackle complex tasks, such as planning. I got an answer to why sometimes planning is difficult for me and how to change that.

  2. If we think our brain can handle resolving 7 tasks at once, it is one of the biggest misconceptions (optimal is around 4). The brain can handle much less. For making decisions between options, having 2 alternatives is effective (and those can also create nice problems).

  3. We can consciously focus on only one task at a specific time. The belief in multitasking is a misconception, which costs us energy, precision, and reduces performance.

  4. Attention can be easily lost. The most common distraction is our own thoughts and the engagement of the default brain network.

  5. Peak performance requires a certain level of stress – but it's not about minimal stress. To achieve high performance, one can practice rituals.

  6. It is easy to get stuck when solving a particular problem, and it is quite challenging to master techniques that help be constructive.

  7. The brain prefers staying in its comfort zone, minimizing danger, and maximizing reward. It's also a way to catch it and get the most out of it.

  8. SCARF and its significance in forming Psychological Safety. This is the most crucial information I acquired and immediately incorporated into practice.

  9. How the brain works and distinguishes friend vs. foe and its impact on team collaboration.

  10. How crucial fair treatment is for the brain and its direct impact on perceiving threats.

  11. The role of motivation and feedback. The current failure of management lies in using "carrot and stick" motivation, which does not work in current structures.

  12. Avoid giving advice! Instead of providing advice, it's better to ask the right questions.

  13. Despite being demanding, the brain is constantly changing. Instead of various exercises, it is appropriate to initiate and direct change through attentional focus.

#coachingquiz #projecoach

<![CDATA[2. inspiration - 3 books about coaching and for coaches ]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/2-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-for-coaches649436fc90255dd7f1e8076fThu, 22 Jun 2023 14:52:52 GMTMiroslav Czadek

— Nelson Mandela

I. Book: Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing

The book "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying" by author Bronnie Ware (*1967), in its original version : “THE TOP FIVE REGRETS of the DYING, A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing




Bronie Ware worked in the banking sector for approximately ten years. However, the job did not satisfy her, so she sought another occupation where she could express her creativity. She started writing songs, accompanying herself on the guitar, and performing. Around the same time, she also began serving as a companion to an elderly lady – this experience directed her towards caring for other elderly, sick, and dying individuals. She wrote an article about the experiences accompanying this care in her blog. Its high readership from people all over the world led her to write a book in 2011.

After switching careers from banking to palliative care, Bronnie Ware discovered that almost every person she cared for in the three to twelve weeks before their death regretted at least one of the following five things:

  1. May I have the courage to live truly according to myself, not according to the expectations of others.

  2. May I not work so much.

  3. May I have the courage to express my feelings.

  4. May I maintain relationships with my friends.

  5. May I allow myself to be happier in life.

Isn't it a topic for coaching for clients already? #projecoach

2. Book: Man's Search for Meaning

The book „A přesto říci životu anoin its English versionMan’s Searching for Meaning“, written by Viktor E. Frankl is unique and, I would say, a fundamental work for coaches who want to understand the importance of having meaningful goals, without which it is impossible to survive in truly dire conditions.

Interesting video:

Unfortunately, as a laboratory, it served him several concentration camps where a person reaches rock bottom and asks oneself: What is the meaning of life? In fact, all the prisoners who lost the sense of life gradually died in the camps. However, if you find the meaning of life even in the worst conditions, then you will survive. Even in those horrendous circumstances, those who survived mostly asked themselves: What meaning do I want to give to my life?

He utilized his life experiences in the field of Logotherapy, of which he is the founder (Logos - meaning). While the Czech version of the book includes only a portion of his experiences from concentration camps, the recommended English edition contains additional sections discussing Logotherapy in a nutshell or the Transcript of the 1984 Case of Tragic Optimism.

The book is engaging and draws you into the story; some of the experiences are unbelievable. The section on Logotherapy in a nutshell describes several interesting techniques that can be highly effective in coaching, such as the technique of paradoxical intention, which I would compare to the polarity of experiences technique, and so on.. #projecoach

The book in Czech :


The book in English, I recommend :


3. Book: Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships

Book: Nonviolent Communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Portal, 2016; ISBN: 978-80-262-1079-5 There aren't that many authors who have turned my life upside down, but a few can be found. One of them is Marshall Rosenberg (*October 6, 1934 – †February 7, 2015). When I first read Rosenberg's book years ago, I realized a few things:

  1. Everything I was taught about communication was actually wrong. Various models about the source of communication, interference, reception. Or reactions to adverse events like denial, anger, depression, acceptance, etc. It was all a waste of time.

  2. Rosenberg uses simple and immediately functional solutions that capture the essence of human communication to the last point.

  3. I realized that my vocabulary for expressing feelings was very limited, so I immediately started working on it.

  4. It works great in project teams. I decided to practice it and spread it further (unfortunately, becoming an official NVC trainer takes several years. Fortunately, it is a method that doesn't require any license).

  5. I realized that even if I master the NVC technique, the trick of NVC lies in something completely different. It is necessary to know how to work on oneself (and without meditation and mindfulness, it's not possible ). To master NVC, the following is necessary:

  • You need to realize what you are truly experiencing right now and what you would need to make your life richer and more fulfilling.

  • You are trying to empathize with others and estimate what they are currently going through and what they would need to make their lives richer and more satisfying.

Coaches are offered countless possibilities for application in all areas of life. I myself have been surprised several times by how effective and fast this method is and how positively clients respond to it. Rosenberg has written a number of books on this topic, and his students continue to develop this method. You can find a lot of information, for example, at:


I would also recommend opting for English versions of books (be careful, you might encounter difficulties when coaching with the language, as you may come across an English word for which you won't find a Czech equivalent. In case you study in the English version, it is necessary to supplement with Czech equivalents) #projecoach

Among other interesting books that build upon NVC and can be connected to coaching, I recommend...:

  • Nonviolent communication: a language of life / by Marshall B.: ISBN: 1-892005-03-4; I recommend it as a basic introduction to NVC

  • The Surprising Purpose of Anger, Beyond Anger Management: Finding the Gift / by Marshall B.:ISBN 10: 1-892005-15-8; On several pages, the work with anger is described, including how to identify and pacify it

  • Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook: A Practical Guide for Individual, Group, or Classroom Study”; Lucy Leu: ISBN: 978-1-892005-29-8; An excellent book suitable for coaches, with exercises on how to create an NVC group and techniques to practice certain aspects of NVC. For example, expressing appreciation for another person, it includes individual tasks, information about the process, and how to implement it within a group.

  • A Helping Hand: Meditation with Nonviolent Communication, Liv Larson: ISBN 978-91-8748-910-5; This book describes how to be successful in NVC, not only through meditation techniques. The book is illustrative and includes anchoring and reframing tricks, etc. Highly recommended.

For those who are interested in video recording:

The book is in Czech:


<![CDATA[Don't Angry, Be Happy !]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/don-t-angry-be-happy-164918b56a80cf677e8183e0dTue, 20 Jun 2023 12:29:39 GMTMiroslav CzadekNot only in project teams, but also in everyday life, you may find yourself in a situation where you feel frustration, anger, outrage, or even hatred towards a coworker or acquaintance. There are various ways to deal with anger, and if you already know how to handle this emotional aspect, feel free to move on to another article.

My favorite author P. Ekman describes one of the main causes of anger (in adults) as being restricted from doing what they want.

If we feel that this restriction is intentional, not accidental or necessary, if we have the impression that the other person has specifically chosen to limit us, we will become even angrier.

Some causes of anger:

  • Frustration from anything, even inanimate objects, can escalate into anger. Frustration can be triggered within us by our own forgetfulness or inability to accomplish something.

  • For some people, anger mixes with disgust - they attack what repels them. Or they are disgusted with themselves for getting angry or not being able to control themselves.

  • If someone wants to harm us psychologically, for example, through insults or belittling our appearance or performance, we will likely also feel anger and fear.

  • Rejection by a loved one can evoke not only sadness but also anger.

  • One of the most dangerous qualities of anger is that it breeds more anger, and the cycle escalates quickly. Therefore, we can consider another person's anger as another cause of anger.

  • Disappointment with the actions of another person can also infuriate us. (Note: we are most capable of getting angry at those we love the most. However, it is precisely the closest people who can hurt us the most, disappoint us the most.)

  • We can get angry at someone (even a complete stranger) who defends, in our opinion, offensive behavior or thoughts. (Note: it is enough, for example, to read about someone whose actions or opinions strongly disagree with ours, and it can trigger anger within us)

Some types of anger intensity:

  • Short-term anger (irritation), especially when it comes to a short-lived matter. Anger is associated with a specific event (injustice) or a series of events.

  • Long-term anger. If someone treats you in a way you consider dishonest or unfair, you may hold onto your anger for a long time, sometimes even a lifetime. It doesn't mean you're constantly enraged, but whenever you think of or encounter the person involved, the anger resurfaces. Anger can also smolder within a person, constantly preoccupied with the perceived injustice, continuously thinking about it. This also increases the likelihood of seeking revenge.

  • Hatred is a persistent intense feeling of aversion directed towards a specific person and has a more general character. We're not constantly angry at the person, but when we meet or hear about them, feelings of anger easily awaken within us. We may also experience contempt or disgust towards the hated person. Hatred can smolder within a person and control their life, with thoughts of the hated person completely consuming them.

What anger causes us:

Expressing anger comes at a certain cost. Through angry behavior or words, we can harm a relationship temporarily or even permanently. Often, we evoke an equally angry response. Even without angry actions or words, our counterpart can sense our anger from the expression on our face or the tone of our voice. When the person then reacts with anger or contempt, it can be harder for us to remain composed, avoid an argument, or a fight. Angry individuals are not well-liked. According to research, angry children lose the attention of other children, and angry adults are perceived as socially unattractive. Additionally, the following physiological reactions occur:

  • Elevated blood pressure, pounding heart

  • Significantly higher blood pulse, throbbing in the temples

  • Feeling of stomach tightness

  • Dry mouth

  • Flushed/pale skin on the face

  • Headache

  • Muscle tension

  • Feeling of excitement, restlessness, increased aimless movement

  • Sensations of heat/cold

When the condition persists long-term, it can develop into certain chronic forms:

  • Ulcers, rashes, itching of the skin

  • Insomnia, severe fatigue, irritability, grumpiness, excessive tiredness

  • Heart diseases, arrhythmia, heart failure

  • Loss of appetite, weight loss

Try to identify the cause of your anger

Becoming aware of your anger and giving it attention has the advantage of allowing us to influence our reactions: suppress the anger, reassess the situation, and plan actions that will effectively eliminate the cause of anger. If we are unaware of our feelings, we simply act based on them, and we do nothing from the above. Without being conscious of our emotions, unable to pause and reflect on our future words and actions, we often end up saying or doing things that we later regret.

What actually made me angry?

An important part of insights derived from one's own anger should be the answer to the question: "What actually made me angry?" It may not be obvious at first glance. It may not even be what we think it is. Often, we think we know why someone got angry with us, but our version may not be identical to theirs. If we don't address the cause of their anger, it can lead to hostility and the gradual accumulation of troubles.

Anger tells us that a change is needed. If we want to implement that change as effectively as possible, we must know its precise cause.

  • Did someone thwart our plans, threaten us, hurt our self-esteem, reject us, or provoke us with their anger or ill treatment?

  • Are we perceiving the situation objectively, or are we influenced by our own irritated mood?

  • Can we do something to diminish or eliminate our resentment?

  • If we give vent to anger, will it remove its cause?

Some interesting responses to anger:

  • Redirecting anger: We have all experienced times when we have "vented our anger" on someone who hasn't actually done anything to us. This misdirected anger usually occurs when someone upsets us, but we can't express our anger towards them. So we redirect our anger towards a person who is "safe" to target.

  • Withdrawing: This is essentially "non-reactivity," a cold withdrawal from communication. When someone "withdraws," they stop responding to their partner's emotions. It is usually a way of responding to the anger or complaints of the other person. The individual retreats within themselves because they feel unable to deal with their own feelings and their partner's feelings.

Some techniques for anger management

  • Utilize techniques for managing anger: This is a demanding technique because its goal is not just to suppress anger, but to eliminate it. If our partner has hurt us with something they said or did, it would be better for us to acknowledge, instead of seeking revenge (to restore our wounded self-esteem), that they are under stress and therefore not fully responsible for their actions. It would be better to assume that they didn't act with malicious intent. By reevaluating our partner's intentions in this way, we can empathize with their difficult situation and forgive their outburst.

  • Utilize nonviolent communication (NVC) techniques: It is not useful to simply absorb or ignore the anger of the other person. Instead, we should communicate that we want them to stop their behavior because we don't like it.

  • Utilize hypnotherapy techniques and allow the subconscious to process the best response to anger..

  • Utilize mindfulness techniques

Try the Mindfulness "Metta" technique:

It seems that in many world philosophical and religious directions there is agreement on at least a few things. Most of these directions believe that empathy, compassion, and love are among the key basic principles of a reasonable way of life:

  • Empathy relates to our ability to understand and share the experiences of another person.

  • Compassion is about our desire to alleviate the suffering of another.

  • Love refers to a ubiquitous feeling of connection and ordinary humanity, based on the understanding that everyone (and everything) is interconnected

By combining these three concepts, the state of Metta arises (metta = loving friendship / kindness), in which the feeling of deep connection and compassion penetrates the mind as a way of being, in which we hope for happiness in ourselves and others.

A Bit of Science

Studies show that these techniques have a unique impact on parts of the brain associated with empathy, emotional perception, and sensitivity.

Research also suggests that you don't need years of practice to enhance your ability for empathy, emotional perception, and sensitivity. In fact, just a 10-minute practice of Metta meditation for a period of 2 weeks can increase the sense of social connection and positivity towards others.

Metta Meditation

This #mindfulness meditation activates and cultivates natural qualities of sensitivity, care, compassion, warmth, openness, and empathy. It is a wonderful daily practice - and also a beautiful balm you can apply when feeling lonely, disconnected from others, or being hard on yourself or the world.

Description of the technique:

1. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. It's important for the position to be comfortable so that you can relax all the parts of your body that are under tension.

2. Start by slowly directing and focusing your attention on your breathing. Take three deep breaths in and out. Then let your breath settle into its natural rhythm and allow it to breathe on its own.

3. Think of someone who is alive and with whom you have an excellent relationship. (It could be someone close to you, a family member, or even a public figure). During the meditation, visualize them (how they look, what they are doing) and then quietly say the following phrases to yourself, or say them in your own words:

  • May you be happy in peace, calm, and harmony.

  • May you be safe and healthy.

  • May you experience love.

4. Now, think of the person you have issues with, who annoys you, and quietly say the following phrases to yourself:

  • May you be happy in peace, calm, and harmony.

  • May you be safe and healthy.

  • May you experience love.

5. Finally, imagine yourself and then say these wishes to yourself:

  • May you be happy in peace, calm, and harmony.

  • May you be safe and healthy.

  • May you experience love.

6. Towards the end of this technique, focus briefly on your sensations to expand your awareness from the surroundings to the world around you. When you feel ready, open your eyes.

Exercise tips:

  • Try exercising daily for 10 to 20 minutes.

  • Once you become familiar with this meditation, you can shorten it to a 5-minute version.


I believe that almost everyone is capable of preventing themselves from doing or saying something in anger or rage. We all (or nearly all) can choose not to harm others, but also ourselves, through our behavior. If you try the technique, intentionally observe how you felt in the case of person 1 and person 2. Did anything feel worse or better? How does the technique help?


  • Paul Ekman UNMASKING THE FACE Learn to Recognize Facial Expressions and Other People's Emotions, Jan Melvil Publishing, s. r. o.2015,

  • Paula Watkins, Mediation – made simple, Quarto Publishing Group USA, 2016

<![CDATA[1. Inspiration - 3 books about coaching and for coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/1-inspiration-3-booksa-about-coaching-and-for-coaches648e06e53d8927aba3856385Sat, 17 Jun 2023 19:19:54 GMTMiroslav Czadek

—  Julian Tuwim polish poet 1894 - 1953

I. Book: Law and Ethics in Coaching: How to Solve -- and Avoid -- Difficult Problems in Your Practice

Arguably the best book in the field of Ethics, elaborated by legal experts, coaching specialists, and representatives of ICF. It will surely surprise many senior coaches with its content. #projecoach

From the content:

  1. The Profession of Coaching: Its Emergence and Intersection with Ethics and Law,-- Patrick Williams

  2. Foundations of Professional Ethics, -- Karen Colby Weiner

  3. Ethical Choice: An Outcome of Being, Becoming and Doing, -- Sharon K. Anderson, Heather T. Wagoner, and G. Kurt Moore

  4. Competence: Getting, Growing, and Measuring Coaching Ability, -- Margaret Krigbaum

  5. Developing and Maintaining Client Trust: Professional Focus, Clear Agreements, and Confidentiality, -- Dolly M. Garlo

  6. Multiple-Role Relationships in Coaching, -- Ofer Zur and Sharon K. AndersonEthical Use of Assessments in Coaching, -- Debra Robinson

  7. Legal Issues and Solutions for Coaches, -- William H. Lindberg and Andrew R. DesmondThe Intersection of Culture and Ethics, -- Marilyn O’Hearne and Charles Hamrick

  8. Coaching to Come, -- Patrick Williams, William H. Lindberg, and Sharon K. Anderson

  • Appendix A ICF Code of Ethics

  • Appendix B Professional Coaching Language for Greater Public Understanding, -- David Matthew Prior

II. Book:The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Principles of Personal Development That Will Change Your Life.

Those who haven't read and practiced the ideas presented in the book by world-renowned author Stephen R. Covey. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Covey ), as if he/she/it wasn't even there. #projecoach

A highly suitable book for everyone. I have discovered that it is also very popular in the field frequented by programmers, analysts, development team leaders, etc. I was personally surprised by how some start-up companies are guided by it. And what are these habits that it discusses?

From the content:

  1. Habit: Be proactive,

  2. Habit: Begin with the end in mind,

  3. Habit: Prioritize important things,

  4. Habit: Think win/win,

  5. Habit: Seek first to understand then to be understood,

  6. Habit: Create synergy,

  7. Habit: Sharpen the saw.

III. Book: Neuroscience for Coaches: How to Use the Latest Insights for the Benefit of Your Clients

One of the really good books that I highly recommend for reading. The topic of neuroscience for coaches was tackled by the young author Amy Brann, http://www.amybrann.com/. Amy initially devoted herself to medicine and then spent time educating business teams, while simultaneously coaching, which she applied based on neuroscience. #projecoach

By the way, I did not find any evidence of formal education in coaching or affiliation with any organization, so I believe she bases her approach on the science as she learned it at the university.

What makes the book exceptional?

  1. It is clearly structured

  2. It describes the current knowledge of the brain, compares current scientific work

  3. Each chapter is related to coaching - there is not a deep discussion, but lots of practical advice.

  4. The book is concise

What is the content?

  1. PART ONE Brain areas

  2. PART TWO Brain chemicals

  3. PART THREE Foundational brain concepts

  4. PART FOUR Brain networks

  5. PART FIVE The quantum brain

  6. PART SIX Neuroscience of classic coaching area

  7. PART SEVEN Neuroscience of not-so-classic coaching areas

For interest, what does the chapter structure look like?

For example: False memory:

  • What is it?

  • Why is it important for coaches?

  • What is the underpinning neuroscience?

  • What are any interesting studies in this area?

  • What can I do with a client this afternoon?

<![CDATA[1. Inspiration – 3 books about hypnosis and for hypnotist]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/1-inspiration-3-books-about-hypnosis-and-for-hypnotists-1648a24938058ecebc1c5300cWed, 14 Jun 2023 20:37:36 GMTMiroslav Czadek

1. Book: “Monsters & Magical Sticks: There's No Such Thing as Hypnosis?” from Steven Heller

To the book:

Great book! If you're advanced in NLP or just starting out as a hypnotherapist, I would say there is no better book. The book has a therapeutic focus and explains the interconnectedness of the inner and outer worlds. It is excellent in its application of anchors and their disruption. The title of the book is based on one chapter where the author recounts how he resolved his three-year-old son's nightmares.


  • Lightly into Hypnosis: There is no such thing as hypnosis. Hypnosis as communication, the Flat World.

  • Meta 4 - Change - Life: Metaphor within metaphor and other metaphors...

  • Everyday Hypnosis/Learning: Different perspectives on hypnosis.

  • Forget about it: Amnesia, fear of heights.

  • Systems of Belief: Hallucinations +/-, what beliefs are and how to utilize them in work.

  • Two Systems: How to recognize submodalities systems?

  • GIGO: 'Garbage in/Garbage out.'

  • Systems - So what?: How to work with systems.

  • Patterns: Different types of patterns and how to utilize them.

  • Left meets Right and Right meets Left: We have two hemispheres.

  • Reality... Really???: What is reality?

  • Unconscious versus Conscious: And also what the subconscious is...

  • Utilization: Magical words, induction, etc.

  • Anchoring: How to work with anchors.

  • Disrupting anchors: Explanation and practical examples.

  • Confessions of a Hypnotist: More or less a summary.

  • Ramblings: In short, what was it about."

Interesting insights

Certainly, the most intriguing aspect is the description of the systems we work with, how to identify them, and how to utilize them. It perfectly clarifies certain situations - for example, when a client tells you they can't imagine something and how to work with that. And the absolute highlight is working with anchors, their disruption, and their application in hypnotherapy.

What makes the book good

The book will push you forward. If you are familiar with certain techniques, they will surely come together for you here. The book is well-written, engaging, and practically oriented towards hypnotic therapeutic methods. It demonstrates how you can achieve a lot with very little. The book is not focused on stage hypnosis, and a mere hint of it would do it a disservice. It is a book that you will return to even if you know it by heart.

What the book lacks?

There aren't many pictures in the book, occasionally a diagram or two.

2. Book: “Harness the power of self-hypnosis and autosuggestion. You can achieve anything you desire” from Jan Becker

To the book:

The book that should not be missing from the library of almost every reader. It is written for complete beginners, and those who have some knowledge of technology will immediately recognize what a gem the book is. I have become fond of the techniques in the book, and they have become valuable material in my work and daily life. The techniques can be applied anywhere. Once you learn the techniques, you can continue working with them and customize them to your liking. The techniques can be easily incorporated into coaching sessions. Unfortunately, for coaches without a deeper understanding of the underlying principles, you may lose face in front of the client.


  • Self-hypnosis - what is it really? A fairy tale about multitasking, daytime trance, and why you are the creators of your reality.

  • The miracle of an ordinary day: How warm thoughts truly warm you up, how to hypnotize yourself within seconds, and what you have gained today.

  • Do you forget? Can you forget? Why do we remember much more than we think, but never what actually happened - and why it is so.

  • How your subconscious decides whether you will feel like a fearless superhero or a frightened mouse. And why it's worth taking control over it.

  • Why myths persist in the collective consciousness and how suggestion slips into the subconscious around the "consciousness" acting as a gatekeeper.

  • The art of switching off and letting yourself be engulfed: How to press the stop button on the merry-go-round of thoughts using your eyes, voice, and cheerful exercise and invite happiness into your life.

  • The fascinating world of suggestions: From a stowaway in your subconscious to a benevolent fairy fulfilling your wishes.

  • The matter of motivation: How emotions give wings to our subconscious and why the journey is not the destination.

  • The power of words: How to incorporate encouraging suggestions into your life, become the director of your own movie, and not give up on your goals when you already have them in sight.

  • Advanced self-hypnosis: How to deepen relaxation hypnotically, preserve suggestions, and permanently anchor pleasant feelings.

  • Energy replenishment through the Viking factor: How to learn self-confidence to achieve what you want.

  • Create a beautiful life for yourself: How to put your minor bad habits to rest and replace them with healthy, dynamic habits.

  • No stress, please: How to outsmart adrenaline and automatically transform tension into relaxation.

  • No fear of fear: How to reduce the boulder blocking your path and make your fear tremble in a tango.

  • I believe I will heal: How to awaken the self-healing powers and why the subconscious is often the best doctor.

  • It's all about fun: How to learn more effectively in the right wave, use a highlighter directly in your mind, and turn an exam into your performance.

  • No more procrastination: How to pre-induce a euphoric feeling of success, not get distracted, and always do things with pleasure.

  • Self-hypnosis in sports: Higher, faster, farther - how to achieve things you have always considered impossible.

  • For a better and more passionate relationship: How to revive your relationship using hypnotic tricks and fan the flames of new passion with an invisible feather.

  • The myth of uninterrupted sleep, the secret of evening yogurt, or how to simply sleep better.

Interesting insights

The book contains a wealth of techniques that are immediately available. Even if you don't follow some of the techniques exactly as instructed, you will still achieve results. However, I do not recommend using the techniques everywhere and without the client's consent – yes, the book is about self-hypnosis, but the trick is that it doesn't matter who the client is. Some techniques, like the window of possibilities, should be approached with a sense of humor and it's better to choose carefully the utensil on which you demonstrate something. Bending utensils belongs more to the realm of magic than demonstrating hypnosis.

What makes the book good

The book contains dozens of exercises, is practical, and can be easily mastered by a complete novice. However, its strength is also its problem. Any charlatan or manipulator can easily exploit it and offer things like the "third eye" or quantum touches, etc. nonsensical concepts. If such ideas are presented by an authority figure adorned with titles like MD., etc. (even if they don't actually possess them, and worse if they intentionally claim to have them), it can make a layperson feel like a superhero and create a client who is willing to pay indefinitely. Unfortunately, you will also encounter such individuals in your surroundings.

What the book lacks?

This book doesn't have many shortcomings. It is well-written, I would say, for the right readers. Some techniques may be found under a different name and slightly different description. If you already know them, don't worry about the translation or procedure, just follow where the author wants to take you and feel free to apply your own methods.

3. Book:Reality is Plastic. The Art of Impromptu Hypnosisfrom Anthony Jacquin

To the book

The author of the book focuses on readers who want to become hypnotists. At the same time, he explains that the book does not replace practical training with a coach. If you have already completed an sufficient number of hours with a trainer, the book is an excellent complement of information and a source of basic techniques that you can apply in various areas. Personally, I use the techniques in coaching and team work as well as in client sessions. However, the possibilities are endless - entertainment, therapy, perceptual changes, and so on. As long as you adhere to basic ethical principles and practices, these are safe techniques. If you are interested, it is possible to learn some of the techniques in hypnosis courses or during designated sessions.


  • What is Improvised Hypnosis? Although the author claims that this is not a book about stage hypnosis, the majority of techniques are described within its pages.

  • Hypnosis or no introduction needed. Here, the focus is mainly on the history of hypnosis. (How to become a hypnotist; How to proceed; What settings to use; What are the characteristic features of hypnosis; Hypnotic phenomena (Catalepsy, Amnesia...)

  • Settings (describing basic techniques that can be used in various variations) (Magnetic Fingers; Magnetic Hands; Stiff Arm)

  • Inductions (Induction practice; Hand and Eye Fixation; Magnetic Palms (an expanded technique from the previous chapter); Handshake or Hand Jerk; Jacquin's "Power Lift" technique (a very effective technique combining confusion and interrupting established patterns); Jacquin's Performance Induction (an advanced technique that requires a high level of confidence from the hypnotist); Instant Induction)

  • Deepeners - Intensification (Connections, associations; Loops, feedback; Chaining; "Bombs" - sometimes a single word or phrase is enough to deepen the state)

  • Guidance (focused on clear and effective communication that leads to results) (Super Suggestions (offer a beautiful suggestion for the subject to follow); Encouragement (a hint is enough to let the client know they are doing well); Procedural instructions; Control and progression (have a plan prepared based on the environment))

  • Application of improvised hypnosis (replacing long scripts with a few detailed ones) (Brief notes on therapy; Brief notes on Rossi-style therapy; It's gone (disappearance); Thief in the supermarket; Disguised; Full; Jumping into a scene with Denzel Washington; Truth and lie; Instant self-hypnosis)

  • Safety first (References and other surprises; Morality and ethics; Final thoughts)

  • Appendix: Suggestions for hypnotic scripts

Interesting insights

  • Some dissociation techniques, I consider them to be very practical.

  • I find the examples of "elevator speech" and advice on how to create them to be instructive.

  • A highly effective technique for eliciting the truth, which surprised me with its efficiency.

What makes the book good

  • It is an excellent description of techniques and procedures. The book includes a variety of photographs that help clarify the techniques.

  • In my opinion, the book is oriented towards stage hypnosis and techniques. Suggestions like the client seeing only their body without a head, etc., are nice stage tricks.

What the book lacks?

  • Although the author refers to ethics in hypnosis and provides guidance, I would argue that the majority of techniques give the opposite impression.

  • The book does not address therapeutic areas, it does not work with metaphor at all, and only marginally touches upon the Ericksonian approach.

<![CDATA[The Best of CONVERGE21 (1/3)]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/the-best-of-converge21-1-3-561a275b0a17dd90016e971caSun, 09 Oct 2022 18:31:35 GMTMiroslav Czadek

Today, I would like to share with you two interesting topics from CONVERGE21

1. Lecture: Coaching Abrasive Leaders - Dealing with Defensiveness

Speaker: Laura Crawshaw, Ph.D., BCC, The Boss Whispering Institute Founder & President

1.1 What was it about?

  • Abrasive leaders (AL) rub their coworkers the wrong way. These executives and professionals (including physicians and attorneys) who engage in interpersonally aggressive behavior (also known as workplace bullying) exact a high price in terms of both employee emotional distress and costs to the organization.

  • At the same time, employers feel helpless to intervene, especially when dealing with an abrasive leader whose technical expertise is of critical importance to the organization.

  • Executive coaches are perfectly positioned to offer a solution to workplace bullying through the specialty practice of coaching abrasive leaders.

1.2 Key observations and problems identified

1.2.1 Examples of Abrasive Behavior:
  • Shouting, Swearing, Storming out of meetings, Name-calling,

  • Ignoring/shunning, Intimidation: glaring, snorting, etc.,

  • Over-control, Sarcasm: stile humor, ...

1.2.2 What Abrasive leaders do?
  • Overreact

  • Over-control

  • Threats

  • Public humiliation

  • Condescension

1.2.3 What are Symptoms of Chronic Abrasion? Examples:
  • Continuing informal/formal complaints (“negative perceptions”) brought by employees

  • Attempts by individuals to transfer out of adepartment or avoid being transferred in

  • Increased attrition, sick leave

1.2.4 What are the Costs of Abrasive Behavior?

1.2.5 What are Assumptions and Research Findings in case of Abrasive Leaders:

1.2.6 So what AL do?

See a problem - > Diagnose incompetence (“stupid”, “lazy”) -> Attack perceived incompetence (Dominate through intimidating “threat displays”)

What Causes Abrasive (Defensive) Behavior?

  • Anxiety in response to perceived threat: They feel threatened

  • (TAD) THREAT => ANXIETY => DEFENSE (Fight / Flight response)

1.2.7 What AL are they afraid of? What is the threat for AL?
  • Being perceived to be: INCOMPETENT --> They are INSECURE

  • They defend against threats to their survival, whether in the wild or the workplace, with aggression.

1.2.8 Understanding Abrasive Behavior:
  • Abrasive behavior is defensive behavior.

  • You are now equipped to analyze abrasive behavior:

    • fight mode: what threat is he/she “fighting” (defending against)?

    • flight mode: what threat is he/she “fleeing” (defending against)?

1.2.9 Coaching focus:

1.2.10 Specialized Coaching for AL
  • Requires employer willingness to intervene (set limits & consequences for further unacceptable conduct)

  • Averages 8-10 sessions

  • Demonstrable change by 3rd session

  • 82% achieve acceptable level of conduct

  • New research shows that coaching clients retain insight and emotional management ability

1.2.11 The Coaching Process
  • Client invites Coworkers to be interviewed (Coach is engaged as co-researcher to research negative perceptions)

  • Anonymized, themed feedback provided to Client only

  • T-A-D Dynamic introduced to develop empathic accuracy (insight)

  • Insight-based management strategies collaboratively developed

  • 2nd round of coworker interviews (“pulse check”) to gauge progress/further work

  • Coaching concludes

1.2.12 Advantages of Intervention:

Everyone Wins

  • Employee suffering ends

  • Employees are heartened that formerly abrasive leader cared enough to work to change

  • Employees regard employer positively for intervening

  • Formerly abrasive leader is grateful for employer’s willingness to invest in him/her and offer “second chance” through coaching

  • Employer reduces potential for litigation, attrition, anti-management sentiment

  • Employer retains leader’s technical expertise

What if the abrasive leader can’t change and must be terminated?

  • Employee suffering ends

  • Employees regard employer positively for intervening

  • Employer reduces potential for litigation because they can demonstrate they intervened.

  • Employer has peace of mind of knowing that they did everything in their power to remedy the situation

1.3 Takeaways

  • There exists coaching model that incorporates action research and concepts derived from evolutionary psychology, emotional intelligence theory and the research of Laura A. Crawshaw, Ph.D.

  • Have insight into why bosses bully,

  • Know-how to distinguish an AL from other types

  • We have specific techniques to overcome characteristic client defensiveness, developed awareness.

  • These techniques could help abrasive leaders relinquish their destructive management styles in favor of interpersonally-productive strategies.

More information: Taming the Abrasive Manager : How to End Unnecessary Roughness in the Workplace (The Jossey-Bass Management Series) Hardcover – September 28, 2007

by Laura Crawshaw (Author)

2. Lecture: The Importance of Coaching in Employee Engagement and Performance Management

Speaker: Kevin Campbell, ACC, Lifted Leadership, LLC, People Scientist and Executive Coach

2.1 What was it about?

  • In lecture was explained what is employee engagement (EE) and performance management (PM). Why they are critical to business success.

  • We identified the ways most organizations structure EE and PM programs. The impact of coaching on the success of PM and EE was clarified.

  • Speaker presented practical tools for fostering coaching-based performance and engagement conversations.

2.2 Key observations and problems identified

2.2.1 What is Employee Engagement & Performance Management?
  • EE = Emotional Commitment + Discretionary Effort + Psychological Connection

  • PM = Clarify Expectations + Foster Growth + Measure and Review Results

2.2.2 Why Does EE Matter to Businesses? Why Should EE Matter to Coaches?

2.2.3 Why Does PM Matter to Businesses? Why Should PM Matter to Coaches?

2.2.4 Approaches
2.2.5 The problem with most employee engagement and performance management

The problem with most employee engagement and performance management programs is an overemphasis on measurement over improvement and development.

  • The solution is coaching

Forward Thinking Organizations are Closing the Measurement to Improvement Gap By:

  • Partnering with external coaches skilled in engagement and performance

  • Creating teams of internal performance and engagement coaches

  • Upskilling managers and leaders to take more of a coach-like approach with their teams

2.2.6 Engagement Coaching is as Easy as A-B-C and 1-2-3
  • Action Oriented = Think Big, Act Small + Foster Action Mindsets

  • Business Relevant

    • Begin With Business (Business Goal -> Engagement Focus Area -> Relevant Action)

  • Conversation Based

    • Foster Conversation

      • Focus Area: Recognition, L&D, Alignment

      • Conversation Starters: What team achievement do we have to celebrate?, What are some ways we can develop as team?, What is expected of us a team?

  • One Focus Area

  • Two Relevant Actions

  • 3x3 Communication

2.2.7 Making Performance Conversations Flow
  • Performance Reviews can be Anxiety Producing

  • Flow is the Antidote to Anxiety Fostering Flow Enables Performance

Fostering Flow

  • Flow Conditions: Clear and Unambiguous Goals, Clear Feedback, Balance Between Challenge and Skills,

  • Performance Objectives: Clarify Expectations, Measure and Review Results, Foster Growth

2.3 Takeaways

  • The problem with many employee engagement and performance management programs is an overemphasis on measurement over improvement and development.

    • The solution to this problem is coaching.

  • Forward-thinking organizations are bridging the measurement to improvement gap by:

    • Using external performance and engagement coaches

    • Creating internal performance and engagement coaches

    • Equipping leaders to take a coach-like approach toward their teams

  • You can enhance engagement and performance using two easy to understand guides:

    • Employee Engagement is as easy as A-B-C 1-2-3

    • Performance Conversations that F.L.O.W

<![CDATA[The Best of CONVERGE21 (1/3)]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/the-best-of-converge21-1-36342ec9a5c384788c1ec4a9cSun, 09 Oct 2022 18:31:02 GMTMiroslav Czadek

Dnes bych se s vámi rád podělil o dvě zajímavá témata z CONVERGE21

1. Přednáška: Koučování abrazivních lídrů – vypořádání se s defenzivou

Přednášející: Laura Crawshaw, Ph.D., BCC, Zakladatel a prezident The Boss Whispering Institute

1.1 O čem to bylo?

  • Abrazivní lídr (AL) působí na své spolupracovníky špatným způsobem. Tito manažeři a odborníci (včetně lékařů a právníků), kteří se zapojují do interpersonálně agresivního chování (také známého jako šikana na pracovišti), si vybírají vysokou cenu, pokud jde o emoční stres zaměstnanců a náklady pro organizaci.

  • Zaměstnavatelé se zároveň cítí bezmocní zasahovat, zvláště když jednají s abrazivním lídrem, jehož technické znalosti jsou pro organizaci kriticky důležité.

  • Exekutivní kouči jsou velmi dobře připraveni nabídnout řešení šikany na pracovišti prostřednictvím specializované praxe koučování abrazivních lídrů.

1.2 Klíčová zjištění a identifikované problémy

1.2.1 Příklady abrazivního chování:
  • Křik, nadávky, útočení na schůzích, nadávky,...

  • Ignorování/vyhýbání se, zastrašování: zírání, smrkání atd.,.,

  • Přehnaná kontrola, sarkasmus: stylový humor, ...

1.2.2 Co Abrazivní lídři dělají?
  • Přehánění

  • Přehnaná kontrola

  • Výhrůžky

  • Veřejné ponížení

  • Blahosklonnost

1.2.3 Jaké jsou příznaky chronické abraze? Příklady:
  • Pokračování v neformálních/formálních stížností („negativní vnímání“) podaných zaměstnanci

  • Snahy jednotlivců přemístit se z oddělení nebo se vyhnout přemístění

  • Zvýšený odchod zaměstnanců, nemocnost

1.2.4 Jaké jsou náklady způsobené abrazivním chováním?

1.2.5 Jaké jsou Předpoklady a Výsledky výzkumu v případě Abrazivních lídrů:
1.2.6 Co tedy AL dělá?

Vnímá problém - > Diagnostikujte neschopnost („hloupý“, „líný“) -> Zaútočí na vnímanou nekompetentnost (Dominujte prostřednictvím zastrašování „hrozba se zobrazuje“).

Co způsobuje abrazivní (obranné) chování?

  • Úzkost v reakci na vnímanou hrozbu: Cítí se ohroženi

  • (HÚO) HROZBA => ÚZKOST => OBRANA (reakce na boj / útěk)

1.2.7 Čeho se AL bojí? Jaká je hrozba pro AL?
  • Být vnímán jako: NEKOMPETENTNÍ --> JSOU NEJISTÍ

  • Brání se před ohrožením jejich přežitím, ať už ve volné přírodě nebo na pracovišti, agresí.

1.2.8 Pochopení abrazivního chování:
  • Abrazivní chování je obranné chování.

  • Nyní jste vybaveni k analýze abrazivního chování:

    • bojový režim: s jakou hrozbou „bojuje“ (proti které se brání)?

    • režim útěku: před jakou hrozbou „uniká“ (brání se)?

1.2.9 Zaměření koučování:

1.2.10 Specializované koučování pro AL
  • Vyžaduje ochotu zaměstnavatele zasáhnout (stanovit limity a důsledky pro další nepřijatelné chování)

  • Průměrně 8-10 sezení

  • Prokazatelná změna do 3 sezení

  • 82 % dosáhne přijatelné úrovně chování

  • Nový výzkum ukazuje, že koučovaní klienti si zachovávají vhled a schopnost zvládat emoce

1.2.11 Proces koučování
  • Klient pozve spolupracovníky k rozhovoru (kouč je zapojen jako spoluřešitel, aby zkoumal negativní vnímání)

  • Anonymizovaná, tematická zpětná vazba je poskytnuta pouze klientovi

  • Dynamika HÚO je zavedena pro rozvoj empatické přesnosti (vhled)

  • Spolupráce vyvinuté strategie je řízená na založených poznatcích

  • 2. kolo pohovorů se spolupracovníky („kontrola pulsu“) k posouzení pokroku/další práce

  • Koučování je ukončeno

1.2.12 Výhody intervence:

Všichni vyhrávají

  • Strádání zaměstnanců končí

  • Zaměstnanci jsou potěšeni, že se původně Abrasivní lídr dostatečně zaměřil na to, aby pracoval na změně

  • Zaměstnanci hodnotí zaměstnavatele pozitivně, že zasáhl

  • Dříve Abrasivní lídr je vděčný za ochotu zaměstnavatele investovat do něj a nabídnout „druhou šanci“ prostřednictvím koučování

  • Zaměstnavatel omezuje možnost soudních sporů, opotřebení a nálad proti vedení

  • Zaměstnavatel si ponechává technické znalosti vedoucího

Co když se abrazivní lídr nemůže změnit a jeho spolupráce musí být ukončena?

  • Strádání zaměstnanců končí

  • Zaměstnanci hodnotí zaměstnavatele kladně, že zasáhl

  • Zaměstnavatel snižuje možnost soudních sporů, protože může prokázat, že zasáhl.

  • Zaměstnavatel má klidné vědomí, že udělal vše, co bylo v jeho silách, aby situaci napravil

1.3 Takeaways

  • Existuje model koučování, který zahrnuje akční výzkum a koncepty odvozené z evoluční psychologie, teorie emoční inteligence a výzkum Laury A. Crawshaw, Ph.D.,

  • Má přehled o tom, proč šéfové šikanují,

  • Know-how jak odlišit AL od jiných typů

  • Máme specifické techniky, jak překonat charakteristickou defenzivu klienta a rozvoj uvědomění.

  • Tyto techniky by mohly pomoci abrazivním lídrům vzdát se svých destruktivních stylů řízení ve prospěch interpersonálně-produktivních strategií.

Další informace: Zkrocení abrasivního manažera: Jak skoncovat se zbytečnou hrubostí na pracovišti (Série Jossey-Bass Management Series) Vázaná – 28. září 2007

Laura Crawshaw (autor)

2. Přednáška: Význam koučování v angažovanosti zaměstnanců a řízení výkonnosti

Přednášející: Kevin Campbell, ACC, Lifted Leadership, LLC, People Scientist and Executive Coach

2.1 O čem to bylo?

  • V přednášce bylo vysvětleno, co je to zaměstnanecká angažovanost (EE) a řízení výkonnosti (PM). Proč jsou rozhodující pro obchodní úspěch.

  • Identifikovali jsme způsoby, jak většina organizací strukturuje programy EE a PM. Byl objasněn dopad koučování na úspěch PM a EE.

  • Přednášející představil praktické nástroje pro podporu konverzace a výkonu

2.2 Klíčová zjištění a identifikované problémy

2.2.1 Co je Engagement & Performance Management?
  • EE = Emocionální závazek + Diskreční úsilí + Psychologické spojení

  • PM= Vyjasnění očekávání + Podpora růstu + Měření a kontrola výsledků

2.2.2 Proč je EE pro podniky důležité? Proč by mělo být EE pro kouče důležité?

2.2.3 Proč je PM pro podniky důležité? Proč by mělo Koučům záležet na PM?

2.2.4 Přístupy
2.2.5 Problém většiny programů pro zapojení zaměstnanců a řízení výkonu

Problémem většiny programů pro zapojení zaměstnanců a řízení výkonu je v přílišném důrazu na měření zaměřené na zlepšování a rozvoj.

  • Řešením je koučink

Do budoucna uvažující organizace uzavírají mezeru mezi měřením a zlepšováním tím, že:

  • Spolupracují s externími kouči jež mají zkušenost v angažovanosti a výkonu

  • Vytváří týmy interních koučů pro výkon a zapojení

  • Zvyšování dovedností manažerů a vedoucích, aby ke svým týmům přistupovali více jako kouč

2.2.6 Zapojení Koučování je stejně snadné jako A-B-C a 1-2-3
  • Orientace na Akci = myslet ve velkém, jednat v malém + podporovat akční myšlení

  • Relevantní pro Byznys

    • Začněte s podnikáním (Obchodní cíl -> Oblast zaměření na zapojení -> Relevantní akce)

  • Na základě (C) konverzace

    • Podporujte konverzaci

      • Oblast zaměření: Rozpoznání, L&D, Zarovnání

      • Zahájení konverzace: Jaký týmový úspěch máme slavit?, Jaké jsou některé způsoby, jak se můžeme jako tým rozvíjet?, Co se od nás jako týmu očekává?

  • (1) Jedna oblast ostření

  • (2) Dvě relevantní akce

  • 3x3 Komunikace

2.2.7 Zajištění FLOW konverzací o výkonu
  • Hodnocení výkonu může být zdrojem úzkosti

  • Flow je lék na úzkost Podpora FLOW umožňuje výkon

Podpora FLOW

  • Podmínky FLOW: Jasné a jednoznačné cíle, jasná zpětná vazba, rovnováha mezi výzvou a dovednosti,

  • Výkonnostní cíle: vyjasnit očekávání, měřit a kontrolovat výsledky, podporovat růst

2.3 Takeaways

  • Problémem mnoha programů pro zapojení zaměstnanců a řízení výkonu je přílišný důraz na měření nad zlepšováním a rozvojem.

    • Řešením tohoto problému je koučování.

  • Organizace, které přemýšlejí o budoucnosti, přemosťují měření ke zlepšení mezery o:

    • Používání externích koučů pro výkon a zapojení

    • Vytváření interních koučů pro výkon a zapojení

    • Vybavení vedoucích, aby ke svým týmům zaujali koučovací přístup

  • Můžete zvýšit zapojení a výkon pomocí dvou snadno srozumitelných průvodců:

    • Zapojení zaměstnanců je stejně snadné jako A-B-C 1-2-3

    • Konverzace o výkonu, které F.L.O.W.

<![CDATA[Začněte stanovením cíle]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/zacnete-stanovenim-cile623e027f0f304af72c30f805Tue, 29 Mar 2022 22:20:15 GMTMiroslav Czadekblog se zpracovává - bude aktualizován /*AKTUALIZOVÁNO 4-SEP-24/

Edwin A. Locke, americký psycholog, zjistil, že jedinci, kteří si stanovili konkrétní, obtížné cíle, dosahovali lepších výsledků než ti, kteří si stanovili snadné a obecné cíle. Cíle, kterých je obtížné dosáhnout a které jsou konkrétní, obvykle zvyšují výkon mnohem více než cíle snadné, žádné cíle nebo říkání lidem, aby dělali to nejlepší. Locke vyvinul a zdokonalil svou teorii stanovování cílů v 60. letech 20. století. Od té doby se stanovování cílů stalo součástí různých oblastí od byznysu po vědu a výzkum, včetně oblastí jako vyjednávání, terapie nebo koučování.

Není tedy divu, že mnoho lidí tvrdí, že ví, jak nastavit své cíle například pomocí SMART, tak jak si to pamatují například ze školy. Moje zkušenost s klienty v koučování mi ukazuje pravý opak. Stanovení cíle je jádrem koučování. Dopad může být obrovský:

  • Nedosažení cíle může negativně ovlivnit klientovo myšlení.

  • Naproti tomu, opakované dosažení cíle může usnadnit jejich pokračování.

A tak v tomto vláknu budu více diskutovat o tématu stanovování osobních cílů.

Často používané metody

  • ABC

  • SMART cíle a rozšířené verze

  • OKRs

  • Be-Do-Have model

Nové metody


  • HARD Goals

  • WOOP

  • C-Star Model

ABC metoda

  • Metoda ABC říká, že cíl by měl být (A) Dosažitelný, měl by být (B) Uvěřitelný a že člověk musí být (C) Závazný. Je zřejmé že, jakmile lidé poznali metodu ABC, pak ji rozšířili a začali mluvit o takzvané metodě SMART.

  • Metoda ABC se více zaměřuje na náročné aspekty cíle a může být později katalyzátorem pro další.

    • (A) Dosažitelný / Vysoký cíl: Cíl by měl být dosažitelný a náročný

    • (B) Uvěřitelný: Věřte v sebe a své schopnosti

    • (C) Zavázaný: Zavázat se pracovat na cíli

Podle wikipedie je autorem této metody Frank L. Smoll, Ph.D. pracovní psycholog na Washingtonské univerzitě. Ale v jeho knize nebo materiálech jsem nenašel žádný konkrétní popis ABC.

SMART Metoda

  • SMART je další zkratka, že cíl je (S)pecifický, je (M)ěřitelný, že je (A)dosažitelný, je (R)ealistický a že je (T) časově omezený, což znamená, že nastavíte určité časové období, ve kterém by měl daný cíl proveden.

  • Podívejte se na historii SMART cílů s Dr. Georgem Doranem:

HEART rozšíření metody SMART

Jak jsem již zmínil, SMARTER, SMARTEP jsou běžná rozšíření používaná kouči. Osobně jsem zjistil, že klienti to tak úplně nechápou (protože logické části, se nějak spojují s emocionálními) a jsem si jistý, že někteří rádoby koučové to také nechápou. Proto mě nadchlo vynikající rozšíření, které popsal Jim Kwik ve své knize: "Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life, Jim Kwik, ISBN-13:978-1401958237"

OKRs rámec

  • Cíle a klíčové výsledky (OKR, alternativně OKRs) je rámec pro stanovení cílů, který používají jednotlivci, týmy a organizace k definování měřitelných cílů a sledování jejich výsledků.

  • OKR zahrnují cíl (významný, konkrétní, jasně definovaný cíl, inspirativní pro jednotlivce, tým nebo organizaci, která na nich pracuje) a 3–5 klíčových výsledků (měřitelná kritéria úspěšnosti používaná ke sledování dosažení tohoto cíle).Vývoj OKR je obecně připisován Andrew Groveovi, který tento přístup zavedl v Intelu.

Prosím podívejte se na video: "Proč je tajemství úspěchu ve stanovení správných cílů" |John Doerr

Be-Do-Have model

Podle tohoto modelu se musíte nejprve (BE) stát člověkem, který je schopen dosáhnout svého výsledku, a poté (DO) dělat činy, které jsou nutné k tomu, abyste si užili ovoce svého úsilí. Protože většina našeho chování je navržena tak, abychom dosáhli určitých výsledků (cílů a přání), je velmi důležité tyto výsledky předem definovat. Pokud víte, kde chcete být, budete v lepší pozici pro vytvoření správných map, které vás povedou. Ještě lepší je, že budete moci vymýšlet nové, jednodušší nebo rychlejší způsoby, jak se tam dostat.

-- autor modelu je pravděpodobně Ram Dass nebo Steven Covey z počátku 70tých let.

CLEAR model

Relativně novou myšlenkou jsou CLEAR cíle Adama Kreeka. Dle mého názoru je toto vhodnější pro agilní nebo týmové koučovací cíle a upřímně řečeno, bez SMART cílů těžko nastavíte CLEAR, takže od tohoto bodu je CLEAR cíl rozšířením SMART. Použijte CLEAR cíle, abyste zajistili, že vaše velké cíle budou využívat vaše EQ i IQ. Použijte CLEAR cíle ke sjednocení vašeho týmu. Podrobnosti viz:

Význam akronymu CLEAR zahrnuje (C) kolaborativní, (L) omezený, (E) emocionální, (A) významné a (R) upravitelné. Vyjasnění každého bodu CLEAR akronymu vás udrží v pohybu směrem k největším výsledkům, jaké si dokážete představit.

CLEAR cíle

Jako u každého úspěšného nástroje je implementace a konzistence klíčem. Adam Kreek používá metodu stanovení cíle CLEAR jak pro osobní tak i profesionální účely.

Tvrdí, že když si stanovíte cíl v podnikání, kariéře nebo životě, musí to být CLEAR cíl a přesvědčivé prohlášení – takové, které může každý člen týmu rozšířit, přijmout a jednat podle něj. Použijte CLEAR cíle ke sjednocení týmu místo jeho rozdělení.

Více si můžete přečíst v knize: Kreek, Adam. Etika odpovědnosti: 12 strategií, které používají výjimeční lidé, aby udělali práci a dosáhli úspěchu (str. 43–45). Kindle vydání.

HARD Goals

SMART cíle jsou všudypřítomné, ale jak většina z nás zjistila, nejsou nijak zvlášť účinné. Naproti tomu HARD Cíle jsou Srdečné, Animované, Povinné a Obtížné. Tyto cíle rozzáří váš mozek a podpoří skvělý výkon.

Pokud chcete stanovit cíl, který bude inspirovat lidi k dosažení velkých věcí, musí být popsán natolik živě, že si lidé dokáží představit, jak skvělé bude toto dosažení. Dále je třeba, aby k dosažení tohoto cíle museli lidé získat nové dovednosti a vymanit se ze své komfortní zóny, spolu s dalšími důležitými faktory. A to je důvod, proč byly vytvořeny HARD Goals, které jsou:

HARD Goals dělají lidi silnějšími, odvážnějšími a sebejistějšími, aby se pustili do větších a lepších věcí. Více si můžete přečíst v knize: "Hard Goals : The Secret to Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be"



Asi jedna z nejzajímavějších technik, kterou popsala v knize Rethinking positive thinking: inside the new science of motivation, Gabriele Oettingen v roce 2014 je podle mého názoru perfektní technika, která funguje (podle mého názoru pochází z NLP ) a lze ji použít jak na cíle tak na dílčí aktivity.

Častá chyba

  • při vytváření plánů je držet strukturu "pokud-pak", ale nahrazovat jiné termíny za ty, které jsem určil.

  • Při tvorbě vašich "pokud-pak" plánů si všimněte, že můžete také vytvářet plány k předcházení překážkám, nejen je překonávat nebo je obejít, když nastanou.

Model C-Star od Meredith Whipple Callahan

Stanovení cílů je základním aspektem osobního a profesionálního růstu. Mnoho z nás však má problémy s vytvářením předsevzetí, která přetrvají nad počáteční nadšení. Callahan představuje osvěžující pohled na stanovení cílů, který překonává konvenční model SMART. Tento model, přes jeho popularitu, často působí omezujícím a neinspirujícím dojmem.

Callahan navrhuje model "C-Star", jako nový rámec pro vědomé volení cílů, které rezonují s naším nejhlubším já. Tento model zahrnuje pět klíčových aspektů:

  1. Závazek: Jste plně zavázáni k dosažení svého cíle? Je důležité pochopit význam vašeho cíle, co je v sázce, pokud jej nedosáhnete, a co to pro vás osobně znamená. Toto zavázání pohání vaši motivaci a vede vás k realizaci.

  2. Jasnost: Je váš cíl jasný? Jasnost je klíčem k navigaci směrem k vašemu cíli, zejména když čelíte překážkám. Zápis vašich cílů a jejich slovní úprava může pomoci upevnit vaše záměry a zajistit, že míříte k tomu, co skutečně chcete.

  3. Jedná se výzvu: Cíl by měl rozšířit vaše schopnosti a tlačit vás k růstu. Stanovením ambiciózních cílů podporujete svůj osobní vývoj a vycházíte ze své komfortní zóny.

  4. Konzistentní: Ujistěte se, že váš cíl odpovídá tomu, co opravdu chcete, a ne tomu, co si myslíte, že byste měli chtít. Měl by být pravdivým odrazem vašich touh a aspirací, neovlivněný vnějšími očekáváními.

  5. V souladu: Vaše cíle by měly být v harmonii s tím, kdo jste. To znamená zvážit vaše hodnoty, přesvědčení a identitu při stanovení cílů. Měly by pocházet z vašeho jádra, což zajišťuje autentičnost a větší smysl pro účel.

Callahan zdůrazňuje, že i když model SMART může pomoci artikulovat kroky k dosažení vašeho cíle, často chybí hlubší, smysluplnější rozměry, které model C-Star řeší. Zajištěním, že vaše cíle jsou V souladu, Konzistentní, Jsou výzvou, Jasně formulované a že k nim máte Závazek, vytváříte silný základ pro trvalou změnu a dosažení.

Začleňte tyto principy do svých praktik stanovení cílů, a nebudete jen stanovovat cíle - vytváříte vizi, která je hluboce sladěna s tím, kdo jste a co si přejete dosáhnout. Nezapomeňte, že nejde jen o stanovení cílů na začátku roku; jde o vytvoření plánu pro smysluplný a trvalý osobní růst.

Pro více informací můžete kontaktovat Meredith na emailu: meredith@evolution.team

Omezení a nežádoucí efekty metod

  • Stanovení cílů může mít nevýhodu v tom, že brání implicitnímu učení, pokud nejsou k dispozici požadované znalosti a strategické povědomí: stanovení cílů může povzbudit prosté zaměření na výsledek bez otevřenosti pro zkoumání, porozumění nebo růst a vést k nižšímu výkonu než pouhé povzbuzování lidí, že "dělají co mohou"

  • Viz: Umění stanovování cílů | Keiana Cave | TEDxUofM

  1. SMART = Krátkodobé cíle

  2. SNY: Příklad nejsou cíle, ale vyšší

  3. Pokud se lidé nesmějí vašim cílům, nejsou dostatečně velké, aby se někdy vyvinuly v sen

  4. Za každou cenu si nedávejte SMART cíle, jinak se můžete za deset let probudit a možná si řeknete, kde jsem promarnil čas, nebo podobně, proč jsem se spokojil s přípravou čtyř hot dogů, když jsem mohl mít nekonečné množství hotdogů

Jak získat motivaci pro stanovení cílů

Podívejte se prosím:

Jak dosáhnout svých nejambicióznějších cílů | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson

Co řekl - rozdělte si své cíle na malé zvládnutelné úkoly.Všimněte si, jak dosáhl většiny svých cílů tím, že se soustředil na jeden cíl najednou.

Chcete-li dosáhnout svých cílů, nezaměřujte se na ně: Reggie Rivers

  1. Stanovte si cíl

  2. Zapomeňte na cíl a určete si proces, který potřebujete k dosažení cíle

  3. Zamilujte se do procesu

  4. Proveďte proces bez přemýšlení o cíli

  5. Nakonec dosáhněte cíle

Proč byste měli definovat své obavy místo svých cílů | Tim Ferriss

Stoicismus: cvičení, které nazývá „nastavování strachu“.

Co můžete ovládat vs. co nemůžete ovládat!

Pracovní doba končí v pět hodin!

V představách trpíme častěji než ve skutečnosti - Seneca

Předmeditace zla: je podrobná vizualizace nejhorších scénářů, kterých se bojíte, což vám brání podniknout kroky, tak abyste mohli podniknout kroky k překonání této paralýzy.

Stanovení strachu je jako stanovení cílů

Co když já …

Define- -Prevent- -Repair-

  • Define: zapište si všechny ty nejhorší věci, které si dokážete představit, že by se staly, pokud takový krok uděláte

  • Prevent: co byste mohli udělat, abyste zabránili vzniku každému z těchto bodů

  • Repair: co byste mohli udělat pro to, abyste případnou škodu i trochu napravili, případně koho byste mohli požádat o pomoc?

Jaké by mohly být výhody pokusu nebo dílčího úspěchu?

Jaká je cena za nečinnost: emocionálně, fyzicky, finančně: 6 měsíců, 1 rok, 3 roky

Věda stanovování a dosahování cílů

The Science of Setting & Achieving Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast #55

"Stanovování a dosahování cílů není výhradně jenom lidská činnost. Některá zvířata se také snaží dosáhnout cílů. Například včela se pokouší shromáždit med a přinést ho zpět do úlu, býložravec vyrazí ven, hledá rostliny a má také potřebu se v určité fázi svého života rozmnožovat."

Amygdala je nejčastěji spojována se strachem. Takže byste mohli říci: Wow, jak to souvisí s chováním zaměřeným na cíl? No, hodně z našeho cílevědomého chování zahrnuje vyhýbání se trestům, včetně věcí, jako je trapas nebo finanční krach nebo podobných věcí. A tak amygdala a určitý pocit úzkosti nebo strachu jsou ve skutečnosti zabudovány do okruhů, které generují hledání cílů a naši motivaci k dosažení cílů.

Informace o hodnotě cíle jsou klíčové. Zde je vysvětlení. V zásadě existuje jeden neuro přenašeč nebo spíše neuromodulátorový systém, který řídí naše stanovování cílů, hodnocení cílů a sledování cílů, a tím je neuromodulátor dopamin. Dopamin je společná měna, pomocí které hodnotíme náš pokrok směrem ke konkrétním věcem zvláštní hodnoty.

V podstatě potřebujeme, aby „menší, dřívější“ odměny pocházely z věcí, které jsou v souladu s „většími, pozdějšími“ cíli, což bude pravděpodobně vyžadovat investici času a energie.

14 nástrojů nebo protokolů pro lepší praxi stanovování cílů

Andrew Huberman pro ty, kteří potřebují potvrdit nebo rozšířit své znalosti v epizodě podcastu „Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast“ vydaný 28. srpna-23. představil 14 nástrojů nebo protokolů pro lepší praxi stanovování cílů.


  • Stanovení cílů, které jsou značně nerealistické, může některé lidi motivovat, ale nesplněné cíle mohou být pro jiné velmi demotivující. Zpočátku je tedy sázkou na jistotu podpořit klienta při stanovení realistického cíle, tak aby získal nějaký úspěch. Je vhodné nabídnout klientovi možnost zvýšit svou sebekontrolu tím, že na tom budete pracovat po dobu dvou týdnů, s vysvětlením, že by to mělo usnadnit dosažení jejich cílů.

  • Může být užitečné posouvat se v hierarchii cílů nahoru a dolů z „proč“ na „jak“, tak abyste se odpoutali od úkolu nebo se stali praktičtějšími tím, že se zaměříte na „jak“.

    • Myšlenky „jak“ odpovídají oblastem na levé straně mozku zapojeným do plánování pohybu a sledování polohy (premotorická kůra a zadní parietální kůra).

    • Když uvažujeme „proč“, rozsvítí se oblasti zapojené do přemýšlení o stavech a záměrech druhých (pravé temporoparietální spojení, precuneus a dorsomediální prefrontální kortex)

<![CDATA[Start with Goal setting]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/start-with-goal-setting6232605a19c8a767cfdd326bThu, 17 Mar 2022 10:18:27 GMTMiroslav Czadekblog in progress - will be updated / *UPDATED   4-Mar-24 /

Edwin A. Locke an American psychologist found that individuals who set specific, difficult goals performed better than those who set general, easy goals. Goals that are difficult to achieve and specific tend to increase performance far more than easy goals, no goals or telling people to do their best. Locke developed and refined his goal-setting theory in the 1960s. Since then, goal setting has become part of various areas from business to science and research, including areas such as negotiation, therapy or coaching.

So it's not surprising how many people claim to know how to set their goals for example by SMART as that remembered from school. My experience with clients in coaching shows me the exact opposite. Setting goals are at the heart of coaching. The impact can be huge:

  • Not achieving a goal can affect a client’s mindset negatively.

  • Repeatedly achieving goals can make it easier to continue doing so.

And so this thread will discuss more about the topic of setting personal goals.

Frequently used methods

  • ABC

  • SMART targets and enhanced versions

  • OKRs

  • Be-Do-Have model

New methods


  • HARD Goals

  • WOOP

  • C-Star Model

ABC method

  • The ABC method that a goal should be Achievable, it should be Believable, and that the person be Committed, it's sort of obvious once you hear but the ABC method, then people came along and expanded on that they talked about the so called SMART method.

  • The ABC method is focusing more on challenging aspect of the goal and it can be later catalyst for another one.

    • Achievable / Aim High: The goal should be achievable and challenging

    • Believable: Believe in yourself and your capacity

    • Committed: Commit to work on the goal

According to wikipedia, the author of this method is Frank L. Smoll, Ph.D. and a work psychologist at the University of Washington. But I could not find any specific description of ABC in his book or materials.

SMART Method

  • SMART being another acronym, that it be Specific, that the goal be Measurable, that the goal be Attainable, that the goal be Realistic, and that it be Timed down, meaning that you set a certain period of time in which a given goal should be performed.

  • See SMART Goals history with Dr George Doran:

HEART extension of SMART

As I mentioned SMARTER, SMARTEP are common extensions used by coaches. Personally, I've found that clients don't quite get it (because the logical parts, somehow connect to the emotional) and I'm sure some would-be coaches don't get it either. That's why I was thrilled with the excellent extension described by Jim Kwik in his book: "Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life, Jim Kwik, ISBN-13:978-1401958237"

OKRs framework

  • Objectives and key results (OKR, alternatively OKRs) is a goal setting framework used by individuals, teams, and organizations to define measurable goals and track their outcomes.

  • OKRs comprise an objective (a significant, concrete, clearly defined goal, be inspirational for the individual, team, or organization that is working towards them) and 3-5 key results (measurable success criteria used to track the achievement of that goal). The development of OKR is generally attributed to Andrew Grove who introduced the approach to Intel during his tenure there.

Please see: "Why the secret to success is setting the right goals" | John Doerr

Be-Do-Have model

According to this model, you must first BEcome the kind of person who is able to achieve your outcome, and then DO the actions that are required to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. Since most of our behaviour is designed to achieve certain outcomes (goals and desires), it is very important to define these outcomes in advance. If you know where you want to be, you will be in a better position to construct the right maps to guide you. Better yet, you will be able to come up with new, easier, or faster ways to get there.

-- the model author is probably the Ram Dass or Steven Covey in the early 1970s

CLEAR model

Relatively new idea here is Adam Kreek’s CLEAR goals. From my opinion, this is more suitable for agile or team coaching goals and honestly without SMART goals you can hardly setup CLEAR, so from this point CLEAR goal is extension of SMART. Use CLEAR goals to ensure your big goals use both your EQ and IQ. Use CLEAR goals to unite your team. See in details:

CLEAR stands for Collaborative, Limited, Emotional, Appreciable, and Refinable. Clarifying each element of CLEAR will keep you moving toward, and past, the biggest outcomes you can imagine.


As with any successful tool, implementation and consistency is the key. Adam Kreek employs the CLEAR goal method to both personal and professional pursuits.

He suggest, when you set a goal in business, career, or life, it must be a clear and compelling statement—one that can be built out, embraced, and acted upon by every member of the team. Use CLEAR goals to unite your team instead of dividing it.

More you can read in book: Kreek, Adam. The Responsibility Ethic: 12 Strategies Exceptional People Use to Do the Work and Make Success Happen (pp. 43-45). Kindle Edition.

HARD Goals

SMART Goals are ubiquitous but as most of us discovered, they’re not particularly effective.

By contrast, HARD Goals are Heartfelt, Animated, Required and Difficult. These kinds of goals light up your brain and encourage great performance.

If you aim to establish a goal that will ignite people's motivation to accomplish remarkable things, it should be portrayed in such vivid detail that individuals can envision the immense satisfaction of achieving it. Furthermore, the goal should necessitate the acquisition of new skills and push individuals beyond their comfort zone, among other crucial elements.

And that’s why HARD Goals where created, which are:

HARD Goals make people stronger, more courageous, and more confident to go after bigger and better things. More you can read in book: "Hard Goals : The Secret to Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be"



One of the least interesting techniques described in the book "Rethinking positive thinking: inside the new science of motivation" by Gabriele Oettingen in 2014 is, in my opinion, a perfect technique that works (which I believe originates from NLP ) and can be applied both to goals and to individual activities.

A common mistake

  • forming if-then plans is keeping the “if-then” structure but substituting other terms for the ones I’ve specified.

  • In forming your if-then plans, note that you can also frame plans to prevent obstacles, not just surmount or circumvent them when they arise.

The C-Star Model by Meredith Whipple Callahan

Setting goals is a fundamental aspect of personal and professional growth. However, many of us struggle with creating resolutions that stick beyond the initial enthusiasm. Callahan introduces a refreshing perspective on goal setting that transcends the conventional SMART model, which, despite its popularity, often feels limiting and uninspiring.

Callahan proposes the "C-Star" model, a new framework for consciously choosing goals that resonate with our deepest selves. This model comprises five critical aspects:

  1. Committed: Are you fully committed to achieving your goal? It's essential to understand the importance of your goal, what's at stake if you don't achieve it, and what it means to you personally. This commitment fuels your motivation and drives you towards realization.

  2. Clear: Is your goal clear? Clarity is key in navigating towards your goal, especially when faced with obstacles. Writing down your goals and refining their wording can help solidify your intentions and ensure you're aiming for what truly matters to you.

  3. Challenging: A goal should stretch your abilities and push you towards growth. By setting ambitious goals, you encourage your personal evolution and step out of your comfort zone

  4. Consistent: Ensure your goal aligns with what you genuinely want, not what you think you should want. It should be a true reflection of your desires and aspirations, not influenced by external expectations

  5. Congruent: Your goals should be in harmony with who you are. This means considering your values, beliefs, and identity when setting goals. They should emanate from your core, ensuring authenticity and a greater sense of purpose

Callahan emphasizes that while the SMART model can help articulate the steps to achieve your goal, it often misses the deeper, more meaningful dimensions that the C-Star model addresses. By ensuring your goals are Congruent, Consistent, Challenging, Clear, and you are Committed to them, you create a powerful foundation for lasting change and achievement.

Incorporate these principles into your goal-setting practices, and you're not just setting goals-you're creating a vision that is deeply aligned with who you are and what you wish to accomplish. Remember, it's not just about setting goals at the beginning of the year; it's about creating a roadmap for meaningful and sustained personal growth.

For more details, contact Meredith at: meredith@evolution.team

Limitations and side effects of methods

  • Goal setting may have the drawback of inhibiting implicit learning if the required knowledge and strategic awareness are not in place: goal setting may encourage simple focus on an outcome without openness to exploration, understanding, or growth and result in lower performance than simply encouraging people to "do their best”

  • Please see: The Art of Goal Setting | Keiana Cave | TEDxUofM

  1. SMART = Short Term Goals

  2. DREMAS: Example not the goals but higher

  3. If people are not laughing at your goals, they’re Not big enough to ever evolve into a dream

  4. Avoid setting SMART goals at all costs otherwise you may wake up ten years from now and you might say where the rest of my burns were or similarly why did I settle for making four hot dogs when I could have made an infinite amount of hotdogs

How to get motivation into Goal setting

Please see:

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson

What he said - break down your goals into small manageable tasks. Notice how he achieved most of his goals by focusing on one goal at a time.

If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them: Reggie Rivers

  1. Set goal

  2. Forget the goal and determine the process you need to achieve the goal

  3. Fall in love with the process

  4. Do the process without thinking about the goal

  5. Eventually, achieve the goal

Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss

Stoicism: exercise he calls "fear-setting."

What you can control vs. what you can not control!

Business hours are over at Five o’clock!

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality - Seneca

Pre-meditation of evils: this is visualizing the worst-case scenarios, in detail, that you fear, preventing you from taking actions, so that you can take action to overcome that paralysis.

Fear setting like Goal setting

What if I …

Define- -Prevent- -Repair-

  • Define: writing down all of the worst things you can imagine happening if you take that step

  • Prevent: what could you to do to prevent each of these bullets from happening

  • Repair: what could you do to repair the damage even a little bit, or who could you ask for help?

What might be the benefits of an attempt or partial success?

The Cost of Inaction: Emotionally, Physically, Financially: 6months, 1 Year, 3 Years

The Science of Setting & Achieving Goals

The Science of Setting & Achieving Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast #55

”Setting and achieving goals is not a uniquely human endeavor. Other animals set an attempt to achieve goals. A honeybee attempts to collect honey and bring it back to the hive, a herbivore will go out and forage for plants, and will also have a need to reproduce at some point in its life”.

The amygdala is most often associated with fear. So you might say, Wow, how is that involved in goal directed behavior? Well, a lot of our goal directed behavior is to avoid punishments, including things like embarrassment or financial ruin, or things of that sort. And so the amygdala and some sense of anxiety or fear is actually built into the circuits that generate goal seeking and our motivation to pursuit goals.

The value information about a goal is key. Here's why. There is basically one neuro transmitter or rather neuromodulator system that governs our goal setting and goal assessment and goal pursuit, and that is the neuromodulator dopamine. Dopamine is the common currency by which we assess our progress toward particular things of particular value.

In essence we need the ‘smaller, sooner’ rewards to come from things that are in alignment with the ‘larger, later’ goals. This will likely take an investment of time and energy.

14 tools or protocols for better Goal setting practice

Andrew Huberman for those who need to confirm or extend knowledge share in Podcast episode “Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast” released on 28-Aug-23 following presented 14 tools or protocols for better Goal setting practice.


  • Setting goals that are widely unrealistic can motivate some people but unmet goals can be very demotivating to other people. So, initially, the safe bet is to support clients in setting realistic goals so that they get some wins under their belt. Offer clients the opportunity to increase their self-control by working on it for a two-week period, explaining that this should make it easier for them to achieve their goals.

  • It can be useful to move up and down within the goal hierarchy from ‘why’ to ‘how’, in order to get unstuck from a task or to become more practical by focusing on the ‘how’.

    • The ‘how’ thoughts corresponded with areas on the left side of the brain involved in planning movement and tracking location (the premotor cortex and posterior parietal cortex).

    • When they considered ‘why’ then areas involved in thinking about states and intentions of others lit up (the right temporoparietal junction, the precuneus and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex)

<![CDATA[5 Predictions for 2022 from Projecoach.cz]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/5-predictions-for-2022-from-projecoach-cz61ccaaef561e7e0017c41619Thu, 30 Dec 2021 23:40:00 GMTMiroslav CzadekProjecoach.cz shares TOP#5 predictions and trends we expect to happen during the year 2022, so let's check them.

1. Challenges not only for coaches: Understanding a New Generation of Workers and “Big Quit”

In 2022 organizations will fight to attract & retain talented, effects of “Big Quit” and New Generation Z phenomena. All mentioned can be strongly influenced by coaching.

The American “Big Quit,” or “Great Resignation” is a post-widespread-vaccination phenomenon that is touching everyone from McDonalds workers to software engineers. A record 4 million people quit their jobs in April 2021, many of them in low-paid, inflexible industries like retail. The same thing is starting to happen in higher paid jobs. The recorded impact is not only in US, but Europe or China. Much of the layoffs and resignations were driven by women, who disproportionately work in industries that were affected most by the lockdowns, like service industries and childcare. Only in US since April 2021 more than 20 million people have left their jobs in what’s being called the “Big Quit”.

All signs point to the quit rate continuing to accelerate in 2022, and 55% of workplace professionals say they expect employee turnover to increase next year.

Some companies like Amazon, Costco, and Walmart have increased their salaries in a bid to attract workers as combat the labor shortage. Others are building out their benefits packages and offering perks like stock options or financial wellness incentives.

Some organizations are focusing on addressing the skills gap. It’s predicted that 40% of workers will require up to six months of reskilling by 2025.

But for most people, perks, and pay won’t be enough. New research from Oracle finds that 88% of workers feel the meaning of “success” has changed, and they’re now prioritizing work-life balance, mental health, and having a meaningful job over a steady paycheck.

That’s why in 2022, people will no longer tolerate companies that treat them poorly, and they’ll hold employers to a higher standard than ever before.

All industries will need to start adjusting to a new generation joining the workforce. Millennials have been entering the workforce for several years and will continue to make up a larger percentage of the staff at most companies. At the same time, members of Generation Z are graduating from high school or college and entering the workforce.

Companies will soon discover that these younger workers have a different set of ideas and priorities for their professional careers.

For example, younger workers expect to have flexible schedules, even if they’re not working 100% remotely.

The recommendations for coaches IN 2022

Coaches have the opportunity to address employee motivation, the impact on changing the work environment and work habits. Working with priorities. Searching for the meaning of life. Furthermore, how to involve the new generation and diversification of the young and senior generation.

2. A Digital Mindset and digitization of coaching will be in the top coaching trends

Converge21: „There is no digital disruption, just digital delivery“ Collaboration tools are a given, but we’ll see other technologies emerge as well. For example, over 80% of organizations will adopt cloud-based room systems by 2022. Businesses will also offer tools for when staff goes into the office, for example, apps that support contact tracing, room or desk booking, or a touch-free workplace.

Digitization of coaching Webinars, online training, digital coaching will be emerging coaching industry trends. Digitalization will build stronger relationships with existing clients and open the door to new clients and business opportunities. It is including platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, etc. But most probably, critical will be three areas: Video marketing, Podcasting and Virtual Coaching.

  • Video Marketing: Video marketing will be undoubtedly an emerging coaching trend that will benefit a lot of coaches. It will grab the attention of people and potential clients.

  • Podcasting: Podcasting can grow your coaching business. A podcast allows you a meaningful way to signal who you are as a coach and can help you attract the best coaching fit for you. Whether as a host, a guest or a listener, podcasts will be the hottest channel for communicating who you are as a coach to grow your business organically

  • Virtual Coaching: With the implementation of lockdowns, physically attending school and going to the office to work became a thing of the past. Students started attending school virtually, and employees began working from their homes. Whether we liked the idea or not, everything became virtual. Now, virtual feels like the new normal.

Coaches have also had to adapt to this new virtual environment. There are so many platforms out there that allow executive coaches to meet with clients virtually. The engagement and using creative ways to enhance peer learning and active participation throughout a virtual coach training session through modern tools (for example Miro, Mural, Deck Hive, Storm Board) as mentioned on conference Converge21 will become standard. Location-based coaching will continue to lose its importance. From beginning of pandemic is a good location for your coaching business less important. Now you can get hold of your audience anytime and from anywhere. Top coaches will supplement their coaching sessions with micro-learning sessions, gamification and content. They will leverage the benefits of technology and at the same time add a live element to coaching session.

Coaching across borders will be most common With the widespread of global economy and technology within hand reach, coaches would be increasingly working across the borders. It is extremely crucial that you are aware of the cross-border culture, languages etc. to blend seamlessly with your clients. Bilingual / Multilingual and culture competent coaches will be in high demand.

The recommendations for coaches in 2022

The impact of digitalization to coaching is very high. If you want to reach more clients and have more business opportunities, without digitalization it is hard acceptable strategy. Focus on Video Marketing, Podcasting and Virtual Coaching. Your coaching location is not important. Your virtual presence is very important in case of multi country coaching. If you are digital nerd, hire consultant for proper digital marketing and virtual coaching and have it as investment, not vanished costs. You will get a wide range of audience with an easy access and a manageable schedule that will also lead to a major cut in your infrastructural and other costs.

3. Coaching can be effective tool to help employees on health and safety during and after corona pandemic

Over the past almost two years, companies have used different tactics to address employee burnout concerns. Some offered mental health days, others provided free or subsidized therapy, and companies like JPMorgan Chase and LinkedIn actually required their staff to take time off.

However, KPMG finds that 94% of employees are still stressed — and with COVID-19 far from over, companies must continue to prioritize employees’ mental health in 2022.

On the other hand, the Standish Group predicts for 2022 that there will be a return to civility in both work and personal relationships. People will embrace being kinder. Why? Many of us are tired of being angry all the time and want to enjoy life.

People in general want to have more fun. The pandemic has caused many of us to rethink our priorities and focus more on friendly and rewarding relationships. Although life is far from perfect and still presents many challenges, people long for a more peaceful mind. They will reject negativity and avoid others who are likely to disturb that peaceful mind. In general, people will try harder to keep and rekindle their good relationships.

The recommendations for coaches in 2022

Coaches can support organization and individuals with creation of psychological safety. As partners to clients, they can help to identify mindsets that lead to burnout and help clients with mental shifts that help to break out of the perpetual cycle of sabotage so clients can stop obsessing over details, worrying about possible failures, and striving so hard that can run out of steam.

Coaches can provide tools to reduce stress so, as well as discuss the limitations of coaching and the process of referring a client to therapy.

Coaches can help clients to recover energy and establish more balance, they can help to reduce the impact of stress—and through coaching can help stay in the powerful, productive zone.

4. Coaches will focus on niching their business

Coaches specializing in niche sectors will see more employment opportunities on average than coaches who don’t specialize. This was more discussed on Converge21 (Personal Branding: How to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader). This trend is particularly important for niche professionals as it reinforces the coach’s brand value, brilliance and uniqueness.

In a short time the industries and individuals will face complex problems and only specialized or niche coaches will be able to solve them. Confirmed as one of output on Converge21 (Coffee Chat: To Niche or not to Niche? That is the question.)

If you are branded as a generalist (business coach, leadership coach, executive coach, relationship coach,… ) you won’t be taken seriously - this is not niche segment. As generalist, you will also not be able to command high prices that specialized coaches will. If you want to keep up with the recent coaching trends you will need to stay specialized and have niche on market

The recommendations for coaches in 2022

Clients will be hiring coaches if they know that it will worth it. Finding your niche will not only help clients differentiate between the various of coaches but will also give you that competitive drive to push for greater returns.

5. New challenges for leaders and coaches: Hybrid and Remote Workers will be changing working environment

Most companies will adopt a hybrid or remote-first approach during and especially after a pandemic. Organizations that have already announced plans to adopt a hybrid approach include Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Citigroup, and many others. Meanwhile, companies like Twitter, Dropbox, and Amazon are taking a fully remote approach and allowing their corporate employees to work from home indefinitely.

In addition to offering workers more choice over where they work, in 2022 businesses will also allow their people to have greater control over when they work. A few companies, including Kickstarter and Bolt, are even piloting a 4-day workweek to help combat widespread burnout among their workers.

Side effects: The hybrid model will create a two-tiered workforce

While the hybrid model offers many benefits, it also has its drawbacks. One issue that’s already emerging is that remote workers may be treated differently. For example research from Kahoot! confirms a strong bias against remote workers.

Side effects: More flexibility is required

One of interesting findings in a global EY studyis that more than half (54%) of employees surveyed from around the world would consider leaving their job post-COVID-19 pandemic if they are not afforded some form of flexibility in where and when they work.

The recommendations for coaches in 2022

In 2022 coaches can help business leaders to overcoming these biases and support the hybrid model to succeed for their organizations.

Due to changes in hybrid and remote workers model of work, can coaches help to better focus on time management, priorities and fulfilling their goals. Also, topics related to team management of hybrid or remote teams could be challenge. Specific areas will be engagement and motivation of employees.

<![CDATA[6. Inspirace – 3 knihy o koučinku a pro kouče]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/6-inspirace-3-knihy-o-koucinku-a-pro-kouce6190e99483d5e1003cd6882cSun, 14 Nov 2021 11:46:59 GMTMiroslav Czadek

1.Kniha: “Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships” od Erica Berne

1.1 Úvodní poznámky

Někdy se děsím toho, že se setkám s lékařem, který nepracuje na svém rozvoji a léčí nebo operuje lidi. Proto mě šokovalo, kolik profesionálních koučů (odhaduji že více než 70 % koučů v mém profesionálním prostředí) o této knize a myšlenkách vůbec neví, a přesto poskytují párové, týmové nebo systémové koučování (upřímně neznám jejich výsledky). Problém současnosti, řeklo by se.

1.2 O knize (výňatek z apple books)

Před čtyřiceti lety přinesla kniha Games People Play revoluci v našem chápání toho, co se skutečně děje během našich nejzákladnějších sociálních interakcí. Neustále hrajeme hry: sexuální hry, manželské hry, mocenské hry s našimi šéfy a soutěžní hry s našimi přáteli. Detailní status her, jako je „Martini“ (znám lepší způsob), boj se smrtícími páry jako „Kdyby to nebylo pro tebe“ a „Vřava“, oblíbené flirtování jako „Hra na punčochy“ a „Nechme sebe a jeho bojovat,“ Dr. Berne odhaluje tajné triky a nevědomé manévry, které vládnou našim intimním životům. Kniha Games People Play je široce uznávána jako nejoriginálnější a nejvlivnější populární psychologická kniha současnosti. Je stejně silná a okouzlující jako vždy.

1.3 Zajímavé poznatky

Kniha má tři části. První část popisuje roli transakční analýzy, popis a genezi her a jejich klasifikaci.

V každém daném okamžiku bude každý jedinec v sociální agregaci vykazovat Rodičovský, Dospělý nebo Dětský stav ega a že jednotlivci se mohou posouvat s různou mírou připravenosti z jednoho stavu ega do druhého.

Důsledky jsou následující:

  1. Že každý jedinec měl rodiče (nebo náhradní rodiče) a že v sobě nese soubor stavů ega, které reprodukují stavy ega těchto rodičů (jak je on vnímal), a že tyto rodičovské egostavy lze za určitých okolností aktivovat. Hovorově: "Každý v sobě nosí své rodiče."

  2. Že každý jedinec (včetně dětí, mentálně retardovaných a schizofreniků) je schopen objektivního zpracování dat, pokud lze aktivovat příslušný stav ega. Hovorově: "Každý má dospělého."

  3. Že každý jedinec byl kdysi mladší, než je nyní, a že v sobě nosí fixované relikvie z dřívějších let, které se za určitých okolností aktivují. Hovorově: "Každý v sobě nosí malého chlapce nebo holčičku."

Setkají-li se dva nebo více lidí v sociální agregaci, dříve nebo později jeden z nich promluví nebo dá nějaký jiný náznak uznání přítomnosti ostatních. Tomu se říká transakční stimul.

Prvním pravidlem komunikace je, že komunikace bude probíhat hladce, pokud se transakce budou doplňovat, a jeho důsledkem je, že pokud se transakce budou doplňovat, komunikace může v zásadě probíhat neomezeně dlouho.

Opačné pravidlo je, že komunikace je přerušena, když dojde ke zkřížené transakci. Nejběžnější zkřížená transakce a ta, která způsobuje a vždy způsobila většinu společenských potíží ve světě, ať už v manželství, lásce, přátelství atd.

Složitější jsou postranní transakce – ty, které zahrnují aktivitu více než dvou stavů ega současně – a tato kategorie je základem pro hry. Obzvláště zběhlí v úhlových transakcích jsou Obchodníci, jež zahrnují tři stavy ega. Hrubý, ale dramatický příklad obchodní hry ilustruje následující výměna názorů: Prodejce: "Tahle je lepší, ale nemůžete si ji dovolit." Hospodyně: "To je ten, který si vezmu."

Duplexní postranní transakce zahrnuje čtyři stavy ega a je běžně k vidění ve flirtovacích hrách. Kovboj: "Pojďte se podívat do stodoly." Návštěvnice: "Už jako malá holka miluji stodoly." Na sociální úrovni je to rozhovor dospělých o stodolách a na psychologické úrovni je to dětský rozhovor o sexuálních hrách. Na první pohled se zdá, že iniciativu má dospělý, ale jako ve většině her rozhoduje o výsledku dítě a účastníky může čekat překvapení.

V druhém díle jsou již popsané hry, které můžete vidět v běžném životě a kterých jste někde součástí.

  • Životní hry (Alkoholik, Dlužník, Nakopni mě, Teď tě mám, zkurvysynu, Podívej, co jsi mě přiměl udělat)

  • Manželská hra (Roh, Soudní síň, Frigidní žena, Utrápená, Kdyby to nebylo pro tebe, Podívej, jak moc jsem se snažil, Zlatíčko)

  • Společenské hry (Není to hrozné, Skvrna, Nešťastný fušer, Proč to neděláš – Ano, ale)

  • Sexuální hry (Nechte sebe a jeho bojovat, Perverze, Rapo, Hra na punčochy, Vřava)

  • Hry podsvětí (Policajti a lupiči, Jak se odsud dostaneš, Vytáhni rychle jednoho na Joeyho)

  • Hry v poradně (Skleník, Jen se vám snažím pomoci, Nouze, Rolník, Psychiatrie, Hlupák, Dřevěná noha)

  • Dobré hry (Autobusákův svátek, Kavalír, Rád pomůže, Domácí mudrc, Budou rádi, že mě znali)

Třetí část popisuje hráče, paradigmata a to, co následuje.

1.4 V čem je kniha dobrá?

Kniha je stále aktuální, a i v dnešní době virtuálních vztahů v ní najdete podněty pro jejich praktické využití jak v individuálním, skupinovém, tak i systémovém koučování. Domnívám se, že v terapeutické praxi je to nutné znát. Na začátku jsem zmínil typy transakcí, které probíhají například mezi koučem a klientem. Mnoho škol charakterizuje stav, kdy je transakce dospělý versus dospělý, jako princip OK.

1.5 Jaké jsou nedostatky knihy?

Osobně jsem vizuální typ a ocenil bych více diagramů transakcí a méně textu. Seznámení s některými typy her je komplikované tím, že do nich vstupují další lidé. Dále některé zkratky, bez přečtení kapitoly, zhoršují orientaci. Popisy a teze některých her jsou obecné. A také pociťuji nedostatek řešení těchto situací, i když to rozhodně nebylo cílem této knihy a v tomto kontextu to může být nereálné. Od napsání této knihy uplynulo hodně času, jak se projevovaly nové situace a jaké jsou nové hry?

2.Kniha: “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams” od Deepak Chopra

2.1 Úvodní poznámky

Tato kniha ke mně přišla zajímavým způsobem. Deepak Chopra je jedním z mých intelektuálních vzorů a jeho práce je obrovská. V jednom pořadu na youtube jsem sledoval rozhovor moderátora s Deepakem Choprou, kde moderátor na tuto knihu upozornil. Knihu jsem přečetl a od prvních řádků jsem nevěřil svým očím. Jednoduše a výstižně napsané informace, které byly zasazeny do kontextu a skvělá příležitost pro seberozvoj. Knihu jsem přečetl velmi rychle, bylo to jako bych si procházel myšlenky a potřeboval je jen srovnat. V podstatě se kniha dotýká velmi spirituálních oblastí, se kterými se potýká každý. Osobně jsem tyto znalosti a praxi v podobě reflexních technik a metafor vícekrát využil v koučování a vřele ji doporučuji i vám.

2.2 O knize (výňatek z apple books)

V Sedmi duchovních zákonech úspěchu Deepak Chopra přináší podstatu svého učení do sedmi jednoduchých, ale účinných principů, které lze snadno použít k dosažení úspěchu ve všech oblastech vašeho života. Tato kniha, založená na přírodních zákonech, které řídí veškeré stvoření, boří mýtus, že úspěch je výsledkem tvrdé práce, náročných plánů nebo hnacích ambicí. Místo toho Chopra nabízí život měnící pohled na dosažení úspěchu: Jakmile pochopíme naši pravou podstatu a naučíme se žít v souladu s přírodními zákony, pocit pohody, dobré zdraví, naplňující vztahy, energii a nadšení pro život, a materiální hojnost vyskočí snadno a bez námahy. Tato kniha, plná nadčasové moudrosti a praktických kroků, které můžete ihned použít, je kniha, kterou si budete pamatovat po celý život, protože na jejích stránkách jsou tajemství, jak uskutečnit všechny své sny.

2.3 Zajímavé poznatky

1. Zákon čistého potenciálu

V našem esenciálním stavu jsme čisté vědomí. Čisté vědomí je čistý potenciál; je to pole všech možností a nekonečné kreativity. Čisté vědomí je naší duchovní podstatou.

2. Zákon dávání

Tento zákon by se také dal nazvat zákonem dávání a přijímání, protože vesmír funguje prostřednictvím dynamické výměny. Nic není statické. Vaše tělo je v dynamické a neustálé výměně s tělem vesmíru; Tok života není nic jiného než harmonická interakce všech prvků a sil, které strukturují pole existence.

3. Zákon karmy neboli příčiny a následku

Každá akce vytváří sílu energie, která se k nám vrací stejným způsobem. Vše, co se v tuto chvíli děje, je výsledkem rozhodnutí, které jste učinili v minulosti.

Vždy si můžete vybrat:

Mohl bych tě urazit a mohl bych tě insultovat a ty ses mohl rozhodnout, že se neurazíš." "Můžu ti složit kompliment a ty se můžeš rozhodnout, že ti to nebude lichotit.

4. Zákon nejmenšího úsilí

Pokud budete pozorovat přírodu při práci, uvidíte, že na práci vynakládá nejméně úsilí. Tráva se nesnaží růst, jen roste. Ryby se nesnaží plavat, jen plavou. Je lidskou přirozeností, aby se naše sny manifestovaly do fyzické podoby, snadno a bez námahy. Nejméně úsilí je vynaloženo, když jsou vaše činy motivovány láskou, protože příroda je držena pohromadě energií lásky. Když jsou vaše činy motivovány láskou, nedochází k plýtvání energií. Když jsou vaše činy motivovány láskou, vaše energie se násobí a hromadí – a přebytečná energie, kterou shromažďujete a užíváte si, může být směrována k vytvoření čehokoli, co chcete, včetně neomezeného bohatství.

5. Zákon záměru a touhy

Jediný rozdíl mezi vámi a stromem je informační a energetický obsah vašich těl.

Pozornost a záměr: Pozornost dodává energii a záměr transformuje. Cokoli, čemu věnujete pozornost, ve vašem životě posílí. Cokoli, od čeho odvedete pozornost, uschne, rozpadne se a zmizí. Záměr na druhé straně spouští transformaci energie a informací. Záměr organizuje své vlastní naplnění.

6. Zákon odpoutání

Abyste ve fyzickém vesmíru získali cokoli, musíte se vzdát své připoutanosti. Vzdáváte se své připoutanosti k výsledku. Cokoli chcete, můžete získat odpoutaností, protože odpoutanost je založena na nezpochybnitelné víře v sílu vašeho pravého Já. Připoutanost je na druhé straně založena na strachu a nejistotě – a potřeba bezpečí je založena na neznalosti pravého Já. Lidé neustále hledají bezpečí a zjistí, že hledání bezpečí je ve skutečnosti velmi pomíjivá věc. I připoutanost k penězům je známkou nejistoty

7. Zákon Dharmy

Dharma je sanskrtské slovo, které znamená „účel života“. Zákon dharmy říká, že jsme přijali projev ve fyzické formě, abychom splnili účel, máte jedinečný talent a jedinečný způsob jeho vyjádření. Existuje něco, co můžete dělat lépe než kdokoli jiný na celém světě – a pro každý jedinečný talent a jedinečné vyjádření tohoto talentu existují také jedinečné potřeby. Vyjádření svého talentu k naplnění potřeb vytváří neomezené bohatství a hojnost.

2.4 V čem je kniha dobrá?

Kniha je stručná a svým obsahem velmi hluboká. Fascinuje mě snadná aplikovatelnost, kterou si může každý hned vyzkoušet. Každá kapitola s popsaným principem obsahuje i návod, jak v sobě techniky rozvíjet.

2.5 Jaké jsou nedostatky knihy?

Nenašel jsem žádné, které bych zmínil.

3.Kniha: “Who Am I?: 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions Define Our Personalities” od Steven Reiss

3.1 Úvodní poznámky

Kniha, o které drtivá většina koučů nikdy neslyšela, ale řekl bych, že je pro práci kouče a nejen kouče velmi důležitá. Vždy mě zajímala motivace lidí, protože motivace je zdrojem energie ke změně.

Dokud jsem neobjevil tuto knihu, hledal jsem něco, čím bych začal, a vždy to nebylo úplné. Tato kniha doplnila moji chybějící mozaiku a umožnila mi objevit důvody chování lidí a propojit je s koučováním a hypnózou. Sami rychle zjistíte, jaké motivy, vnitřní touhy podmiňují vaše chování a jak ovlivňuje vztahy.

3.2 O knize (výňatek z apple books)

Co chceme? Co nás přiměje? Od přijetí přes pomstu až po zvědavost tato kniha vysvětluje 16 základních a univerzálních tužeb, které utvářejí naše chování – a ukazuje, jak způsob, jakým je upřednostňujeme, určuje naši osobnost. Tato kniha, založená na aktuálním psychologickém výzkumu, může pomoci rodičům pochopit potřeby a chování jejich dětí nebo párům si navzájem lépe porozumět. Lepší zaměstnavatelé motivují své zaměstnance, aby byli ve své práci efektivnější a v životě dosáhli větší spokojenosti a štěstí.

3.3 Zajímavé poznatky

Prvních pár kapitol popisuje základní touhy (Moc, Řád,..). V dalším je předvedeno a ukázáno, jak pracovat mezi sebou nebo například ve dvojicích. Velmi zajímavá je kapitola, kde je popsána relevance vybraných osobností – vysoká míra touhy, průměrná a nízká. Zajímavá vazba na motivační témata ve vztahu k našemu životu nebo vazba na Maslowovu hierarchii potřeb.

Autor dokonale popisuje, jak důležité je vnímat tyto potřeby ve dvojici, z mého pohledu výborná informace pro párového kouče, kde je jasné, jaká může být třecí plocha v komunikaci.

V další části autor ukazuje, jak tyto touhy ovlivňují naše i okolní štěstí v podobě Value-Based Happiness. (Štěstí založené na hodnotě)

Velmi zajímavé jsou sekce, jak touhy ovlivňují vztah v práci. Váš profil přání ovlivňuje nejen to, jak reagujete na lidi v práci, ale také to, jak reagujete na práci samotnou. Velmi inspirativní částí knihy je, jak si můžeme splnit 16 základních tužeb prostřednictvím rodinného života.

Líbí se mi toto: ačkoli si mnoho lidí myslí, že sport je primárně motivován potřebou fyzické aktivity, sport ve skutečnosti dokáže uspokojit téměř všechna základní přání. Různé psychologické aspekty sportu – dokonalost, týmová práce, vytrvalost, vítězství, charakter a vedení – uspokojují různé základní touhy.

3.4 V čem je kniha dobrá?

Kniha je založena na výzkumu motivace lidí. Je přehledně strukturovaná a myslím, že poskytuje velmi důležité informace, které skutečný kouč k práci potřebuje. Přílohou je pěkně zpracovaný postup v podobě otázek, které lze aplikovat do dotazníku a další práce

3.5 Jaké jsou nedostatky knihy?

Tato kniha je založena na původním vědeckém výzkumu základních lidských tužeb, díky nimž má náš život smysl. Mnoho lidí si neuvědomuje, že nejznámější analýzy lidské touhy v historii nebyly založeny na vědeckých studiích. Po více jak 2 500 let vytvářeli největší filozofové a vědci mnoho odpovědí na otázku: Co lidi motivuje, co je jejich touhou? Ačkoli byly tyto teorie brilantní a fascinující, jen málo z nich bylo založeno na nějakém vědeckém výzkumu a žádná nebyla založena na vědecky ověřených výzkumech popsaného v této knize. Na knize je možná nejdůležitější to, že je založena na tom, že se skutečně zeptali velkého počtu lidí, co je pro ně nejdůležitější. Tato kniha je založena na výzkumech více než 6 000 lidí z mnoha životních situací a autoři zjistili, že existuje 16 základních tužeb a hodnot, které řídí téměř vše, co děláme. Ocenil bych také více poznatků od veřejných a akademických autorit a větší výzkumný vzorek a populaci. Jak například COVID ovlivnil naše touhy? Je to opravdu vše?

<![CDATA[6. Inspiration – 3 books about coaching and for coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/6-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-for-coaches6182f2ac8bf40200160824c3Wed, 03 Nov 2021 21:54:23 GMTMiroslav Czadek

1.Book: “Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships” by Eric Berne

1.1 Opening remarks

I am sometimes threatened to meet a medical doctor who is not working on his or her education and is treating or operating on people. Therefore, I was shocked at how many professional coaches (more than 70% of coaches in my professional environment) do not know about this book and ideas at all, and yet they provide on paired, team or systemic coaching (honestly I do not know their results). The problem of the present, one would say.

1.2 About the Book (excerpt from apple books)

More thab sixty years ago, Games People Play revolutionized our understanding of what really goes on during our most basic social interactions. We play games all the time: sexual games, marital games, power games with our bosses, and competitive games with our friends. Detailing status contests like “Martini” (I know a better way), to lethal couples combat like “If It Weren’t For You” and “Uproar,” to flirtation favorites like “The Stocking Game” and “Let’s You and Him Fight,” Dr. Berne exposes the secret ploys and unconscious maneuvers that rule our intimate lives. Games People Play is widely recognized as the most original and influential popular psychology book of our time. It’s as powerful and eye-opening as ever.

1.3 Interesting insights

The book has three parts. The first part describes the role of transaction analysis, description and genesis of games and their classification.

At any given moment each individual in a social aggregation will exhibit a Parental, Adult or Child ego state, and that individuals can shift with varying degrees of readiness from one ego state to another.

The implications are:

  1. That every individual has had parents (or substitute parents) and that he carries within him a set of ego states that reproduce the ego states of those parents (as he perceived them), and that these parental ego states can be activated under certain circumstances. Colloquially: "Everyone carries his parents around inside of him."

  2. That every individual (including children, the mentally retarded and schizophrenics) is capable of objective data processing if the appropriate ego state can be activated. Colloquially: "Everyone has an Adult."

  3. That every individual was once younger than he is now, and that he carries within him fixated relics from earlier years which will be activated under certain circumstances. Colloquially: "Everyone carries a little boy or girl around inside of him."

If two or more people encounter each other in a social aggregation, sooner or later one of them will speak, or give some other indication of acknowledging the presence of the others. This is called the transactional stimulus.

The first rule of communication is that communication will proceed smoothly as long as transactions are complementary, and its corollary is that as long as transactions are complementary, communication can, in principle, proceed indefinitely.

The converse rule is that communication is broken off when a crossed transaction occurs. The most common crossed transaction and the one which causes and always has caused most of the social difficulties in the world, whether in marriage, love, friendship, etc.

More complex are ulterior transactions—those involving the activity of more than two ego states simultaneously—and this category is the basis for games. Salesmen are particularly adept at angular transactions, those involving three ego states. A crude but dramatic example of a sales game is illustrated in the following exchange: Salesman: "This one is better, but you can't afford it." Housewife: "That's the one I'll take."

A duplex ulterior transaction involves four ego states, and is commonly seen in flirtation games. Cowboy: "Come and see the barn." Visitor: "I've loved barns ever since I was a little girl." At the social level this is an Adult conversation about barns, and at the psychological level it is a Child conversation about sex play. On the surface the Adult seems to have the initiative, but as in most games, the outcome is determined by the Child, and the participants may be in for a surprise.

In the second part, there are already described games that you can see in everyday life and of which you are a part somewhere.

  • Life Games (Alcoholic, Debtor, Kick Me, Now I’ve got you, son of a bitch, See what you made me do)

  • Marital Games (Corner, Courtroom, Frigid woman, Harried, If It Weren’t For You, Look How Hard I’ve tried, Sweetheart)

  • Party Games (Ain’t it awful, Blemish, Schlemiel, Why Don’t You – Yes But)

  • Sexual Games (Let’s you and him fight, Perversion, Rapo, The Stocking Game, Uproar)

  • Underworld Games (Cops and Robbers, How Do You Get Out Of Here, Let’s Pull A Fast One On Joey)

  • Consulting Room Games (Greenhous, I’m only trying to help you, Indigence, Peasant, Psychiatry, Stupid, Wooden Leg)

  • Good Games (Busman’s Holiday, Cavalier, Happy to help, Homely Sage, They’ll Be Glad They Knew Me)

The third part describes the players, paradigms, and what follows.

1.4 What makes the book good?

The book is still actual and even in today's era of virtual relationships, you will find stimuli for their practical use in both individual, group and systemic coaching. I believe that in therapeutic practice it is necessary to know this. At the beginning, I mentioned the types of transactions that take place, for example, between the coach and the client. Lots of schools characterize the state when the transaction is adult versus adult as the OK principle.

1.5 What is the shortcoming of the book?

Personally, I am a visual type and I would appreciate more transaction diagrams and less text. Getting to know some types of games is complicated by the fact that other people enter to them. Furthermore, some abbreviations, without reading the chapter, impair the orientation. Descriptions and theses of some games are general. And I also feel lack of solutions to these situations, although that was certainly not the aim of this book, and in that context it may be unrealistic. A lot of time has passed since this book was written, how did new situations manifest themselves and what are the new games?

2.Book: “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams” by Deepak Chopra

2.1 Opening remarks

This book came to me in a winding way. Deepak Chopra is one of my intellectual role models and his work is enormous. In one show on youtube, I watched a moderator's conversation with Deepak Choopra, where the moderator pointed out this book. I read the book and I couldn't believe my eyes from the first lines. Simply and concisely written information that was put into context and a great opportunity for self-development. I read the book very quickly, it was like going through my thoughts and just needed to align them. In essence, the book touches on very spiritual areas that everyone faces. I have used this knowledge and practice several times in coaching in the form of reflexive techniques and metaphors, and I highly recommend it to you as well.

2.2 About the Book (excerpt from apple books)

In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra distills the essence of his teachings into seven simple, yet powerful principles that can easily be applied to create success in all areas of your life. Based on natural laws that govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, exacting plans, or driving ambition.

Instead, Chopra offers a life-altering perspective on the attainment of success: Once we understand our true nature and learn to live in harmony with natural law, a sense of well-being, good health, fulfilling relationships, energy and enthusiasm for life, and material abundance will spring forth easily and effortlessly. Filled with timeless wisdom and practical steps you can apply right away, this is a book you will cherish for a lifetime, for within its pages are the secrets to making all your dreams come true.

2.3 Interesting insights

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality

We are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence.

2. The Law of Giving

This law could also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving, because the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Nothing is static. Your body is in dynamic and constant exchange with the body of the universe; The flow of life is nothing other than the harmonious interaction of all the elements and forces that structure the field of existence.

3. The Law of Karma or Cause and Effect

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you’ve made in the past.

It’s still a choice:

I could offend you and I could insult you, and you could make the choice of not being offended. I could pay you a compliment and you could make the choice of not letting that flatter you either

4. The Law of Least Effort

If you observe nature at work, you will see that least effort is expended. Grass doesn’t try to grow, it just grows. Fish don’t try to swim, they just swim. It is human nature to make our dreams manifest into physical form, easily and effortlessly. Least effort is expended when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love. When your actions are motivated by love, there is no waste of energy. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates — and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth.

5. The Law of Intention and Desire

The only difference between you and a tree is the informational and energy content of your respective bodies.

Attention and intention: Attention energizes, and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life. Whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate, and disappear. Intention, on the other hand, triggers transformation of energy and information. Intention organizes its own fulfillment.

6. The Law of Detachment

In order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. You give up your attachment to the result. Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. Attachment, on the other hand, is based on fear and insecurity — and the need for security is based on not knowing the true Self. People are constantly seeking security, and you will find that seeking security is actually a very ephemeral thing. Even attachment to money is a sign of insecurity

7. The Law of Dharma

Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means “purpose in life.” The Law of Dharma says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. you have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world — and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.

2.4 What makes the book good?

The book is concise and very deep in its content. What fascinates me is the easy applicability, which everyone can try immediately. Each chapter with the described principle also contains instructions on how to develop techniques within yourself.

2.5 What is the shortcoming of the book?

I didn't find any that I would mention.

3.Book: “Who Am I?: 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions Define Our Personalities” by Steven Reiss

3.1 Opening remarks

A book that the vast majority of coaches have never heard of, but I would say that it is very important for the work of a coach and not only a coach. I have always been interested in people's motivation, because motivation is a source of energy for change.

Until I discovered this book, I was looking for something to start with, and it was always incomplete. This book complemented my missing mosaic and allowed me to discover the reasons for people's behavior and connect them with coaching and hypnosis. You can quickly find out for yourself what motives, inner desires condition your behavior and how it affects relationships.

3.2 About the Book (excerpt from apple books)

What do we want? What makes us tick? From acceptance to vengeance to curiosity, this book explains the 16 basic and universal desires that shape our behavior—and shows how the ways we prioritize them determines our personalities. Grounded in up-to-date psychological research, this book can help parents comprehend their children’s needs and behavior couples understand each other. Better employers motivate their employees become more effective in their work. YOU achieve greater satisfaction and happiness in life.

3.3 Interesting insights

The first few chapters describe the basic desires (Power, Order,..). In the following, it is demonstrated and shown how to work with each other or, for example, in pairs. Very interesting is the chapter where it describes the relevance of selected personalities - high level of desire, average and low. An interesting link to motivational topics in relation to our lives or a link to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

The author perfectly describes how important it is to perceive these needs in pairs, from my point of view excellent information for a couple coach, where it is clear what can be like a friction surface in communication.

In the next part, the author shows how these desires affect our and the surrounding happiness in the form of Value-Based Happiness.

Very interesting are the sections how desires affect the relationship at work. Your desire profile affects not only how you react to the people at work but also how you react to the work itself. Very inspiring part of book is how we can fulfill the 16 basic desires through family life.

I like this: although many people think that sports are primarily motivated by the need for physical activity, sports actually can satisfy nearly all basic desires. The various psychological aspects of sports—excellence, teamwork, endurance, winning, character, and leadership—satisfy different basic desires.

3.4 What makes the book good?

The book is based on research of people's motivations. It is clearly structured, and I think it will provide very important information that a real coach needs for work. The appendix is a nicely prepared procedure in the form of questions that can be applied for the questionnaire and other work.

3.5 What is the shortcoming of the book?

This book is based on original scientific research on the basic human desires that make our lives meaningful. Many people are not aware that the most famous analyses of human desire in history were not based upon scientific study. For 2,500 years, the greatest philosophers and scientists have produced many answers to the question, “What makes people tick?” Although the theories were brilliant and fascinating, few were based on any scientific research, and none was based on scientifically valid surveys of the kind reported in this book. What is perhaps most significant about the answer put forth in this book is that it is based on having actually asked large numbers of people what it is that is most important to them.

This book is based on surveys of more than 6,000 people from many stations in life, and authors discovered that there are 16 basic desires and values that drive nearly everything we do. I would also appreciate more insights from public and academic authorities and a larger research sample and population. For example, how did COVID affect our desires? Is that really all?

<![CDATA[The Inner Critic]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/the-inner-critic61103962c5e6ae0015aa7511Sun, 08 Aug 2021 20:22:00 GMTMiroslav Czadek<![CDATA[5. Inspirace – 3 knihy o koučinku a pro kouče:]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/5-inspirace-3-knihy-o-koucinku-a-pro-kouce60fee59f8364d20016fbc528Mon, 26 Jul 2021 17:37:57 GMTMiroslav Czadek

1. Kniha: Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust & Get Extraordinary Results od Judith E. Glaser

Úvodní poznámka

Tato kniha mi opravdu přinesla štěstí. V roce 2017 jsem byl na konferenci EMEA PMI v Římě. Inspirovala mě přednáška Phila Bristola - bývalého Rangera a v současné době špičkového projektového konzultanta a kouče v jeho společnosti na téma „Musíme si promluvit - zpětná vazba, která nebolí“. Téma mě tak zaujalo, že jsem šel ve stopách zdrojů a absolvoval podobné školení jako Phil. Jedním z klíčových odkazů byla práce Judit E. Glaiserové. Byla to nejlepší náhoda v mém životě. Bohužel už Judith naživu neuvidím, ale její kniha mě posunula o světelné roky vpřed.

O knize (výňatek z Apple knihy)

Klíčem k úspěchu v životě a podnikání je stát se mistrem v konverzační inteligenci. Nejde o to, jak chytří jste, ale o to, jak otevření jste k tomu se naučit nové a efektivní silné konverzační rituály, které nastaví mozek na důvěru, partnerství a vzájemný úspěch. Kniha Konverzační inteligence přináší spoustu nových znalostí vycházejících z neurovědy z celého světa a nabízí poznatky tak, aby je lidé mohli pochopit a aplikovat ve svém každodenním životě. Autorka Judith Glaserová představuje rámec pro poznání toho, jaké konverzace spouští nižší, primitivnější mozek; a co aktivuje inteligence vyšší úrovně, jako je důvěra, integrita, empatie a dobrý úsudek. Kniha Konverzační inteligence ukazuje jak lze složité vědecké téma jednoduše a srozumitelně aplikovat na všechny úrovně organizace díky množství snadno použitelných nástrojů, příkladů, konverzačních rituálů a postupů.

Kniha má 3 části a 12 kapitol:

ČÁST I Konverzační inteligence a proč ji potřebujeme

ČÁST II Zvyšování konverzační inteligence

ČÁST III Jak se dostat na další úroveň velikosti

Zajímavé postřehy

Pro mě osobně, nejzajímavější kapitoly a informace, které jsem do své praxe začlenil, jsou následující:

  1. Uplatnění modelu TRUST v každodenním životě a uplatnění 5 kroků, které vám pomohou ho dosáhnout.

  2. Přechod z Já na My. Jak vytvořit DŮVĚRU/TRUST (transparentnost, vztah, porozumění, společný úspěch, testování předpokladů) posun, který musíme udělat z Já na My

  3. Pět konverzačních Slepých míst

  4. Pět otázek od Ochrany…. Partnerství

  5. Srdce v Mozku

  6. Vedlejší signály z Amygdaly

  7. Důvěra a nedůvěra

  8. Žebřík závěrů

  9. Naslouchání hrozbám

  10. Vitální instinkty: Síly

  11. Roadmapa pro budování konverzační agility

  12. Konverzační rituály pro změnu

  13. Práce s cvičeními (Double-Clicking, LEARN, Zpět do budoucnosti)

V čem je kniha dobrá?

Díky této knize jsem si uvědomil, jak citlivý je náš mozek a jak neuvěřitelně málo stačí k aktivaci módu boje nebo útěku. Tato kniha je vynikající nejen pro kouče, ale pro kohokoli, jenž komunikuje s lidmi. To, co je popsáno v knize, opravdu funguje, jasné metody, které může zvládnout každý.

Jaký je nedostatek knihy?

Nenašel jsem nic, co bych mohl komentovat.

2. Kniha: Coach the Person, Not the Problem: A Guide to Using Reflective Inquiry od Marcia Reynolds

Úvodní poznámka

Na Converge v roce 2019, kde jsem pomáhal jako dobrovolník, jsem potkal Marciu Reynoldsovou. Marcia měla přednášku „Koučujte člověka, ne problém“, která mě natolik fascinovala, že jsem si knihu okamžitě přečetl a aplikoval získané znalosti do své praxe.

O knize (výňatek z Amazon knih)

Kouči se až příliš spoléhají na otevřené otázky,“ říká Marcia Reynolds. Ale otázky hledají pouze odpovědi - dotaz poskytuje vhled. Když klienti místo pouhých otázek slyší své myšlenky, názory a přesvědčení, které vyslovil někoho jiný, vybízí je, aby kriticky zvážili, jak jejich myšlení ovlivňuje jejich cíle. Reynolds cituje nejnovější neuro vědu, aby ukázala proč funguje reflexní dotaz, a poskytuje techniky, tipy a struktury pro vytváření průlomových rozhovorů.

Tato kniha osvobodí kouče od kultu kladení magických otázek tím, že nabízí pět základních praktik reflexivního dotazování: zaměření se na osobu, ne na problém; shrnutí, co je slyšeno a vyjádřeno; identifikování základní víry a předpokladů; odkrytí požadovaného výsledku; a formulování zjištění a závazků. Používání těchto postupů v kombinaci s respektováním a přítomnou péčí o klienta pomáhá kouč vytvářet prostor, kde se klient cítí bezpečně a je viděn a oceňován pro to, kým je. Kouči se tak stávají agenty změn, kteří se aktivně podílejí na naplňování lidského ducha. Klienti se pak přirozeně ponoří hlouběji a vytvářejí rozvinutá řešení jež mohou překvapit i kouče.

Zajímavé postřehy

Pro mě jsem rozdělil témata na důležitá, zapamatovatelná a tipy:


  • Koučování versus povídaní si

  • Když se snažíte zapamatovat si dobrou otázku, jste ve své hlavě a nejste přítomni. Unikne vám, když vám klienti sdělují, co opravdu chtějí, nebo když odhalí víru nebo strach, který paralyzuje. Být přítomný je důležitější než být dokonalý.

  • Vedla vaše slova klienta ke srozumitelnosti nebo jste vedli svého klienta k přijetí definice situace na základě vašich vlastních zkušeností?

  • Další formou parafrázování je použití metafory. Pomocí metafory nakreslíte obraz toho, co vám klient říká v jiném kontextu spojeném ve stejném smyslu ...

  • Podstatné shrnutí pomáhá klientům izolovat, co je třeba vyřešit, aby dosáhli požadovaného výsledku. Klienti se často shodují v tom, co chtějí, ale poté uvedou všechny důvody, proč se nemohou pohnout kupředu. Když shrnete jejich důvody, rozšíří si je v seznamu. Konverzace pak probíhá v kruzích.

  • Poslouchejte slovo, ale.

  • Když uslyšíte konflikt v přáních nebo hodnotách, můžete možnosti lépe formulovat dotazem

  • Pokud chcete, aby se vaši klienti cítili dobře, když jsou s vámi zranitelní, musíte nechat odeznít reakce na jejich emoce.

  • Bez vědomého uvědomění si potřeb, které vyvolávají naše emocionální reakce, jsme otroky těchto potřeb

  • Rozpoznání potřeb nás osvobozuje k tomu, abychom si mohli vybrat své reakce

K zapamatování a tipy:

  • 3 tipy, jak se zaměřit na osobu, ne na problém

  • 3 tipy pro sumarizace

  • 3 tipy, jak si všimnout emočních změn

  • 3 tipy pro hacking mozku koučováním, co drží pohromadě příběhy vašich klientů

  • 3 tipy pro udržení konverzace na správné cestě

  • 3 tipy pro formulování zjištění a závazků

  • Následující tři kroky vám pomohou sladit mozek

  • Vytváření návyku naladění mozku: Představení rutiny

  • Pět kroků k budování vědomí v konverzaci postaveného na smyslech

  • Vytváření návyku přijímání: přítomnost celého těla

  • Klíčové body k procvičení pro zachycení a uvolnění úsudku

  • Vytváření návyku k zachytávání a uvolňování vašich emocí

V čem je kniha dobrá?

Knihu napsala koučka pro kouče. Byl jsem na mnoha školeních, ale v této knize najdete některé důležité informace o koučování, které vám žádné školení neposkytne.

Jaký je nedostatek knihy?

Nenašel jsem nic, co bych mohl komentovat.

3. Kniha: The Forgotten Choice: Shift Your Inner Mindset, Shape Your Outer World od Brenda Bence

Úvodní poznámka

Tato kniha ke mně přišla prostřednictvím Marcie „lajku“ na Linkedin. Ale to, co mě přesvědčilo, abych si knihu přečetl, byly následující otázky týkající se cíle, zmíněné v tomto odstavci. "Vybavte si cíl, který máte pro sebe - něco, co opravdu, opravdu chcete!" Na stupnici od 1 do 10 (10 je vysoká), jak silná je vaše touha, dosáhnout tohoto cíle? Nyní zvažte toto: "Jak byste na stejné desetibodové stupnici hodnotili svou víru v sebe sama, že tohoto cíle můžete skutečně dosáhnout?“ Shodou okolností jsem v té době měl klienta, jehož víra v sebe sama byla klíčem pro další sezení.

O knize (výňatek z Amazon knih)

V knize The Forgotten Choice: Shift Your Inner Mindset, Shape Your Outer World, motivační autorka a přední globální koučka Brenda Bence jasně ukazuje, že úspěch ve vztazích, práci, financích, zdraví a jinde spočívá v ustavení jedné věci uvnitř vás, pomocí níž můžete vytvořit skutečnou, trvalou a pozitivní změnu: způsob jakým přemýšlíte a to navzdory chaosu, který se ve vašem vnějším světě může odehrávat.

Probíraná témata:

  • proč je nastavení mysli vše

  • jak se vymanit z negativního myšlení a myslet jinak

  • proč „to, co si opravdu myslíte, JE to, co dostanete“ a jak se jednou provždy plně postarat o své myšlenky

  • jak okamžitě provést změnu a jak ji přimět, aby se udržela

  • jak čelit strachu a zvládnout jej

  • přijmutí neznámého s pocitem vzrušení a dobrodružství

Zajímavé postřehy

  • V co jiného bychom věřili? Tři sta let newtonovské fyziky nás naučilo, že příčina je mimo nás a že jsme v jejím důsledku. Protože tak silně věříme v tento vztah příčiny a následku, vede to k tomu, že se cítíme obětí. Koneckonců, je těžké cítit pocit uspokojení, když věříme, že jsme vydáni na milost a nemilost všemu, co se děje navenek.

  • příčina není mimo nás, ale uvnitř. Příčinou jsou vaše myšlenky; váš život je účinek.

  • pod jakýmkoli hněvem - vždy existuje strach.

  • vaše sebepoznání má dva odlišné hlasy, které k vám mluví po celý den: Vnitřní poraženec (hlas strachu) a Vnitřní kouč (hlas pro radost z možnosti).

  • Nepopiratelná spokojenost z přítomnosti

  • Vytváření vaší budoucnosti je snazší, než si myslíte

  • Důležitost věřit, že se můžete posunout - s vědomím, že si můžete vybrat jinak, a že při tom zažijete změnu

V čem je kniha dobrá?

Pro mě jsou tím nejlepším, co jsem do své praxe doplnil, následující kapitoly: „Nepopiratelná spokojenost z přítomnosti“, „Vytváření vaší budoucnosti je snazší, než si myslíte“ nebo „Jak to připravit tak, aby to pro vás pracovalo“.

Poté pro mě byly nejcennější „Pyramida, to co si myslíte, je to , co získáte“, „Dvě energie, dvě pyramidy“ nebo „Vaše nejdůležitější konverzace“.

Kniha je čtitelná a lze ji přečíst s poznámkami a samostudiem za pár dní.

Jaký je nedostatek knihy?

Sloučil bych první tři kapitoly do jedné. Zkrátil bych několik dalších kapitol.
