<![CDATA[projecoach.cz]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/feedRSS for NodeMon, 20 Jan 2025 03:43:46 GMT<![CDATA[Ovládnutí paměti: Pokročilé techniky pro lepší vybavování ]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/ovl%C3%A1dnuti-pameti-pokrocile-techniky-pro-lepsi-vybavovani676d93fe8c84b8641a45be77Thu, 26 Dec 2024 18:45:44 GMTMiroslav Czadek

Zapomínání důležitých informací může být frustrující. Ať už jste student připravující se na zkoušky, profesionál, který řeší více projektů najednou, nebo jen někdo, kdo si nemůže vzpomenout, kde nechal klíče, zlepšení vaší paměti může mít významný vliv na všechny oblasti vašeho života.

Jste připraveni objevit metody, které transformují vaše kognitivní schopnosti? Podívejme se na tyto účinné techniky! ️

1. Mnemotechnické pomůcky:

Mnemotechniky transformují komplexní informace na snadno zapamatovatelné části. Tyto nástroje nejsou jen praktické, ale také zábavné. Pro hlubší porozumění mnemotechnickým pomůckám a jejich různým formám můžete navštívit Mind Tools.

Ať už používáte jednoduché akronymy nebo složitější příběhy, klíčem je propojit informace způsobem, který má pro vás smysl. Pro složitější metody jako je peg-word systém, můžete využít zdroje na Lumosity, které nabízejí interaktivní způsoby, jak s těmito technikami trénovat váš mozek.

Kromě toho vytváření interaktivních scénářů, kde informace jsou součástí širšího příběhu, může významně pomoci zapamatování. Pro ty, kteří mají zájem o kognitivní vědu a chtějí zjistit, proč jsou příběhy tak mocnými mnemotechnickými nástroji, nabízí Scientific American skvělý vhled do tohoto tématu.

2. Hudba a rýmy:

Náš mozek je přirozeně nastaven k rozpoznávání vzorů a rytmů, což dělá hudbu a rýmy silným nástrojem pro paměť. Zajímavý pohled na to, jak může hudba zlepšit učení, nabízí tento odkaz na Music and Memory.

Začleněním melodií, které vyvolávají emoce, může být uchování informací robustnější. Pro praktické příklady hudbních mnemotechnik ve výuce navštivte TED-Ed, kde najdete animované lekce, které využívají hudbu k výuce různých předmětů.

Pokud chcete vytvořit vlastní hudební mnemotechniky, zvažte použití populárních melodií jako základu. Čím chytlavější melodie, tím pravděpodobněji si ji zapamatujete. Pro tipy, jak informace přizpůsobit hudbě, může být užitečný server Berkeley University se zdroji o integraci hudby do učebních strategií.

3. Seskupování (Chunking):

Seskupování zjednodušuje zapamatování velkých bloků informací tím, že je rozdělí na menší, snáze stravitelné části. Tato metoda je zvláště užitečná pro zapamatování čísel nebo seznamů. Praktický návod na implementaci seskupování najdete na Verywell Mind, který vysvětluje, jak tuto techniku používat v každodenních situacích.

Pro pokročilejší seskupování zkuste organizovat informace logicky nebo kategoricky. Tento přístup nejen pomáhá v zapamatování, ale také ve vzájemném pochopení vztahů mezi různými daty. Pro detailnější pohled na pokročilé techniky seskupování navštivte katedru psychologie Harvardovy univerzity.

Pro vizuální učení může být vytváření myšlenkových map efektivním způsobem, jak vizuálně organizovat a seskupovat informace. Nástroje jako MindMeister nabízejí digitální platformy, kde můžete vyvíjet a ukládat složité myšlenkové mapy. ️

4. Paměťový palác:

Technika Paláce paměti, neboli Metoda loci, spočívá v asociaci informací s konkrétními místy ve známém prostoru. Jak si vybudovat vlastní Palác paměti a příběhy o jeho úspěšném využití najdete například na The Art of Memory Blog.

Zlepšení vašeho Paláce paměti s pomocí živých, smyslových detailů může učinit vzpomínky trvalejšími. Pro ty, kteří mají zájem o pochopení, jak multisenzorická integrace zlepšuje paměť, nabízí web Neuroscience News snadno dostupné články na toto téma. ️

Zkuste implementovat dynamické vizualizační techniky tím, že do každé scény ve vašem Paláci paměti zahrnete akce a emoce. Pro praktická cvičení a tipy na vizualizaci, je web Visualization Techniques  fantastickým zdrojem.

5. Psaní rukou:

Psaní informací rukou zahrnuje jiné kognitivní procesy než psaní na klávesnici a může vést k lepšímu zapamatování. Pro vědecký pohled na to, proč má psaní rukou takový vliv na aktivitu mozku, nabízí Psychology Today informace, jak psaní rukou ovlivňuje mozkovou aktivitu. ✍️

Vytvořte si zvyk nejen psát, ale aktivně shrnovat a analyzovat to, co se učíte. Toto hlubší zapojení do tématu pomáhá efektivněji zakódovat informace. Pro strategie účinného pořizování poznámek, nabízí informace Cornell University’s Learning Strategies Center .

Pravidelné se navracení a revize ručně psaných poznámek je klíčové pro upevnění znalostí. Pro postupy, jak efektivně přehodnocovat a spravovat vaše poznámky, má Lifehacker  praktické rady na optimalizaci studijních návyků.

6. Rozložené opakování:

Rozložené opakování zahrnuje přezkoumávání informací ve zvyšujících se intervalech, aby se posílila paměť. Web Gwern.net poskytuje podrobný náhled na rozložené opakování a možné softwarové nástroje, které mohou pomoci automatizovat proces opakování, jako jsou Anki nebo SuperMemo.

Kombinace rozloženého opakování s aktivním připomínáním zvyšuje efektivitu vašich studijních hodin. Aktivní připomínání vás vyzývá k vybavení si informací bez nahlížení do poznámek, čímž posiluje paměť. Pro tipy na implementaci aktivního připomínání, nabízí The Learning Scientists užitečné strategie a zdroje. ‍

Pro technologický přístup k rozloženému opakování, zvažte použití aplikací, které přizpůsobují načasování opakování podle vašeho výkonu. Duolingo, například, využívá algoritmy rozloženého opakování k efektivnímu vyučování nových jazyků.

7. Vizuální spojení:

Vizuální spojení využívají přirozenou preferenci mozku pro zpracování vizuálních informací nad textovými daty. Pro začátečníka, který chce vytvořit silné vizuální pomůcky pro učení, poskytuje Visual Learning Center cenné zdroje a nástroje. ️

Vytváření bizarních a neobvyklých obrazů k reprezentaci informací činí vzpomínky více rozlišitelnými a snadněji vybavitelnými. Pro další informace o tom, jak vytváření jedinečných vizualizací může zlepšit paměť, přináší Fast Company často články o inovativních vizualizačních mnemotechnikách.

Začlenění dalších smyslů do vašich vizualizací může zvýšit živost a efektivitu vašich vzpomínek. Pro tipy na multisenzorické učení a jeho výhody, Multisensory Learning Academy nabízí, jak může vést angažování více smyslů k lepším výsledkům ve vzdělávání.

8. Výuka ostatních:

Výuka je silným nástrojem pro posílení učení a paměti. Koncept, že výuka ostatních může zlepšit vaše vlastní porozumění, je podrobně popsán na Teach.com, kde najdete zdroje a metody pro efektivní výuku a učení. ️

Příprava na výuku vyžaduje důkladné pochopení materiálu, což vás nutí naučit se ho lépe. Pro metody, jak připravit lekce a jasně prezentovat informace, nabízí TED’s Education Initiative postupy a příklady efektivních výukových strategií.

Zapojení vašeho publika a adaptace na základě zpětné vazby jsou zásadní pro efektivní učení. Pro bližší pohled na interaktivní výukové techniky a jejich dopad na paměť, nabízí Edutopia bohaté zdroje o spolupracujících a reagujících výukových metodách.

9. Spánek:

Spánek je klíčový pro konsolidaci paměti, proces, při kterém se krátkodobé vzpomínky transformují na dlouhodobé a stabilní vzpomínky. Pro přehled o tom, jak spánek ovlivňuje paměť, poskytuje National Sleep Foundation komplexní výzkumy a tipy, jak optimalizovat spánek pro lepší kognitivní funkci.

Revize klíčových informací před spaním může zlepšit konsolidaci paměti během spánku. Pro strategie, jak efektivně integrovat studijní sezení do vašeho spánkového režimu, nabízí Sleep.org  praktické rady.

Spánek může také zlepšit udržení paměti. Pro další informace jaké výhody může mít krátký spánek po učení, popisuje Sleep Review Magazine  nejnovější výzkumy o krátkém spánku a kognitivním výkonu.

10. Fyzická cvičení:

Pravidelné fyzické cvičení zlepšuje kognitivní funkce a paměť tím, že zvyšuje průtok krve do mozku. Podrobný přehled, jak aerobní cvičení zlepšuje zdraví mozku, poskytuje Brain Health from National Institutes of Health  docela cenné informace a postupy. ‍♀️

Začlenění fyzické aktivity do vašeho učebního režimu může zlepšit kognitivní výkon. Pro tipy, jak kombinovat cvičení s učebními návyky, nabízí Healthline články o nejlepších cvicích pro zdraví mozku.

Snížení stresu prostřednictvím cvičení může také zlepšit vaši mentální jasnost a schopnost soustředit se. Pro více informací o vztahu mezi stresem, cvičením a kognitivní funkcí, Anxiety and Depression Association of America poskytuje vhledy a strategie zvládání.

11. Odlehčení informací:

V dnešní digitální době je praktické přenést kognitivní zátěž na digitální nástroje, což je způsob, jak zvládnout obrovské množství informací. Pro osvědčené postupy při používání digitálních nástrojů pro kognitivní odlehčení, nabízí Digital Psychology techniky a doporučení vhodného softwaru.

Použití aplikací k organizaci a kategorizaci informací může pomoci udržet jasnost a soustředění. Pro recenze nejlepších organizačních aplikací, TechRadar porovnává nejlepší nástroje pro paměť a produktivitu.

Pravidelné přezkoumávání uložených informací udržuje čerstvý obsah a zajistí, že zůstanete s obsahem obeznámeni. Pro strategie udržování a aktualizace digitálních poznámek, poskytuje Evernote Blog  tipy uživatelů a úspěšné příběhy.


Tyto pokročilé techniky zlepšování paměti jsou více než jen studijní pomůcky; jsou to nástroje pro život, které mohou zlepšit vaše profesní schopnosti, akademický úspěch a denní produktivitu. Využitím těchto strategií si můžete vybudovat ostřejší, odolnější mysl schopnou zvládat složitosti moderního života.


Vyberte si několik technik, které s vámi rezonují, a začleňte je do svého denního režimu během příštího měsíce. Pozorujte změny, jak zpracováváte, uchováváte a vybavujete si informace. Aplikujte tyto metody, nejen abyste zlepšili svou paměť, ale také celkovou mentální obratnost. Proměňte svůj mozek ve vysoce výkonný stroj ještě dnes!

<![CDATA[Mastering Memory: Advanced Techniques for Superior Recall ]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/mastering-memory-advanced-techniques-for-superior-recall676d8e4136d9bd820655bf86Thu, 26 Dec 2024 18:45:23 GMTMiroslav Czadek

Struggling to hold onto important information can be a real headache. Whether you're a student cramming for exams, a professional juggling multiple projects, or just someone trying to remember where you left your keys, improving your memory can have profound impacts on all aspects of your life.

Ready to unlock the secrets to transforming your cognitive abilities? Let’s explore these powerful techniques! ️

1. Mnemonic Devices:

Mnemonics transform complex information into memorable, easy-to-recall snippets. These tools are not just useful but also fun to create and use. For a deep dive into mnemonic devices and their various forms, you might find the comprehensive guide at Mind Tools very insightful.

Whether you use simple acronyms or elaborate stories, the key is to link the information in a way that makes sense to you. For more intricate methods like the peg-word system, explore resources at Luminosity that provide interactive ways to train your brain using these techniques.

Additionally, creating interactive scenarios where information forms part of a larger narrative can significantly aid retention. For those interested in the cognitive science behind why stories make such powerful mnemonic devices, Scientific American offers an excellent exploration of this topic.

2. Music and Rhymes:

Our brains are hardwired to recognize patterns and rhythms, making musical mnemonics a powerful tool for memory. For an engaging look at how music can enhance learning, check out the insightful articles at Music and Memory.

By incorporating melodies that evoke emotions, the retention of information becomes more robust. To see practical examples of musical mnemonics in action, visit TED-Ed for animated lessons that utilize music to teach a variety of subjects.

If you’re looking to craft your own musical mnemonics, consider using popular tunes as the foundation. The catchier the tune, the more likely it is to stick. For tips on how to set information to music, Berkeley University has resources on integrating music with learning strategies.

3. Chunking:

Chunking breaks down large blocks of information into smaller, more digestible pieces. This method is especially useful for memorizing numbers or lists. A practical guide to implementing chunking can be found on Verywell Mind, which explains how to use this technique in everyday scenarios.

To take chunking to the next level, try organizing information hierarchically or categorically. This approach not only helps in memorizing but also in understanding the relationships between different pieces of data. For an in-depth look at advanced chunking techniques, visit Harvard’s Cognitive Psychology department.

For those who prefer visual learning, creating mind maps is an effective way to visually organize and chunk information. Tools like MindMeister offer digital platforms where you can develop and store complex mind maps. ️

4. Memory Palace:

The Memory Palace technique, or Method of Loci, involves associating information with specific locations in a familiar space. To learn how to build your own Memory Palace and for stories of its successful use, The Art of Memory Blog provides tutorials and success stories.

Enhancing your Memory Palace with vivid, sensory details can make the memory more durable. For those interested in understanding how multisensory integration enhances memory, Neuroscience News offers accessible articles on the topic. ️

Implement dynamic visualization techniques by incorporating actions and emotions into each scene within your Memory Palace. For practical exercises and visualization tips, the Visualization Techniques website is a fantastic resource.

5. Writing It Down:

The act of writing information down by hand involves different cognitive processes than typing and can lead to better memory retention. For a scientific exploration of why this is the case, Psychology Today offers insights into how handwriting affects brain activity. ✍️

Develop the practice of not just writing, but actively summarizing and analyzing what you learn. This deeper engagement with the material helps in encoding information more effectively. For strategies on effective note-taking, check out Cornell University’s Learning Strategies Center.

Regularly revisiting and revising handwritten notes is crucial for cementing knowledge. For guidelines on how to effectively review and manage your notes, Lifehacker has practical advice on optimizing your study habits.

6. Spaced Repetition:

Spaced repetition involves reviewing information at increasing intervals to reinforce memory. The Gwern.net website provides an in-depth look at spaced repetition and software that can help automate the review process, such as Anki or SuperMemo.

Combining spaced repetition with active recall practices enhances the effectiveness of your study sessions. Active recall challenges you to retrieve information without looking at your notes, solidifying the memory. For tips on implementing active recall, The Learning Scientists offer useful strategies and resources. ‍

For a technological approach to spaced repetition, consider using apps that tailor the spacing of reviews based on your performance. Duolingo, for example, uses spaced repetition algorithms to teach new languages effectively.

7. Visual Connections:

Visual connections leverage the brain’s preference for processing visual information over textual data. For a beginner’s guide to creating powerful visual aids in learning, Visual Learning Center provides valuable resources and tools. ️

Creating bizarre and unusual images to represent information makes the memories more distinct and easier to recall. For more on how creating unique visualizations can improve memory, Fast Company frequently features articles on innovative mnemonic visualization techniques.

Integrating other senses into your visualizations can enhance the vividness and effectiveness of your memories. For insights into multisensory learning and its benefits, Multisensory Learning Academy explores how engaging multiple senses can lead to better educational outcomes.

8. Teaching Others:

Teaching is a powerful tool for reinforcing learning and memory. The concept that teaching others can enhance your own understanding is explored in detail at Teach.com, which provides resources and methods for effective teaching and learning. ️

Preparing to teach requires a deep dive into the material, forcing you to learn it more thoroughly. For methods on how to prepare lessons and present information clearly, TED’s Education Initiative offers guidelines and examples of effective teaching strategies.

Engaging with your audience and adapting based on feedback are essential for effective teaching and learning. For a closer look at interactive teaching techniques and their impact on memory, Edutopia offers a wealth of resources on collaborative and responsive teaching methods.

9. Sleep:

Sleep is crucial for memory consolidation. For an overview of how sleep affects memory, National Sleep Foundation provides comprehensive research and tips on optimizing sleep for better cognitive function.

Reviewing key information before bedtime can enhance memory consolidation during sleep. For strategies on how to effectively integrate study sessions with your sleep schedule, Sleep.org offers practical advice.

Napping can also boost memory retention. For insights into the benefits of short naps after learning, Sleep Review Magazine discusses the latest research on naps and cognitive performance.

10. Physical Exercise:

Physical exercise boosts cognitive functions and memory by increasing blood flow to the brain. For a detailed look at how aerobic exercise improves brain health, Brain Health from National Institutes of Health provides valuable information and guidelines. ‍♀️

Integrating physical activity into your learning routine can enhance cognitive performance. For tips on combining exercise with study habits, Healthline offers articles on the best exercises for brain health.

Reducing stress through exercise can also improve your mental clarity and ability to focus. For more on the relationship between stress, exercise, and cognitive function, Anxiety and Depression Association of America provides insights and coping strategies.

11. Offloading Information:

In today’s digital age, offloading cognitive load to digital tools is a practical way to manage vast amounts of information. For best practices in using digital tools for cognitive offloading, Digital Psychology offers techniques and software recommendations.

Using apps to organize and categorize information can help maintain clarity and focus. For reviews of the best organizational apps, TechRadar compares the top tools for memory and productivity.

Periodically reviewing stored information keeps it fresh and ensures that you remain familiar with the content. For strategies on maintaining and updating digital notes, Evernote Blog provides user tips and success stories.


These advanced memory-enhancing techniques are more than just study aids; they are tools for life that can improve your professional capabilities, academic success, and daily productivity. By adopting these strategies, you can build a sharper, more resilient mind capable of handling the complexities of modern life.

Call to Action:

Select a few techniques that resonate with you and integrate them into your daily routine over the next month. Observe the changes in how you process, retain, and recall information. Embrace these methods to not only boost your memory but also enhance your overall mental agility. Transform your brain into a high-performing engine today!

<![CDATA[Jak Muse S zlepšuje koučování: Průvodce vědomým výkonem]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/jak-muse-s-zlepsuje-koucovani-pruvodce-vedomym-vykonem675f33a4534b09233f6e0c2aSun, 15 Dec 2024 20:27:37 GMTMiroslav CzadekÚvod

  • Muse S / Muse 2 je pokročilá EEG (Elektroencefalograf) čelenka, která pomáhá uživatelům zlepšit vědomí, soustředění a relaxaci pomocí zpětné vazby v reálném čase.

  • Koučové v různých oblastech – od výkonnostního přes životní a wellness koučování až po spánkové poradenství – mohou díky integraci Muse S významně zvýšit efektivitu své praxe.

  • V tomto blogu podrobně popisuji vědecké základy, možnosti využití, přínosy a způsoby, jak Muse S začlenit do koučování. Uvedené informace jsou podložené relevantními studiemi a zdroji.

Věda za Muse S

Co je Muse S?

Muse S je pokročilá čelenka s EEG technologií, která monitoruje mozkovou aktivitu, srdeční tep, dechové vzorce a pohyb těla. Nabízí:

  • Zpětnou vazbu v reálném čase během meditace či cvičení zaměřeného na vědomí.

  • Nástroje pro zlepšení kvality spánku prostřednictvím vedených meditací a sledování spánkových vzorců.

Jak to funguje?

  • EEG Sensory: Měří mozkovou aktivitu a identifikují stavy klidu, aktivity či rozptýlení.

  • Monitor srdečního tepu: Sleduje úroveň relaxace a pomáhá s dechem zaměřeným na srdeční rytmus.

  • Senzory dechu a pohybu: Analyzují fyzickou klidnost a dechové vzorce, což přispívá k hlubšímu uvolnění.

  • Zpětná vazba je poskytována pomocí zvuků (například uklidňující zvuky deště nebo větru), které reflektují aktuální stav mysli..

Vědecké základy

Technologie Muse S staví na vědeckých poznatcích o vlivu vědomí a neurofeedbacku na kognitivní a emocionální zdraví. Výzkumy ukazují, že tato metoda zlepšuje soustředění, snižuje stres a podporuje kvalitnější spánek (source).

Využití Muse S v koučování

1. Výkonnostní koučování

  • Jak pomáhá: Pomáhá klientům zvládat stres a udržovat koncentraci pod tlakem.

  • Přínos: Zvyšuje mentální odolnost a zlepšuje výkon v klíčových situacích.

  • Podpora z výzkumu: Studie ukazují, že techniky zaměřené na vědomí zlepšují soustředění a snižují úzkost při vystavení stresovým situacím (source).

2. Životní koučování

  • Jak pomáhá: Umožňuje klientům rozvíjet sebeuvědomění a emoční stabilitu prostřednictvím personalizovaných meditačních cvičení.

  • Přínos: Zlepšuje rozhodování a podporuje osobní růst.

  • Podpora z výzkumu: Praxe vědomí prokazatelně zlepšuje psychickou pohodu a redukuje stres  (source).

3. Spánkové koučování

  • Jak pomáhá: Monitoruje spánek a nabízí meditace navržené pro lepší relaxaci před spaním.

  • Přínos: Pomáhá klientům lépe spát a zlepšuje jejich celkovou regeneraci.

  • Podpora z výzkumu: Vědecké studie ukazují, že neurofeedback a vědomé cvičení mohou výrazně zlepšit kvalitu spánku (source).

4. Wellness koučování

  • Jak pomáhá: Podporuje zvládání stresu a rozvoj zdravých návyků prostřednictvím biofeedbacku.

  • Přínos: Podporuje fyzickou i mentální pohodu.

  • Podpora z výzkumu: Biofeedback snižuje stres a pomáhá klientům lépe regulovat své emoce (source).

Přínosy pro kouče

1. Lepší porozumění klientům

  • Muse S poskytuje data o mentálních stavech, úrovni stresu a kvalitě spánku, což umožňuje přesnější diagnostiku problémů a návrh individuálních řešení.

2. Vyšší odpovědnost klientů

  • Zpětná vazba v reálném čase motivuje klienty k dodržování meditačních cvičení a sledování vlastního pokroku.

3. Efektivnější koučování

  • Díky objektivním údajům mohou koučové efektivněji řešit konkrétní potřeby klientů a lépe využívat čas během sezení.

4. Konkurenční výhoda

  • Integrace Muse S do koučování ukazuje, že kouč používá moderní technologie a vědecké přístupy.

Jak začlenit Muse S do koučování

1. Vstupní hodnocení

  • Analyzujte výchozí stav klientů (úroveň klidu, stresu a kvalitu spánku) pomocí Muse S.

2. Personalizované plány

  • Na základě dat z Muse S vytvořte individuální plány zaměřené na meditaci, relaxaci nebo zlepšení spánkových návyků.

3. Pravidelný monitoring

  • Průběžně sledujte pokrok a přizpůsobujte strategie na základě zpětné vazby z Muse S.

4. Důraz na konzistenci

  • Doporučte klientům, aby Muse S používali denně, například během ranní meditace nebo před spaním.

Příklady úspěšného nasazení

  • Výkonnostní koučování: Klient překonal obavy z veřejného vystupování a výrazně si zvýšil sebevědomí při prezentacích.

  • Spánkové koučování: Manažer si zlepšil kvalitu spánku o 30 % díky každodennímu používání meditací Muse S.

  • Wellness koučování: Klient snížil úroveň chronického stresu a zvýšil svou produktivitu i emoční stabilitu.

Tipy pro maximální využití Muse S v koučování

Pro kouče:

  • Začněte každé sezení přehledem dat z Muse S.

  • Spojte poznatky z Muse S s dalšími koučovacími nástroji, jako je vedení deníku nebo sledování návyků.

Pro klienty:

  • Používejte Muse S v klidném prostředí, abyste zlepšili své soustředění a relaxaci.

  • Stanovte si malé, dosažitelné cíle pro meditaci a cvičení zaměřená na vědomí.


Čelenka Muse S představuje průlomovou inovaci v oblasti koučování, protože překonává propast mezi subjektivními zkušenostmi a objektivními daty. Díky technologii biofeedbacku v reálném čase umožňuje koučům poskytovat vědecky podložené a personalizované vedení, ať už jde o optimalizaci výkonu, emoční regulaci, zlepšení spánku nebo celkovou pohodu.

Pro klienty Muse S podporuje odpovědnost, konzistenci a měřitelný pokrok, čímž činí vědomí a wellness přístupnějšími. Na základě výzkumu a ověřených výsledků není Muse S jen nástrojem – je to revoluční řešení pro koučovací průmysl.

Udělejte první krok: Jste kouč, který chce posunout svou praxi na vyšší úroveň, nebo klient, který hledá hlubší sebeuvědomění? Objevte možnosti Muse S. Navštivte choosemuse.com/projecoach zjistěte více a odemkněte svůj potenciál s touto inovativní technologií!

Udělejte další krok: Vyberte si "Managing Stress with Biofeedback":

<![CDATA[How Muse S Enhances Coaching: A Guide to Mindful Performance]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/how-muse-s-enhances-coaching-a-guide-to-mindful-performance675f2a9327406be9b1cd8fdfSun, 15 Dec 2024 19:41:41 GMTMiroslav CzadekIntroduction

  • The Muse S/ Muse 2 is an advanced EEG (electroencephalogram) headband designed to help users enhance mindfulness, focus, and relaxation through real-time biofeedback.

  • Coaches across various fields - performance, life, wellness, and sleep - can benefit from integrating Muse S into their practice.

  • This guide explores the science, applications, benefits, and strategies for using Muse S to elevate coaching effectiveness, supported by references to scientific studies.

The Science Behind Muse S

What is Muse S?

Muse S combines EEG technology, heart rate monitoring, and biofeedback to track mental states and physiological responses. This device provides:

  • Real-time feedback during meditation or mindfulness practices.

  • Tools for improving sleep quality through guided meditations and sleep pattern tracking.

How Does It Work?

  • EEG Sensors: Measure brain activity to identify calm, active, or distracted states.

  • Heart Rate Monitor: Tracks relaxation during meditation and guides heart-focused breathing.

  • Breath and Body Movement Sensors: Analyze stillness and breathing patterns for enhanced mindfulness and relaxation.

  • Feedback is delivered through auditory cues (e.g., calming weather sounds for a focused mind).

Scientific Basis

Muse S technology builds on evidence that mindfulness and neurofeedback enhance cognitive and emotional health. Research supports its use in improving attention, reducing stress, and aiding sleep (source).

Applications of Muse S in Coaching

1. Performance Coaching

  • Application: Helps clients manage performance anxiety and maintain focus under pressure.

  • Benefit: Enhances mental resilience and boosts peak performance.

  • Scientific Support: Studies demonstrate that mindfulness interventions improve attentional focus and reduce stress in competitive environments (source).

2. Life Coaching

  • Application: Guides clients to develop self-awareness and emotional regulation through tailored meditation sessions.

  • Benefit: Improves decision-making, emotional intelligence, and personal growth.

  • Scientific Support: Mindfulness practices have been linked to improved well-being and reduced anxiety (source).

3. Sleep Coaching

  • Application: Tracks sleep stages and offers guided meditations to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

  • Benefit: Addresses insomnia and enhances overall recovery.

  • Scientific Support: Neurofeedback and mindfulness are proven methods for improving sleep quality (source).

4. Wellness Coaching

  • Application: Helps clients regulate stress and cultivate mindfulness through biofeedback.

  • Benefit: Promotes sustainable physical and mental health habits.

  • Scientific Support: Biofeedback has been shown to reduce stress and improve self-regulation (source).

Benefits for Coaches

1. Enhanced Client Insights

  • Objective data on mental states, sleep patterns, and stress levels provide a foundation for personalized coaching plans.

2. Improved Client Accountability

  • Real-time tracking motivates clients to adhere to practices and track progress.

3. Streamlined Sessions

  • Biofeedback allows coaches to address specific issues efficiently.

4. Differentiation in the Market

  • Offering Muse S as part of your coaching service showcases innovation and evidence-based practices.

How to Integrate Muse S into Coaching

1. Start with Baseline Assessments

  • Evaluate clients’ starting points in mental calmness, focus, and sleep quality.

2. Create Personalized Plans

  • Use Muse S data to design targeted mindfulness and relaxation routines.

3. Track and Adjust Progress

  • Regularly review Muse S reports to fine-tune coaching strategies.

4. Encourage Consistency

  • Recommend daily Muse S use for lasting results, especially during high-stress or performance-critical times.

Success Stories

  • Performance Coaching: A client uses Muse S to overcome stage anxiety, achieving measurable improvements in public speaking confidence.

  • Sleep Coaching: A corporate executive improves sleep quality by 30% after integrating Muse S-guided meditations into their nightly routine.

  • Wellness Coaching: A client reduces chronic stress through biofeedback and mindfulness, experiencing enhanced productivity and emotional well-being.

Tips for Maximizing Muse S in Coaching

For Coaches:

  • Start each session with a review of Muse S data.

  • Combine Muse S insights with other coaching tools like journaling or habit trackers.

For Clients:

  • Use Muse S in a quiet environment to enhance focus and relaxation.

  • Set small, achievable goals for meditation and mindfulness practices.


The Muse S headband represents a transformative innovation in coaching, bridging the gap between subjective experiences and objective data. Its real-time biofeedback technology empowers coaches to offer science-backed, personalized guidance, whether the focus is performance optimization, emotional regulation, sleep improvement, or overall well-being.

For clients, Muse S fosters accountability, consistency, and measurable progress, making mindfulness and wellness more accessible. Backed by research and proven results, Muse S is not just a tool—it’s a game-changer for the coaching industry.

Take Action: If you’re a coach looking to elevate your practice or a client seeking deeper self-awareness, explore the capabilities of Muse S. Visit choosemuse.com/projecoach to learn more and unlock your potential with this innovative technology.

Take Action: Choose Managing Stress with Biofeedback

<![CDATA[Competing in the Age of Software with Enterprise Business Agility - take aways ]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/competing-in-the-age-of-software-with-enterprise-business-agility-take-aways-166e09994d1268ff29932f3e4Tue, 10 Sep 2024 19:10:20 GMTMiroslav Czadek

European SAFe Summit, from 9-10 May The Hague, Netherlands was very inspiring session where I had chance to gain access to top SAFe experts, including the creator of SAFe, Dean Leffingwell, the entire team of SAFe Methodologists, SAFe Fellows, and SAFe Contributors from the community. During these two days of conference I heard about SAFe transformations directly from enterprises, who shared their SAFe journeys, best practices, and pitfalls to avoid.

More or less I was able to meet with other people working through real world implementations, identified opportunities for leveraging working relationships, and evaluate transformation or platform support companies that could help me with my practice of SAFe.

At the beginning I would like stress why I have chosen SAFe as my core of agile and why I am sure that most of my mates and followers will do same. Let's see following graphs:

SAFe at a Glance

Scaling Methods and Approaches

Personal note: And please tell me, where are the methods and approaches that some Czech corporations, banks, pharma, telco, etc decided to use... ?

So I believe that common sense will send clear message and make difference.

Competing in the Age of Software with Enterprise Business Agility - take aways

Take away #01: there are two aspects that should be considered (for me at least when pointing change to executive management) - what business agility represents and what it requires from characteristic/aspects of organization:

  • Business agility represents an enterprises’ ability to rapidly and continuously respond to market changes and emerging business models.

  • business agility requires all aspects of the organization—leadership, sales, marketing, learning, operations, supply chain, manufacturing, finance, legal, people operations, and more—to become more Agile in their approach, and to work effectively with Agile technology development.

From a broader perspective, we have experienced four technological revolutions and the fifth is in progress (Age of Software and Digital). Where we are now? What is next?

Five technological revolutions

This is interesting view: Installation Period -> Turning Point -> Deployment Period. I have never used before, but make sense.

Financial capital follows new production capital

What period are we in according to market leaders?

  • “BMW Group’s CEO expects that in their future more than half of its R&D staff will be software developers.” Kersten, Mik. Project to Product

  • Amazon and Whole Foods Merger to Introduce Cross-Platform Selling and Lower Prices (Forbes Aug 25, 2017)

  • The market cap of Tesla ($45.2B market cap, $21B revenue) now exceeds the market cap of Ford ($36.8B market cap, $160B revenue) 8:1 value ratio (Apr 2019)

  • “Apple launches Apple News+, an immersive magazine and news reading experience” (Apple) March 25, 2019

What is behind the current status of Age of Software?

Take Away #02: Dr. Mik Kersten reframed this as follows: the problem is not that organization not realizing that they need to transform but the problem is that organizations are using managerial frameworks and infrastructure models from past revolutions to manage their business in this one.

Solution could be in dual system

John. P. Kotter suggested that the solution is not to trash what we know and start over but instead to introduce a second system – one which would be familiar to most successful entrepreneurs. The new systems adds needed agility and speed while the old one, which keeps running, provides reliability and efficiency.

Achieving a state of enterprise business agility means that the entire organization— not just development—is able to continually and proactively deliver high-quality value faster than the competition.

  • It requires technical agility and a business-level commitment to product and value stream thinking.

  • And it requires the business, product, and engineering leadership to be able to work together effectively.

Personal Note: There is a big gap that has to be filled by coaching / mentoring /counseling. Rigid corporations even with their internal bunch of coaches have no chances to keep it and transform it. To reach such mental shift is not about directions but people that want to do change. And honestly who like changes? Corporations thinking in this mode: It is easy to change you, but they forget how hard it is to change ourself.

Business agility requires organizational agility

And this is what makes SAFe unique. Sometimes I call it, do not reinvent the wheel. Some organizations completely missed this point and tries to implement agility in areas with low value.

Organizing around value

Start with small teams (Marketing, Sales, Support, … ) and then integrate to larger areas.

Take Away #03: This is what I have discovered on presentation, I have somehow missed it from my sight, so I am glad to see extension for agile in Marketing and HR.

Example: Agile Marketing Principles (proposed)

  • Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of marketing that solves problems

  • We welcome and plan for change. We believe that our ability to quickly respond to change is a source of competitive advantage

  • Deliver marketing programs frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale

  • ....

Agile HR with SAFe

Some parts from document:

  1. Intrinsically motivated people are the real driving force behind Lean | Agile Enterprises. Their drive and desire to make a difference builds the foundation for the new talent contract. The ensuing power shift will give Agile people a voice in shaping the way their organization, leaders, and HR interacts with them – not only when it comes to career development, but across the whole HR value chain.

  2. Passionate and dedicated people are highly engaged; and engagement has never been more imperative to business success than in the knowledge economy that marks the digital age. Lean | Agile Enterprises understand the power of inspiring people and the abilities of collaborative empowered teams. They set the stage for their employees to thrive and continuously invest in the market value of their people

  3. Hiring in a Lean | Agile Enterprise is no longer about simply finding people with the right technical skills, but the ones who can match expertise with abilities to thrive in self-organizing responsive teams. Their Talent Acquisition is a team-based approach and a dedicated HR team not only support a hiring and on-boarding process in line with agile thinking, but also proactively connects with talented people long before a vacancy opens up.

  4. ….

Take Away #04: Business agility requires a continuous learning culture. This is crucial. There is no agile if continuous learning not working. But this is not a phrase for managers and HR... this has to be in organization culture... Fail is worth if I have learning from this. Where are sources for learning? Inspect & Adapt, Agile Retrospectives....


Interesting speech and provided information. Most of these are known. From different perspective it is interesting how some organizations quickly responded for last technological revolutions. The difference (TA#01) is based on continuously respond to market changes where concept of business agility is critical.

The idea in dual system (TA#02) is where we really live, but sometime it is hard to accept it.

There are some prepared and well defined areas for agile (TA#03), like Marketing or HR. Start with small teams (Marketing, Sales, Support, … ) and then integrate to larger areas.

Without continuous learning (TA#04) in organization there is no business agility.

<![CDATA[Major Parts of the Brain]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/major-parts-of-the-brain66c8fd534fdd985d15b9bf51Sat, 24 Aug 2024 19:23:30 GMTMiroslav Czadek/** upadated 24-08-24 **/

I. Cerebrum

The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, comprising two cerebral hemispheres. It is responsible for most higher brain functions, including sensory perception, motor control, language, thought, memory, emotions, and decision-making processes. The cerebrum is divided into several regions, each with specialized functions:

1.  Frontal Lobe: The anterior part of the cerebral cortex, located behind the forehead. It is crucial for executive functions such as decision-making, problem-solving, planning, voluntary motor activity, and controlling behavior and emotions. It also contains Broca’s area, which is associated with speech production.

2.  Parietal Lobe: Positioned at the upper back area of the brain, just behind the frontal lobe. This lobe processes sensory information from the body, including touch, temperature, and pain, and integrates spatial information to help with navigation and movement. It also houses Wernicke’s area, which is involved in language comprehension.


3. Temporal Lobe: Located on the sides of the brain, near the temples, beneath the frontal and parietal lobes. The temporal lobe is essential for processing auditory information, language comprehension, and memory formation. It also plays a role in emotion and recognizing faces.


4. Occipital Lobe: The posterior part of the brain, located at the back of the skull. The occipital lobe is primarily responsible for visual processing, including interpreting visual stimuli and identifying objects.


5. Insula: A small region of the cerebral cortex located deep within the lateral sulcus. The insula is involved in diverse functions, such as emotion, self-awareness, homeostasis, and interoceptive awareness (sensing the internal state of the body).


6. Hippocampus: A seahorse-shaped structure located in the medial temporal lobe. It is crucial for memory formation, particularly in the transition of short-term memory to long-term memory, and is involved in spatial navigation.


7. Lateral Ventricles: Two large, C-shaped cavities within each hemisphere of the cerebrum, filled with cerebrospinal fluid. They protect the brain by cushioning it, removing waste products, and circulating cerebrospinal fluid which provides nutrients to the brain.


8. Corpus Callosum: A thick bundle of nerve fibers that connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres. It enables communication between the two hemispheres, allowing for coordinated brain function and the integration of motor, sensory, and cognitive tasks.


9. Fornix: An arched bundle of fibers that carries signals from the hippocampus to other parts of the brain, including the mammillary bodies. It is involved in memory processing and recall, particularly in transmitting information within the limbic system, which is associated with emotions and memory.

II. Cerebellum

The cerebellum is located under the cerebrum at the back of the brain, consisting of two hemispheres and a central vermis. It is essential for motor control, balance, and coordination. The cerebellum fine-tunes voluntary movements and helps maintain posture, balance, and motor learning.

10. Vermis: The midline structure that connects the two hemispheres of the cerebellum. It plays a critical role in posture and locomotion by controlling the axial (trunk) muscles.


11. Hemispheres: The lateral portions of the cerebellum on either side of the vermis. These hemispheres coordinate voluntary movements, such as the fine motor movements of the limbs, and contribute to motor learning and timing.

III. Diencephalon

The diencephalon is located between the cerebrum and the brainstem and consists of structures like the thalamus, hypothalamus, and other vital components. It acts as a relay center for sensory information and controls various autonomic functions. The diencephalon is crucial for homeostasis, sensory perception, and endocrine function.

12. Thalamus: A large, dual-lobed mass of gray matter located deep in the brain. It acts as the brain’s relay station for sensory and motor signals, sending information to the cerebral cortex. The thalamus also plays a key role in regulating consciousness, sleep, and alertness.


13. Hypothalamus: A small but vital structure located below the thalamus. It controls many autonomic functions, including temperature regulation, hunger, thirst, and circadian rhythms. The hypothalamus also links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland, influencing hormone release.


14. Hypophysis (Pituitary Gland): A small, pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain, connected to the hypothalamus. Known as the “master gland,” it regulates various physiological processes by releasing hormones that influence other endocrine glands, controlling growth, metabolism, and reproductive functions.


15. Optic Nerve: The second cranial nerve, extending from the retina to the brain. It is essential for vision, transmitting visual information from the eyes to the brain, where it is processed to form images.


16. Pineal Body: A small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland located near the center of the brain. It produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles and circadian rhythms.



17. Medial Geniculate Body: Part of the auditory thalamus, it serves as a relay station in the auditory pathway, processing sound information and transmitting it to the auditory cortex.


18. Lateral Geniculate Body: Part of the visual thalamus, it plays a crucial role in visual processing, receiving inputs from the retina and sending them to the visual cortex for interpretation.

IV. Mesencephalon (Midbrain)

The mesencephalon, or midbrain, is a portion of the brainstem located between the diencephalon and the pons. It plays an important role in vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake cycles, arousal (alertness), and temperature regulation.

19. Superior Colliculi: Paired structures located on the dorsal surface of the midbrain, involved in visual processing, particularly in coordinating eye movements and visual reflexes, such as tracking moving objects.


20. Inferior Colliculi: Paired structures found below the superior colliculi, critical for auditory processing. The inferior colliculi relay sound information from the ear to the auditory cortex and are involved in auditory reflexes.


21. Trochlear Nerve (IV): The fourth cranial nerve, emerging from the dorsal aspect of the brainstem. It innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye, enabling downward and inward eye movements.


22. Oculomotor Nerve (III): The third cranial nerve, originating in the midbrain. It controls most of the eye’s movements, including the raising of the eyelid, constriction of the pupil, and the ability to focus on objects.

V. Pons

The pons is a broad, horseshoe-shaped structure located on the brainstem, between the midbrain and the medulla oblongata. It serves as a communication and coordination center between the two hemispheres of the brain. The pons plays a key role in regulating breathing, sleep, and relaying information between the cerebrum and cerebellum.

23. Trigeminal Nerve (V): The fifth cranial nerve, with three major branches, is responsible for sensation in the face (touch, pain, temperature) and motor functions such as biting and chewing.


24. Abducent Nerve (VI): The sixth cranial nerve, originating from the pons, controls the lateral rectus muscle of the eye, responsible for moving the eye outward (abduction).


25. Facial Nerve (VII) and Intermediate Nerve: The facial nerve controls muscles for facial expressions, while the intermediate nerve is involved in taste sensation and controlling glands like the salivary glands.



26. Vestibulocochlear Nerve (VIII): The eighth cranial nerve is essential for hearing and balance, transmitting sound and equilibrium information from the inner ear to the brain.

VI. Medulla Oblongata

The medulla oblongata is the lowest part of the brainstem, connecting the brain to the spinal cord. It regulates vital autonomic functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and reflexes like swallowing and coughing.

27. Pyramid: Two ridges on the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata, containing motor fibers that transmit signals from the brain to the spinal cord, facilitating voluntary motor control.


28. Olive: An oval-shaped prominence on the medulla, adjacent to the pyramids, involved in motor learning and coordination, as well as relaying sensory information to the cerebellum.


29. Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX): The ninth cranial nerve provides taste sensation from the posterior third of the tongue, contributes to swallowing, and controls the secretion of saliva.


30. Vagus Nerve (X): The tenth cranial nerve controls a wide range of parasympathetic functions, including heart rate, digestive tract activity, and reflexes like coughing.


31. Accessory Nerve (XI): The eleventh cranial nerve controls muscles involved in head movement, specifically the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.


32. Hypoglossal Nerve (XII): The twelfth cranial nerve controls the muscles of the tongue, which are essential for speech, swallowing, and food manipulation.

<![CDATA[Hlavní části mozku]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/hlavni-casti-mozku66ca2ac053a0913e01ad69f7Sat, 24 Aug 2024 19:21:40 GMTMiroslav Czadek/** Aktualizace 24-8-24 **/

I. Velký mozek (Cerebrum)

Velký mozek je největší částí mozku, která zahrnuje dvě hemisféry. Je zodpovědný za většinu vyšších funkcí mozku, včetně senzorického vnímání, motorické kontroly, jazyka, myšlení, paměti, emocí a rozhodovacích procesů. Velký mozek je rozdělen na několik částí, z nichž každá má specializované funkce:

1. Čelní lalok (Frontal Lobe): Přední část mozkové kůry, nacházející se za čelem. Je klíčový pro výkonné funkce, jako je rozhodování, řešení problémů, plánování, dobrovolná motorická aktivita a řízení chování a emocí. Obsahuje také Brocovu oblast, která je spojena s produkcí řeči.

2. Temenní lalok (Parietal Lobe): Nachází se v horní zadní části mozku, přímo za čelním lalokem. Tento lalok zpracovává senzorické informace z těla, včetně dotyku, teploty a bolesti, a integruje prostorové informace, které pomáhají s navigací a pohybem. Obsahuje také Wernickeovu oblast, která je zapojena do porozumění jazyku.


3. Spánkový lalok (Temporal Lobe): Nachází se na stranách mozku, u chrámů, pod čelním a temenním lalokem. Spánkový lalok je nezbytný pro zpracování sluchových informací, porozumění jazyku a tvorbu paměti. Hraje také roli v rozpoznávání tváří a emocí.


4. Týlní lalok (Occipital Lobe): Zadní část mozku, nachází se na zadní části lebky. Týlní lalok je primárně zodpovědný za zpracování vizuálních informací, včetně interpretace vizuálních podnětů a identifikace objektů.


5. Ostrovní lalok (Insula): Malá oblast mozkové kůry nacházející se hluboko v laterální rýze. Ostrovní lalok se podílí na různých funkcích, jako jsou emoce, sebeuvědomění, homeostáza a interoceptivní vnímání (vnímání vnitřního stavu těla).


6. Hippokampus: Strukturou připomínající mořského koníka, nachází se v mediálním spánkovém laloku. Hippokampus je klíčový pro tvorbu paměti, zejména pro přechod krátkodobé paměti na dlouhodobou, a podílí se na prostorové navigaci.


7. Postranní komory (Lateral Ventricles): Dvě velké, do tvaru písmene C zakřivené dutiny uvnitř každé hemisféry velkého mozku, které jsou naplněny mozkomíšním mokem. Chrání mozek tím, že ho tlumí, odstraňují odpadní produkty a zajišťují oběh mozkomíšního moku, který dodává mozku živiny.


8. Mozkový trámec (Corpus Callosum): Silný svazek nervových vláken, který spojuje levou a pravou hemisféru mozku. Umožňuje komunikaci mezi oběma hemisférami a zajišťuje koordinované funkce mozku, včetně integrace motorických, senzorických a kognitivních úkolů.


9. Obloukový svazek (Fornix): Obloukový svazek vláken, který přenáší signály z hippocampu do dalších částí mozku, včetně mamillárních tělísek. Podílí se na zpracování a vybavování paměti, zejména při přenosu informací v rámci limbického systému, který je spojen s emocemi a pamětí.

II. Mozeček (Cerebellum)

Mozeček se nachází pod velkým mozkem v zadní části mozku a skládá se ze dvou hemisfér a středního vermisu. Je nezbytný pro motorickou kontrolu, rovnováhu a koordinaci. Mozeček dolaďuje dobrovolné pohyby a pomáhá udržovat posturu, rovnováhu a motorické učení.

10. Vermis: Středová struktura, která spojuje obě hemisféry mozečku. Hraje klíčovou roli v postuře a pohybu, kontroluje axiální (trupové) svaly.


11. Hemisféry mozečku: Laterální části mozečku na obou stranách vermisu. Tyto hemisféry koordinují dobrovolné pohyby, jako jsou jemné motorické pohyby končetin, a přispívají k motorickému učení a časování.

III. Mezimozek (Diencephalon)

Mezimozek se nachází mezi velkým mozkem a mozkovým kmenem a skládá se ze struktur, jako je thalamus, hypothalamus a další důležité komponenty. Funguje jako přepojovací centrum pro senzorické informace a řídí různé autonomní funkce. Mezimozek je klíčový pro homeostázu, senzorické vnímání a endokrinní funkce.

12. Thalamus: Velká, dvojlaločná masa šedé hmoty, nacházející se hluboko v mozku. Funguje jako přepojovací stanice mozku pro senzorické a motorické signály, které přenáší do mozkové kůry. Thalamus také hraje klíčovou roli v regulaci vědomí, spánku a bdělosti.


13. Hypothalamus: Malá, ale životně důležitá struktura nacházející se pod thalamem. Řídí mnoho autonomních funkcí, včetně regulace teploty, hladu, žízně a cirkadiánních rytmů. Hypothalamus také spojuje nervový systém s endokrinním systémem prostřednictvím hypofýzy, čímž ovlivňuje uvolňování hormonů.


14. Hypofýza (Pituitary Gland): Malá, hrachu velká žláza nacházející se na spodině mozku, spojená s hypothalamem. Známá jako “hlavní žláza”, reguluje různé fyziologické procesy uvolňováním hormonů, které ovlivňují jiné endokrinní žlázy, a tím řídí růst, metabolismus a reprodukční funkce.


15. Zrakový nerv (Optic Nerve): Druhý hlavový nerv, který se rozprostírá od sítnice k mozku. Je nezbytný pro zrak, přenáší vizuální informace z očí do mozku, kde jsou zpracovány a vytvářejí obrazy.


16. Šišinka (Pineal Body): Malá, šišinkovitá endokrinní žláza nacházející se blízko středu mozku. Produkuje melatonin, hormon, který reguluje spánkově-bdělý cyklus a cirkadiánní rytmy.



17. Střední kolénkové těleso (Medial Geniculate Body): Část sluchového thalamu, slouží jako přepojovací stanice ve sluchové dráze, zpracovává zvukové informace a přenáší je do sluchové kůry.


18. Boční kolénkové těleso (Lateral Geniculate Body): Část zrakového thalamu, hraje klíčovou roli ve vizuálním zpracování, přijímá vstupy ze sítnice a přenáší je do zrakové kůry k interpretaci.

IV. Střední mozek (Mesencephalon)

Střední mozek, nebo také mezencefalon, je část mozkového kmene, která se nachází mezi mezimozkem a mostem (pons). Hraje důležitou roli ve zraku, sluchu, motorické kontrole, spánkových/bdělých cyklech, bdělosti a regulaci teploty.

19. Horní kolliculus (Superior Colliculi): Párové struktury umístěné na hřbetní ploše středního mozku, zapojené do zrakového zpracování, zejména v koordinaci očních pohybů a vizuálních reflexů, jako je sledování pohybujících se objektů.


20. Dolní kolliculus (Inferior Colliculi): Párové struktury nacházející se pod horními kolliculy, kritické pro zpracování sluchových informací. Dolní kolliculi přenášejí zvukové informace z ucha do sluchové kůry a jsou zapojeny do sluchových reflexů.


21. Kladkový nerv (Trochlear Nerve) (IV): Čtvrtý hlavový nerv, který vychází z hřbetní části mozkového kmene. Inervuje horní šikmý sval oka, což umožňuje pohyby oka směrem dolů a dovnitř.


22. Okohybný nerv (Oculomotor Nerve) (III): Třetí hlavový nerv, který má původ ve středním mozku. Řídí většinu pohybů oka, včetně zvedání víčka, zúžení zornice a schopnosti zaostřovat na objekty.

V. Most (Pons)

Most je široká, podkovovitá struktura nacházející se na mozkovém kmeni mezi středním mozkem a prodlouženou míchou. Slouží jako komunikační a koordinační centrum mezi oběma hemisférami mozku. Most hraje klíčovou roli v regulaci dýchání, spánku a přenosu informací mezi velkým mozkem a mozečkem.

23. Trojklanný nerv (Trigeminal Nerve) (V): Pátý hlavový nerv, který má tři hlavní větve. Je zodpovědný za citlivost v obličeji (dotyk, bolest, teplota) a motorické funkce, jako je kousání a žvýkání.


24. Odtahující nerv (Abducent Nerve) (VI): Šestý hlavový nerv, který pochází z mostu, řídí laterální přímý sval oka, který je zodpovědný za pohyb oka směrem ven (abdukce).


25. Obličejový nerv (Facial Nerve) a intermediální nerv (VII): Obličejový nerv řídí svaly pro mimiku, zatímco intermediální nerv se podílí na vnímání chuti a řízení žláz, jako jsou slinné žlázy.



26. Sluchově-rovnovážný nerv (Vestibulocochlear Nerve) (VIII): Osmý hlavový nerv, který je nezbytný pro sluch a rovnováhu, přenáší zvukové a rovnovážné informace z vnitřního ucha do mozku.

VI. Prodloužená mícha (Medulla Oblongata)

Prodloužená mícha je nejnižší část mozkového kmene, která spojuje mozek s míchou. Reguluje životně důležité autonomní funkce, jako je srdeční frekvence, krevní tlak, dýchání a reflexy, jako je polykání a kašel.

27. Pyramida: Dvě vyvýšeniny na předním povrchu prodloužené míchy, které obsahují motorická vlákna přenášející signály z mozku do míchy, čímž umožňují dobrovolnou motorickou kontrolu.


28. Oliva: Oválný výběžek na prodloužené míše, vedle pyramid, který se podílí na motorickém učení a koordinaci a také přenáší senzorické informace do mozečku.


29. Jazykohltanový nerv (Glossopharyngeal Nerve) (IX): Devátý hlavový nerv, který zajišťuje chuťové vnímání ze zadní třetiny jazyka, přispívá k polykání a kontroluje sekreci slin.


30. Bloudivý nerv (Vagus Nerve) (X): Desátý hlavový nerv, který kontroluje širokou škálu parasympatických funkcí, včetně srdeční frekvence, aktivity trávicího traktu a reflexů, jako je kašel.


31. Přídatný nerv (Accessory Nerve) (XI): Jedenáctý hlavový nerv, který kontroluje svaly zapojené do pohybu hlavy, zejména sternocleidomastoidní a trapézový sval.


32. Podjazykový nerv (Hypoglossal Nerve) (XII): Dvanáctý hlavový nerv, který řídí svaly jazyka, které jsou nezbytné pro řeč, polykání a manipulaci s potravou.

<![CDATA[8. Inspirace – 3 knihy o koučinku a nejen pro kouče]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/8-inspirace-3-knihy-o-koucinku-a-nejen-pro-kouce66902e1df8f9a8f70952cf28Thu, 11 Jul 2024 19:27:39 GMTMiroslav Czadek

"Nečtu knihu; Vedu rozhovor s autorem." – Elbert Hubbard

1.Kniha: "Whole Brain Living" od Jill Bolte Taylor

1.1 O Knize:

 Whole Brain Living od Jill Bolte Taylor zkoumá souhru mezi čtyřmi odlišnými charaktery v našem mozku: Levý mozkový (myslící a emoční), Pravý mozkový (myslící a emoční).

Taylor využívá svou osobní zkušenost s těžkou mrtvicí k vysvětlení, jak tyto charaktery fungují a interagují.

Kniha je rozdělena do tří částí:

  • Část I se zabývá anatomií mozku a příběhem Taylor;

  • Část II se věnuje čtyřem postavám; a

  • Část III se zaměřuje na aplikaci těchto konceptů v každodenním životě.

 Doktorka Taylorová zdůrazňuje důležitost pochopení anatomie mozku pro dosažení sebepoznání a emoční regulace. Používá osobní příběhy, vědecká vysvětlení a praktická cvičení, aby komplikovanou neurovědu zpřístupnila veřejnosti.

 Technika Dr. Taylorové "Brain Huddle" je mocný nástroj ke sladění čtyř charakterů, podporující vyvážené rozhodování a emoční regulaci. Tato metoda pomáhá jednotlivcům se zastavit a vědomě si vybrat vhodné reakce, což podporuje harmonický způsob života.

Celkově se kniha Dr. Taylorové zabývá využitím maximálního užitku našich schopností prostřednictvím potenciálu našeho mozku, povzbuzující čtenáře v jejich cestě k většímu sebepoznání a zmocnění.

1.2 Zajímavé postřehy

 Kniha odhaluje, jak naše čtyři mozkové charaktery interagují:

  • Levý mozkový (myšlení , emoční ️),

  • Pravý mozkový (myšlení , emoční ).


Zajímavý "Brain Huddle"  pomáhá synchronizovat tyto postavy pro lepší rozhodování a emoční regulaci.


Poznatky Doktorky Taylorové o neuroplasticitě  a všímavosti ‍♂️ nabízejí praktické strategie pro přeprogramování mozku na pozitivitu a klid.


 Doktorka Taylorová ukazuje, jak každý charakter ovlivňuje náš každodenní život a poskytuje případové studie a příklady pro ilustraci praktických aplikací.


✨ Klíčovým poznatkem je, že náš mozek se neustále mění, což je ústřední koncept Doktorky Taylorové v učení o neuroplasticitě. Zapojení různých mozkových charakterů může pomoci přeprogramovat neuronové dráhy, což vede ke zdravějším mentálním návykům a emočním reakcím.


 Kniha také zkoumá emoční dynamiku, ukazuje, jak Levý mozkový emoční charakter může být kritický a soudící, zatímco Pravý mozkový emoční charakter je soucitnější. Pochopení těchto dynamik může pomoci efektivněji navigovat emoční rozsah.


 Praktická cvičení v knize pomáhají čtenářům identifikovat a charakterizovat každou mozkovou postavu, čímž se život celého mozku stává součástí denních rutin.


 Dr. Taylorové osobní příběhy o zotavení dodávají hloubku vědeckým konceptům, činí je srozumitelnějšími a inspirujícími. ✨

1.3 Co dělá knihu dobrou?

 Dobrá kniha poskytuje hluboké poznatky, srozumitelné příběhy a praktické aplikace.

Dr. Taylorová přináší osobní anekdoty  a vědecká vysvětlení  jenž činí neurovědu poutavou a srozumitelnou.


Struktura knihy, s jasnými sekcemi o každém mozkovém charakteru a jejich interakcích, pomáhá čtenářům uchopit a aplikovat koncepty.


Poutavé vizuály ️ a cvičení  dále zvyšují porozumění.


✨ Doktorky Taylorové vyvážený přístup zajišťuje, že čtenáři nejen pochopí koncepty, ale také se naučí, jak je implementovat do každodenního života.


Cvičení jsou jednoduchá a efektivní, což činí neurovědu přístupnou. Kniha povzbuzuje čtenáře k reflexi jejich zkušeností a integraci nových praktik pro lepší duševní zdraví.


 Dr. Taylorová překonává propast mezi teorií a praxí. Sdílení její cesty zotavení přidává autentičnost, což s čtenáři hluboce rezonuje.


Cvičení a technika "Brain Huddle" jsou praktické a účinné pro podporu života celého mozku.


 Dr. Taylorové poutavý styl činí knihu cenným zdrojem pro pochopení a optimalizaci funkce mozku. Příklady z reálného života dodávají hloubku a srozumitelnost.


 Dr. Taylorová zdůrazňuje empatii, sebepoznání a emoční regulaci, což činí knihu příručkou pro zlepšení zdraví mozku a celkové kvality života.

1.4 Jaký je nedostatek knihy?

 Ačkoli je Dr. Taylorové vyprávění poutavé, někteří čtenáři mohou považovat vědecké detaily za příliš složité nebo příliš zjednodušené. Rovnováha mezi osobními příběhy a vědeckými vysvětleními může někdy působit nevyrovnaně. Praktická cvičení knihy, ač užitečná, nemusí oslovit každého.


 Někteří čtenáři by si mohli přát podrobnější případové studie nebo příklady.


 Kniha občas předpokládá určitou úroveň znalostí o neurovědě, což může být náročné pro začátečníky. Přesto Dr. Taylorové poutavý styl pomáhá tyto problémy zmírnit.


 Někteří čtenáři mohou považovat přechody mezi osobním příběhem a vědeckou diskuzí za náhlé.


 Dalším nedostatkem je důraz na Dr. Taylorové osobní cestu, což nemusí poskytnout dostatečně rozmanité perspektivy. Čtenáři hledající vědeckou přesnost mohou mít pocit, že kniha příliš spoléhá na autobiografické prvky.


Technika "Brain Huddle", ač užitečná, se může časem zdát repetitivní a někteří čtenáři by si mohli přát větší rozmanitost v praktických aplikacích.


 Přes tyto body zůstává Whole Brain Living cenným zdrojem pro ty, kteří zkoumají neurovědu a osobní rozvoj. Sílná stránka knihy spočívá v tom, že činí složité vědecké koncepty srozumitelnými a aplikovatelnými.

2.Kniha: "Positive Provocation: 25 Questions to Elevate Your Coaching Practice" od Roberta Biswas-Dienera

2.1 O Knize:

Kniha "Positive Provocation: 25 Questions to Elevate Your Coaching Practice" od Roberta Biswas-Dienera vyzývá konvenční koučovací praktiky a přesvědčení.


Nabízí 25 provokativních otázek navržených k podněcování reflexe a růstu koučů, povzbuzuje je k přehodnocení jejich předpokladů a zlepšení jejich dovedností.

Kniha je strukturována do tematických sekcí, které pokrývají základní filozofie, komunikační techniky, koučovací koncepty, intervence a integraci vědy do koučovacích praktik. Každá kapitola si klade za cíl provokovat myšlenky a inspirovat kouče ke zlepšení jejich praxe prostřednictvím reflexivního zkoumání a experimentování.


Měl jsem tu čest setkat se s Robertem osobně na konferenci ICF Converge 23 v Orlandu. Na konferenci jsem byl jako dobrovolník a měl jsem tu výsadu představit ho konferenčním hostům.


Biswas-Diener představuje koncept "pozitivní provokace" jako prostředek pro zapojení klientů hlubším a smysluplnějším způsobem. Tento přístup povzbuzuje kouče k pokládání náročných otázek, které posouvají klienty mimo jejich komfortní zónu a podněcují nové způsoby myšlení.


Autor tvrdí, že skutečný růst často přichází z nepohodlí a že koučové mají odpovědnost podporovat tento druh vývoje u svých klientů. Přijetím pozitivní provokace mohou koučové pomoci klientům dosáhnout většího sebeuvědomění, překonat překážky a dosáhnout svého plného potenciálu.


Kniha poskytuje praktické nástroje a techniky pro implementaci tohoto přístupu, což z ní činí cenný zdroj pro nové i zkušené kouče. ✨

2.2 Zajímavé postřehy:


Kniha zdůrazňuje důležitost sebeuvědomění a osobních postřehů klientů jako klíčových výsledků koučování. Výzkumné výsledky zdůrazňují význam pozitivní psychologie koučování při zvyšování sebeuvědomění, motivace a sebeúčinnosti klientů. Kniha také diskutuje fenomén "eureka momentů" nebo náhlých vhledů, které klienti zažívají během koučovacích sezení. Tyto postřehy jsou často považovány za klíčové pro úspěch koučování, poskytují klientům nové perspektivy a řešení jejich problémů.


Biswas-Diener zkoumá dopad etických ohledů na koučování a zdůrazňuje, že silný etický základ je nezbytný pro efektivní praxi. Zabývá se rovnováhou mezi výzvou a podporou, naznačuje, že nejúčinnější koučové jsou ti, kteří dokáží dovedně navigovat tuto rovnováhu. Autor také zkoumá roli empatie v koučování a tvrdí, že i když je empatie klíčová, měla by být vyvážena schopností konstruktivně vyzývat klienty. Kniha poskytuje řadu případových studií a příkladů z autorových rozsáhlých zkušeností, které ilustrují, jak lze tyto poznatky aplikovat v reálných koučovacích scénářích. Zahrnutí vědeckého výzkumu přidává hloubku diskusi, což činí knihu nejen praktickou, ale i založenou na důkazech.

2.3 Co dělá knihu dobrou?


Kniha vyniká díky svým podnětným otázkám, které vyzývají zavedené koučovací normy a praktiky. Nabízí praktické kroky, které koučové mohou experimentovat a začleňovat nové nápady do své praxe. Tematická organizace umožňuje čtenářům zapojit se do materiálu strukturovaným způsobem, podporujícím postupné a smysluplné učení. ✨


Zahrnutí reálných případových studií, vědeckého výzkumu a různorodých perspektiv obohacuje obsah, což z něj činí komplexní zdroj pro kouče na všech úrovních. Biswas-Dienerův styl psaní je poutavý a přístupný, díky čemuž jsou složité koncepty snadno pochopitelné a aplikovatelné. Kniha podporuje reflexivní praxi, čímž vybízí kouče ke kritickému hodnocení jejich metod a neustálému úsilí o zlepšení. ✨


Další silnou stránkou knihy je její zaměření na praktickou aplikaci. Biswas-Diener poskytuje jasné, akční kroky, které mohou koučové implementovat koncepty diskutované v knize. Tento praktický přístup činí knihu nejen zdrojem inspirace, ale i cenným průvodcem pro profesionální rozvoj. Autorovy rozsáhlé zkušenosti a odborné znalosti jsou patrné v celé knize, což dodává diskusím důvěryhodnost a hloubku. ✨

2.4 Jaký je nedostatek knihy?


Jedním z potenciálních nedostatků knihy je, že její provokativní povaha může být pro některé čtenáře náročná, zejména pro ty, kteří jsou v koučování noví nebo jsou odolní vůči zpochybňování zavedených praktik. Kniha vyžaduje vysokou míru otevřenosti a ochoty experimentovat s novými nápady, což nemusí vyhovovat každému. ⚠️


Reflexivní a experimentální přístup navržený autorem také vyžaduje značné časové závazky, což by mohlo být překážkou pro vytížené profesionály. Dalším omezením může být těžká závislost knihy na teoretických konceptech a vědeckém výzkumu, což může být pro praktikující, kteří hledají jednodušší a praktičtější rady, ohromující nebo méně atraktivní. ⚠️


Navíc důraz knihy na zpochybňování a výzvy zavedených praktik nemusí rezonovat se všemi čtenáři. Někteří mohou považovat tento přístup za příliš konfrontační nebo cítit, že podkopává hodnotu tradičních koučovacích metod. Zatímco kniha si klade za cíl provokovat myšlenky a inspirovat ke změně, tento přístup může být některými praktikujícími vnímán jako rušivý spíše než konstruktivní. ⚠️

3.Kniha: "Radical Humility: Be a Badass Leader and a Good Human" od Urse Koeniga

3.1 O Knize:

S Ursem Koenigem jsem se setkal na konferenci ICF Converge 23 v Orlandu, kde měl přednášku na toto téma v pátek odpoledne. Jeho prezentace oslovila naprostou většinu posluchačů, včetně mě. Kniha "Radical Humility: Be a Badass Leader and a Good Human" od Urse Koeniga je transformační průvodce, který redefinuje moderní leadership skrze prizma pokory.

Kniha zdůrazňuje důležitost sebepoznání, silných mezilidských vztahů a růstového myšlení při dosahování vynikajících výsledků ve vedení. Koenigova filozofie je založena na přesvědčení, že pokora není známkou slabosti, ale silným vůdčím rysem, který může podpořit jak osobní, tak organizační úspěch.


Koenig čerpá z jeho rozsáhlých zkušeností ultra vytrvalostního  sportovce a atleta, vojenského mírového pracovníka a výkonnostního kouče. Koenig poskytuje praktický návod pro leadery na všech úrovních. Kniha je strukturována kolem pěti hlavních oblastí:

  • sebepoznání,

  • vyvážení výsledků se soucitem,

  • zmocňování týmů,

  • praktikování transparentnosti a

  • podpora nebojácné kultury.


Každá oblast je podrobně vysvětlena pomocí reálných příkladů, poznatků podložených výzkumem a realizovatelných strategií. "Radical Humility" si klade za cíl vybavit leadery nástroji nezbytnými pro navigaci ve složitosti dnešního rychle se měnícího a propojeného světa.


Kniha není určena pouze pro osoby na výkonných pozicích, ale pro každého, kdo usiluje o efektivní a etické vedení, které má pozitivní dopad na jejich týmy a organizace.

3.2 Zajímavé postřehy:


"Radical Humility" představuje několik přesvědčivých poznatků, které zpochybňují tradiční paradigma vedení. Jedním z klíčových konceptů je integrace pokory do vedení, což Koenig považuje za zásadní pro podporu důvěry, spolupráce a inovací. Kniha popisuje pět základních posunů nezbytných pro přijetí radikální pokory:

  1. Sebepoznání: Koenig zdůrazňuje důležitost poznání sebe sama, včetně porozumění svým silným a slabým stránkám a spouštěčům. Tento posun zahrnuje neustálou sebereflexi a závazek k osobnímu růstu

  2. Vyvážení výsledků se soucitem: Efektivní lídři musí být tvrdí na výsledky, ale laskaví k lidem. Koenig ukazuje, jak mohou lídři udržovat vysoké standardy a zároveň být empatické a podporující, čímž vytvářejí pozitivní a produktivní pracovní prostředí.

  3. Zmocňování týmů: Koenig tvrdí, že zmocňování týmů vede k lepšímu rozhodování a zvýšeným inovacím. Poskytuje strategie, jak mohou leadery účinně delegovat, podporovat autonomii a budovat kulturu důvěry a odpovědnosti.

  4. Praktikování transparentnosti: Transparentnost je klíčová pro budování důvěry v týmech. Koenig se zasazuje o otevřenou komunikaci a poctivost, i když to zahrnuje přiznání chyb nebo nejistot. Tento přístup pomáhá vytvořit bezpečné prostředí, kde se členové týmu cítí hodnotní a slyšení.

  5. Podpora nebojácné kultury: Vytvoření kultury, kde se členové týmu cítí bezpečně promluvit a riskovat, je zásadní pro inovace a růst. Koenig poskytuje praktické rady, jak takovou kulturu budovat a udržovat. Tyto poznatky jsou podpořeny reálnými příklady z Koenigových různorodých zkušeností, což činí koncepty jak srozumitelnými, tak realizovatelnými.

3.3 Co dělá knihu dobrou?


"Radical Humility" vyniká díky jedinečné kombinaci osobních příběhů, poutavého vyprávění a praktických rad. Rozmanité Koenigovy zkušenosti obohacují příběh a činí knihu přístupnou širokému publiku. Kniha je chválena pro svůj komplexní přístup, který kombinuje teorii s realizovatelnými poznatky. Koenigova schopnost propojit své zkušenosti z ultra vytrvalostních sportů, vojenské služby a výkonnostního koučinku poskytuje čtenářům ucelený pohled na leadership. Jednou z předností knihy je důraz na realizovatelné strategie.


Každá kapitola končí konkrétními, praktickými kroky, které mohou leadery okamžitě implementovat, což činí koncepty přístupnými a aplikovatelnými. Kromě toho, zařazení případových studií a reálných příkladů pomáhá ilustrovat principy radikální pokory v praxi. Dalším významným aspektem je zaměření knihy na podporu růstového myšlení. Koenig tvrdí, že přijetí pokory umožňuje leaderům neustále se učit a růst, což je zásadní v dnešním rychle se měnícím prostředí. Kniha také řeší běžné mylné představy o pokoře a objasňuje, že neznamená slabost nebo nedostatek sebevědomí. Naopak, Koenig představuje pokoru jako sílu, která může zlepšit efektivitu leadershipu.


Interaktivní rozměr knihy, se QR kódy vedoucími k dalším zdrojům a cvičením, přidává na její praktické hodnotě. Tato funkce povzbuzuje čtenáře k aktivnímu zapojení se do obsahu a aplikování lekcí v jejich vlastních cestách vedení. Celkově je "Radical Humility" cenným zdrojem pro leadery, kteří usilují o navigaci složitostmi moderního světa s empatií, autenticitou a efektivitou.

3.4 Jaký je nedostatek knihy?


I když "Radical Humility" nabízí komplexní a dobře strukturovaný přístup k leadershipu, někteří čtenáři mohou najít důraz na pokoru jako vůdčí sílu obtížně realizovatelný v určitých prostředích. Ve vysoce konkurenčních nebo tradičních korporátních kulturách může být integrace pokory vnímána jako známka slabosti, což ztěžuje leaderům přijetí těchto principů bez odporu.


Navíc, i když se kniha opírá o osobní příběhy a zkušenosti, zcela jistě poutavé, nemusí rezonovat se všemi čtenáři. Někteří mohou preferovat více empirických dat nebo případových studií z širšího spektra odvětví a organizačních kontextů. Zaměření knihy na autorovy zkušenosti by mohlo být vnímáno jako omezení z hlediska obecnosti.


Dalším potenciálním nedostatkem je idealistický pohled knihy na pokoru ve vedení. I když jsou principy a strategie vyzdvihovány, jejich praktická aplikace může být složitější, než je prezentováno, zejména v prostředích, která již takové vůdčí rysy neocení nebo nepodporují. Implementace radikální pokory vyžaduje významný kulturní posun, který může narazit na odpor zavedených hierarchií a tradičních myšlení.


Navíc praktické kroky, které kniha poskytuje, mohou být pro leadery nové v těchto konceptech nebo řešící bezprostřední, naléhavé výzvy. Přechod na radikálně pokorný styl vedení může vyžadovat postupné, inkrementální změny více, než kniha naznačuje. Nakonec by kniha mohla těžit z dodatečného návodu, jak měřit dopad radikální pokory na výkonnost organizace.

I když kniha poskytuje mnoho kvalitativních poznatků, kvantitativní metriky a nástroje pro hodnocení by mohly pomoci leaderům hodnotit efektivitu jejich iniciativ založených na pokoře.

Celkově je "Radical Humility" cenným průvodcem, ale jeho realizace může vyžadovat pečlivé zvážení a přizpůsobení pro různé organizační kontexty. ⚖️

<![CDATA[8. Inspiration – 3 books about coaching and not only for coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/8-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-not-only-for-coaches66900126f9724d065d576ab6Thu, 11 Jul 2024 17:27:31 GMTMiroslav Czadek

"I don't read a book; I hold a conversation with the author." – Elbert Hubbard

1.Book: "Whole Brain Living" by Jill Bolte Taylor

1.1 About the Book:

 Whole Brain Living by Jill Bolte Taylor explores the interplay between four distinct characters in our brain: Left Brain (Thinking, Emotional), Right Brain (Thinking, Emotional).

Taylor uses her personal experience of a severe stroke to explain how these characters function and interact.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • Part I covers brain anatomy and Taylor's story;

  • Part II delves into the four characters; and

  • Part III focuses on applying these concepts in everyday life.

 Dr. Taylor emphasizes the importance of understanding our brain's anatomy to achieve self-awareness and emotional regulation. She uses personal stories, scientific explanations, and practical exercises to make complex neuroscience accessible.

 Taylor's "Brain Huddle" technique is a powerful tool to align the four characters, promoting balanced decision-making and emotional regulation. This method helps individuals pause and consciously choose their responses, fostering a harmonious way of living.

 Overall, Taylor’s book is about thriving by leveraging the full potential of our brain's capabilities, encouraging readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

1.2 Interesting insights

 The book reveals how our brain's four characters interact:

  • Left Brain (Thinking , Emotional ️),

  • Right Brain (Thinking , Emotional ).


Interesting "Brain Huddle"  helps synchronize these characters for better decision-making and emotional regulation.


Dr. Taylor's insights into neuroplasticity  and mindfulness ‍♂️ offer practical strategies to rewire our brains for positivity and peace.


 Dr. Taylor shows how each character influences our daily lives and provides case studies and examples to illustrate practical applications.


✨ One key insight is that our brain is constantly changing, a concept central to Dr. Taylor's teachings on neuroplasticity. Engaging different brain characters can help rewire neural pathways, leading to healthier mental habits and emotional responses.


 The book also explores emotional dynamics, showing how the Left Brain Emotional character can be critical and judgmental, while the Right Brain Emotional character is more compassionate. Understanding these dynamics can help navigate emotional landscapes effectively.


 Practical exercises in the book help readers identify and nurture each brain character, making whole-brain living a part of daily routines.


 Dr. Taylor's personal recovery stories add depth to the scientific concepts, making them more relatable and inspiring. ✨

1.3 What makes a book good?

 A good book provides deep insights, relatable stories, and practical applications. Dr. Taylor's brings personal anecdotes  and scientific explanations  that make brain science engaging and understandable.


The book's structure, with clear sections on each brain character and their interactions, helps readers grasp and apply the concepts.


Engaging visuals ️ and exercises further enhance understanding.


✨ Dr. Taylor's balanced approach ensures readers not only understand the concepts but also learn how to implement them in daily life.


Exercises are simple yet effective, making neuroscience accessible. The book encourages readers to reflect on their experiences and integrate new practices for better mental health.


 Dr. Taylor bridges the gap between theory and practice. Sharing her recovery journey adds authenticity, resonating deeply with readers.


The exercises and "Brain Huddle" technique are practical and effective for promoting whole-brain living.


 Dr. Taylor's engaging style makes the book a valuable resource for understanding and optimizing brain function. Real-life examples add depth and relatability.


 Dr. Taylor emphasizes empathy, self-awareness, and emotional regulation, making the book a manual for improving brain health and overall quality of life.

1.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?

While Dr. Taylor's narrative is compelling, some readers might find the scientific details overwhelming or too simplified. The balance between personal stories and scientific explanations can sometimes feel uneven. Additionally, the book's practical exercises, though useful, may not resonate with everyone.


Some readers may wish for more in-depth case studies or examples.


 The book occasionally assumes prior knowledge about neuroscience, which could be challenging for beginners. Despite this, Dr. Taylor's engaging style helps mitigate these issues.


 Some readers may find transitions between personal narrative and scientific discussion abrupt.


 Another shortcoming is the emphasis on Dr. Taylor's personal journey, which might not provide enough diverse perspectives. Readers looking for more scientific rigor might feel the book leans too heavily on autobiographical elements.


The "Brain Huddle" technique, while useful, may seem repetitive over time, and some readers might desire more variety in practical applications.


 Despite these points, Whole Brain Living remains valuable for those exploring neuroscience and personal development. The book's strengths lie in making complex scientific concepts relatable and actionable.

2.Book: "Positive Provocation: 25 Questions to Elevate Your Coaching Practice" by Robert Biswas-Diener

2.1 About the Book:

The book "Positive Provocation: 25 Questions to Elevate Your Coaching Practice" by Robert Biswas-Diener challenges conventional coaching practices and beliefs.


It offers 25 provocative questions designed to stimulate reflection and growth in coaches, encouraging them to reconsider their assumptions and improve their skills.

The book is structured into thematic sections covering fundamental philosophies, communication techniques, coaching concepts, interventions, and the integration of science into coaching practices. Each chapter aims to provoke thought and inspire coaches to enhance their practice through reflective inquiry and experimentation.


I had the honor of meeting Robert in person at the ICF Converge 23 conference in Orlando. I was at the conference as a volunteer and had the privilege to introduce him to the conference guests.


Biswas-Diener introduces the concept of "positive provocation" as a means of engaging clients in a deeper, more meaningful way. This approach encourages coaches to ask challenging questions that push clients out of their comfort zones and stimulate new ways of thinking.


The author argues that true growth often comes from discomfort and that coaches have a responsibility to foster this kind of development in their clients. By embracing positive provocation, coaches can help clients achieve greater self-awareness, overcome obstacles, and reach their full potential.


The book provides practical tools and techniques for implementing this approach, making it a valuable resource for both new and experienced coaches. ✨

2.2 Interesting insights


The book emphasizes the importance of client self-awareness and personal insight as key outcomes of coaching. Research findings highlighted include the significant role of positive psychology coaching in increasing clients' self-awareness, motivation, and self-efficacy. The book also discusses the phenomenon of "eureka moments" or flashes of insight, which are sudden realizations that clients experience during coaching sessions. These insights are often seen as crucial to the success of coaching, providing clients with fresh perspectives and solutions to their problems.


Biswas-Diener explores the impact of ethical considerations in coaching, stressing that a strong ethical foundation is essential for effective practice. He delves into the balance between challenge and support, suggesting that the most effective coaches are those who can skillfully navigate this balance. The author also examines the role of empathy in coaching, arguing that while empathy is crucial, it should be balanced with the ability to challenge clients constructively. The book provides numerous case studies and examples from the author's extensive experience, illustrating how these insights can be applied in real-world coaching scenarios. The inclusion of scientific research adds depth to the discussion, making the book not only practical but also grounded in evidence-based practices.

2.3 What makes a book good?


The book stands out due to its thought-provoking questions that challenge established coaching norms and practices. It offers practical steps for coaches to experiment with and incorporate new ideas into their practice. The thematic organization allows readers to engage with the material in a structured manner, promoting gradual and meaningful learning. ✨


The book's inclusion of real-world case studies, scientific research, and diverse perspectives enriches the content, making it a comprehensive resource for coaches at all levels. Biswas-Diener's writing style is engaging and accessible, making complex concepts easy to understand and apply. The book encourages a reflective practice, prompting coaches to critically evaluate their methods and continuously strive for improvement. ✨


Another strength of the book is its focus on practical application. Biswas-Diener provides clear, actionable steps for coaches to implement the concepts discussed in the book. This practical focus makes the book not only a source of inspiration but also a valuable guide for professional development. The author's extensive experience and expertise are evident throughout the book, lending credibility and depth to the discussions. ✨

2.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?


One potential shortcoming of the book is that its provocative nature might be challenging for some readers, particularly those who are new to coaching or resistant to questioning established practices. The book requires a high level of openness and willingness to experiment with new ideas, which might not suit everyone. ⚠️


The reflective and experimental approach suggested by the author demands a significant time commitment, which could be a barrier for busy professionals. Another limitation could be the book's heavy reliance on theoretical concepts and scientific research, which might be overwhelming or less appealing to practitioners looking for more straightforward, practical advice. ⚠️


Additionally, the book's emphasis on questioning and challenging established practices might not resonate with all readers. Some might find the approach too confrontational or feel that it undermines the value of traditional coaching methods. While the book aims to provoke thought and inspire change, this approach might be seen as disruptive rather than constructive by some practitioners. ⚠️

3.Book: "Radical Humility: Be a Badass Leader and a Good Human" by Urs Koenig

3.1 About the Book:

I met Urs Koenig at the ICF Converge 23 conference in Orlando, where he gave a lecture on this very topic on Friday afternoon. His presentation resonated with the vast majority of the audience, including myself.  A Book "Radical Humility: Be a Badass Leader and a Good Human" by Urs Koenig is a transformative guide that redefines modern leadership through the lens of humility.

The book underscores the importance of self-awareness, strong interpersonal relationships, and a growth mindset in achieving remarkable leadership results. Koenig's philosophy is rooted in the belief that humility is not a sign of weakness but a powerful leadership trait that can drive both personal and organizational success.


Koenig drawing from his extensive experiences as a competitive ultra-endurance sports and athlete, military peacekeeper, and executive coach. Koenig provides a practical roadmap for leaders at all levels. The book is structured around five major areas:

  • self-awareness,

  • balancing results with compassion,

  • empowering teams,

  • practicing transparency, and

  • fostering a fearless culture.


Each area is elaborated with real-life examples, research-backed insights, and actionable strategies. "Radical Humility" aims to equip leaders with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of today's fast-paced, interconnected world.


The book is not just for those in executive positions but for anyone who seeks to lead effectively and ethically, making a positive impact on their teams and organizations.

3.2 Interesting insights


"Radical Humility" introduces several compelling insights that challenge traditional leadership paradigms. One of the key concepts is the integration of humility into leadership, which Koenig argues is essential for fostering trust, collaboration, and innovation. The book outlines five fundamental shifts necessary for embracing radical humility:

  1. Self-Awareness: Koenig emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself, including understanding strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. This shift involves continuous self-reflection and a commitment to personal growth.

  2. Balancing Results with Compassion: Effective leaders need to be tough on results but tender on people. Koenig illustrates how leaders can maintain high standards while being empathetic and supportive, thus creating a positive and productive work environment.

  3. Empowering Teams: Koenig argues that empowering teams leads to better decision-making and increased innovation. He provides strategies for leaders to delegate effectively, foster autonomy, and build a culture of trust and accountability.

  4. Practicing Transparency: Transparency is crucial for building trust within teams. Koenig advocates for open communication and honesty, even when it involves admitting mistakes or uncertainties. This approach helps create a safe space where team members feel valued and heard.

  5. Fostering a Fearless Culture: Creating a culture where team members feel safe to speak up and take risks is essential for innovation and growth. Koenig provides practical advice on how to build and maintain such a culture. These insights are supported by real-world examples from Koenig's diverse experiences, making the concepts both relatable and actionable.

3.3 What makes a book good?


"Radical Humility" stands out due to its unique combination of personal stories, engaging storytelling, and practical advice. Urs Koenig's diverse background enriches the narrative, making the book relatable to a wide audience. The book is praised for its comprehensive approach, blending theory with actionable insights. Koenig's ability to connect his experiences in ultra-endurance sports, military service, and executive coaching provides readers with a well-rounded perspective on leadership. One of the book's strengths is its emphasis on actionable strategies.


Each chapter ends with specific, practical steps that leaders can implement immediately, making the concepts accessible and applicable. Additionally, the inclusion of case studies and real-world examples helps to illustrate the principles of radical humility in action. Another notable aspect is the book's focus on fostering a growth mindset. Koenig argues that embracing humility allows leaders to continuously learn and grow, which is crucial in today's rapidly changing environment. The book also addresses common misconceptions about humility, clarifying that it does not equate to weakness or lack of confidence. Instead, Koenig presents humility as a strength that can enhance leadership effectiveness.


The interactive dimension of the book, with QR codes linking to further resources and exercises, adds to its practical value. This feature encourages readers to engage with the content actively and apply the lessons in their own leadership journeys. Overall, "Radical Humility" is a valuable resource for leaders seeking to navigate the complexities of the modern world with empathy, authenticity, and effectiveness.

3.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?


While "Radical Humility" offers a comprehensive and well-structured approach to leadership, some readers might find the emphasis on humility as a leadership strength challenging to implement in certain environments. In highly competitive or traditional corporate cultures, integrating humility can be perceived as a sign of weakness, making it difficult for leaders to adopt these principles without facing resistance.


Additionally, the book's reliance on personal stories and experiences, while engaging, may not resonate with all readers. Some might prefer more empirical data or case studies from a wider range of industries and organizational contexts. The book's focus on the author's experiences could be seen as a limitation in terms of generalizability.


Another potential shortcoming is the book's idealistic view of humility in leadership. While the principles and strategies outlined are commendable, their practical application might be more complex than presented, especially in environments that do not already value or support such leadership traits. Implementing radical humility requires a significant cultural shift, which might be met with resistance from established hierarchies and traditional mindsets.


Moreover, the actionable steps provided, though practical, might feel overwhelming for leaders who are new to these concepts or who are dealing with immediate, pressing challenges. The transition to a radically humble leadership style may require more gradual, incremental changes than the book suggests. Lastly, the book might benefit from additional guidance on how to measure the impact of radical humility on organizational performance.

While the book provides many qualitative insights, quantitative metrics and assessment tools could help leaders evaluate the effectiveness of their humility-driven initiatives. Overall, "Radical Humility" is a valuable guide, but its implementation may require careful consideration and adaptation to fit different organizational contexts. ⚖️

<![CDATA[7. Inspiration – 3 books about coaching and not only for coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/7-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-not-only-for-coaches-1653561e695d1339cc648bf0dSun, 22 Oct 2023 20:22:10 GMTMiroslav Czadek

Many a book is like a key to unknown chambers within the castle of one’s own self. -- Franz Kafka

1.Book: "Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss" by Marilyn O'Hearne

1.1 About the Book

This book, in my opinion, fills a gap in the market for both coach and manager work that google opened some time ago - see re:Work with Google, https://rework.withgoogle.com

In our day-to-day communication we are subject to the necessary bias of information that flows to us from our surroundings and on the basis of which we make our own judgements and decisions about our next steps.

In 9 chapters, this book offers examples and a fairly simple application of the acronym IMPACT, which is reflected in each chapter.

  • Chapter 1 discusses a client's realization about their own bias and how it affected their performance. The author also shares their personal experience with bias and the reason for writing the book. The reader is encouraged to reflect on their own experiences with bias.

  • Chapter 2 examines an organizational case study on bias and its effects when overcome with IMPACT.

  • Chapter 3 provides three tools for identifying unconscious bias for oneself and one's organization, starting with Step One, which involves using the "I" in IMPACT.

  • In Chapter 4, the reader learns how to manage bias when it comes to hiring and managing people from different cultures. This is Step Two in the IMPACT framework.

  • In Chapter 5, the reader analyzes their situation using the ACHE approach (Awareness, Curiosity, Humility, Empathy) and applies it to recruiting, developing, and promoting talent, including at the board level. This is Step Three in the IMPACT framework, and it is compared to a treasure hunt.

  • In Chapter 6, the reader learns how to act strategically with awareness and accountability, using feedback and a model for challenging conversations. This is Step Four in the IMPACT framework, represented by the letter "A."

  • Chapter 7 provides guidance on how to obtain organizational buy-in for addressing bias, how to call out bias carefully, how to identify signs of bias (including nonverbal cues), and how cultural differences can trigger bias and how to deal with it. This is Step Five of the IMPACT approach.

  • In Chapter 8, the author suggests repeating the Breaking Free from Bias scorecard taken at the beginning of the book to track progress and identify areas for improvement. This is Step Six of the IMPACT approach.

  • Chapter 9 provides advice on moving forward with courage, persistence, and partnership.

1.2 Interesting insights

Interesting is the scorecard both before and after reading and implementing the six IMPACT steps to Breaking Free from Bias that can help to compare the two to reveal your progress as well as areas for further development.

I like this statement:

“Warning: identifying your unconscious bias can feel like you just conked your head on a doorway. It may be jarring, unfamiliar, and can even feel embarrassing. For others, when confronted with someone you have slotted in the danger section of your brain, you may be triggered to flee, fight, become defensive or agitated.”

1.3 What makes a book good?

The 6-step process for leveraging our response to bias with greater IMPACT:

  • Identifying bias

  • Managing bias

  • Plan to unleash potential

  • Acting strategically with Awareness and Accountability

  • Communicating confidently

  • Taking stock and repeating successes

1.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?

The limit of a coach's perspective trying to show how to apply it with examples seems curious to me. Using the example of how many millions of bits of information are coming into our brain, starting with a pause and applying IMPACT changes everything.

If you bring it into a coaching session, then I understand, but outside of coaching, it requires preparation and proper application.

Although it deals with unconscious bias, I think it is a great shame that it does not reflect the work with the SEEDS model that would complement the book.

More or less I think that the book is good and can definitely recommend it.

2.Book: Why We Do What We Do" from Edward L. Deci, Richard Flaste

2.1 About the Book

  • Chapter ONE: Authority and Its Discontents: It discusses the limitations of control and external motivation in promoting responsible behavior and introduces the concepts of autonomy and authenticity as key to understanding human motivation. It emphasizes the importance of people making their own choices and explores how one-up/one-down relationships impact motivation and responsibility. The book aims to provide insights into promoting responsible behavior in a world marked by alienation and offers prescriptions for individuals, teachers, managers, parents, doctors, and policymakers. It draws on extensive research and empirical evidence to explore the complex dynamics of human motivation and responsibility.

  • Chapter TWO: I'm Only in It for the Money: In "I'm Only in It for the Money," the author discusses experiments that reveal the impact of monetary rewards on intrinsic motivation. The experiments show that when people are rewarded with money for an activity they initially found interesting, their intrinsic motivation diminishes, leading to a strained, instrumental relationship with the activity. The author suggests that this loss of intrinsic motivation can result in alienation and a disconnect from one's inner self. The findings raise questions about the role of money in controlling and potentially undermining people's authentic engagement with various activities in society.

  • Chapter THREE: The Need for Personal Autonomy: In the quest to understand personal autonomy and intrinsic motivation, research has shown that rewards, threats, competition, and control can have complex effects. Administering rewards with a non-controlling intention can mitigate their negative impact on intrinsic motivation. Similarly, competition can either enhance or diminish intrinsic motivation depending on whether it's framed as pressure or encouragement. It's important to strike a balance between setting limits and supporting autonomy, as autonomy-supportive limit setting can promote responsibility without stifling authenticity. Overall, fostering autonomy and minimizing control in various situations can lead to more positive outcomes and sustained intrinsic motivation.

  • Chapter FOUR: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation, driven by genuine interest and enjoyment in an activity, leads to richer experiences, better understanding, creativity, and problem-solving. In contrast, extrinsic rewards and controls can undermine intrinsic motivation, leading to shortcuts, deception, and lower-quality performance. Rewards should be administered equitably but not used primarily for motivation. Pay-for-performance schemes may motivate but often encourage shortcuts and distract from the task at hand. Instead, emphasizing the inherent value of tasks and minimizing the role of extrinsic rewards can lead to more engaged and committed individuals.

  • Chapter FIVE: Engaging the World with a Sense of Competence: In Soviet-era Bulgaria, the absence of motivation resulted from a lack of meaningful incentives, contrasting with the American system's built-in motivators. While instrumentalities can motivate, they may also exert control. Intrinsic motivation thrives on competence in instrumental activities, observed in children's natural curiosity. Optimal challenges are vital for cultivating this sense of competence. The text discusses the impact of perceived competence on intrinsic motivation and feedback. It reveals gender differences in the response to praise, with males motivated and females feeling controlled. Non-controlling praise and autonomy-supportive feedback are crucial. Overall, perceived competence and autonomy are essential for motivation and well-being.

  • Chapter SIX: The Inner Force of Development: The text discusses two contrasting identities within the field of developmental psychology:

    • one focusing on internal processes, including psychoanalytic traditions, and

    • the other on external behaviors, as seen in behaviorism.

It emphasizes the importance of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in intrinsic motivation and human development. Autonomy-supportive environments foster natural development, while controlling ones hinder it. The narrative suggests that people can be both autonomous and interdependent, and that genuine dependence on others can contribute positively to well-being.

  • Chapter SEVEN: When Society Beckons: This text delves into the challenge of fostering desirable behavior when intrinsic motivation is lacking, emphasizing the role of parents and teachers as socializing agents. It stresses the significance of autonomy and integration in contrast to mere introjection of rules, as introjected values can result in rigid compliance or rebellion. The ultimate aim is to encourage autonomous, authentic self-regulation for the benefit of individuals and society. A study by Richard Ryan and Wendy Grolnick at the University of Rochester underscores the importance of autonomy support in promoting internalization of values and regulations, with introjected motivation leading to anxiety and maladaptive coping.

  • Chapter EIGHT: The Self in a Social World: In a social world, many individuals suppress their true feelings and beliefs out of fear, guilt, or the desire for approval. They often adopt introjects, societal expectations, as their own, losing touch with their genuine selves. Some may even fail to recognize this suppression. The development of true self-esteem requires autonomy support, while contingent love and esteem hinder it. Relationships based on mutual autonomy and respect allow for genuine connection and emotional expression. Overcoming introjects and ego involvement is crucial for personal growth and the ability to form mature, fulfilling relationships. Loving someone authentically demands self-awareness and freedom from societal pressures.

  • Chapter NINE: When Society Corrupts: In the decades since World War II, the American Dream has driven people to work harder and pursue material success, but for many, it hasn't brought the expected leisure and luxury. Dual-income families struggle to find time for leisure, and possessions like cars and gadgets have become necessities. One man's therapy journey highlights the toll of this pursuit on personal relationships. Research shows that strong desires for extrinsic goals like wealth and fame, when out of balance with intrinsic aspirations, are linked to poorer mental health. Individualism and autonomy are distinct concepts, with autonomy requiring self-knowledge and personality integration. In an individualistic society, conformity to external symbols of status is common, driven by the pressure to achieve narcissistic extrinsic goals.

  • Chapter TEN: How to Promote Autonomy: The text emphasizes the importance of promoting autonomy in education and management. It highlights the positive impact of autonomy support on motivation, performance, and satisfaction among individuals. The text also discusses the need for individualized and challenging goals, problem-solving in performance assessment, and team-focused rewards. It addresses obstacles to autonomy support, such as controlling personalities and external pressures, and underscores the significance of training and support for effective leadership and teaching. Overall, the text underscores the value of autonomy support in various aspects of life.

  • Chapter ELEVEN: Promoting Healthy Behavior: The text discusses the significance of personal commitment and autonomous motivation in promoting healthy behavior. It highlights the difference between external pressures and internal drive as drivers for change. Research suggests that autonomous reasons for behavior change lead to better outcomes. Despite known health risks, many people continue unhealthy behaviors because they serve a purpose, such as reducing anxiety. To succeed, individuals must accept responsibility, explore their motivations, and make genuine choices for their well-being.

  • Chapter TWELEVE: Being Autonomous Amidst the Controls: The text explores how individuals can maintain autonomy and thrive despite challenges, emphasizing the role of personal traits like temperament and motivation. It discusses the impact of social relationships and one's interpretation of the environment. Autonomy and autonomy-supportive contexts are crucial for positive development. It also highlights the importance of managing emotions and regulating behavior for autonomy. The text concludes that internal motivation, self-acceptance, and understanding one's behavior are key to meaningful change in a non-blaming, pressure-free manner.

  • Chapter THIRTEEN: The Meaning of Human Freedom: True human freedom, as Abraham Maslow and Jean-Paul Sartre suggest, involves accepting constraints, whether natural or social. However, achieving this balance is a challenge. In different social contexts, such as was totalitarian Bulgaria or the individualistic West, people may experience varying degrees of freedom and responsibility. Ultimately, genuine freedom entails making choices aligned with one's integrated self while respecting others and the environment.

2.2 Interesting insights

Perhaps the most important aspect is realizing the significance of autonomy in motivation. It explains why micromanagement doesn't work.

2.3 What makes the book good?

The book deals with human motivation and how to create and support it.

2.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?

The book is available only in spoken and paper form

3.Book: Be useful : seven tools for life" by Arnold Schwarzenegger

3.1 About the Book

Honestly, I had been waiting for this book for quite a while. Arnold had mentioned it in his posts and built it on his practical experience. So when it was released in the fall of 2023, there was no hesitation. In coaching, you sometimes deal with how to work with a client who wants to improve their appearance, or perhaps how to improve their fitness, and so on. There is probably no better person on this planet who has accomplished more over the course of their life and is willing to share how they did it. The book doesn't hold back, it's authentic, precisely what you need for your clients.

  • In "Chapter 1: Have a Clear Vision," the author emphasizes the paramount importance of having a clear life vision. Without it, individuals may find themselves adrift in unfulfilling jobs and relationships. A clear vision provides purpose and meaning, helping people make informed decisions aligned with their ideal future. The author suggests two approaches:

    • starting broad and zooming in or

    • beginning small and expanding.

Creating space and time for inspiration is crucial, with activities like walking enhancing creativity. The text also underscores the power of clear visualization and staying true to one's goals, even when faced with tempting distractions. Self-awareness and self-reflection are essential for personal growth and success. Successful individuals regularly assess their progress and adapt their vision as they evolve, confronting their reflection to truly see themselves.

  • In Chapter 2 of the book, Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes the importance of thinking big and pursuing ambitious dreams. In the 1980s, he faced skepticism from Hollywood executives but proved his versatility with the success of "Twins." He reflects on his collaboration with James Cameron, highlighting the need for unwavering dedication to achieve excellence. Schwarzenegger encourages readers to ignore naysayers, citing examples of famous figures who faced rejection before achieving success. Furthermore, he discusses his experience as California's governor, emphasizing the importance of persistence and rejecting the idea of a plan B. Schwarzenegger also draws inspiration from Sir Edmund Hillary's conquest of Mount Everest, illustrating the power of setting audacious goals and continuing to push boundaries even after achieving success. He encourages readers to dream big, inspire others, and leave a lasting legacy of ambition and achievement.

  • In "Chapter 3: Work Your Ass Off," Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes the paramount importance of hard work as the key to success and personal growth. He stresses that innate talents and advantages are secondary to relentless determination and work ethic. Schwarzenegger highlights the negative consequences of unearned wealth, citing examples of lottery winners and generational wealth. The text draws parallels between various fields like bodybuilding, acting, and sports, showcasing how meticulous repetition and mastering fundamentals are essential for excellence. Schwarzenegger views pain and discomfort as temporary but crucial for achieving greatness, with examples from his career and others like Muhammad Ali. He underscores the significance of follow-up and follow-through, citing his experience as California's governor during wildfires. Lastly, the text advocates effective time management and consistent effort in pursuing goals, dismissing common excuses. Overall, it underscores the enduring value of hard work and determination in realizing one's aspirations.

  • In Chapter 4, titled "Sell, Sell, Sell," Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes the significance of self-promotion and effective communication in achieving one's goals. He recalls how bodybuilders needed to advocate for their sport to change public perception. Schwarzenegger's journey from acting to politics underscores the importance of knowing your audience and adapting your pitch. He shares the value of identifying decision-makers, even when it's not apparent. The text also highlights the power of sharing your vision, both for self-motivation and inspiring others. Joe Weider's promotion of bodybuilding exemplifies this strategy. Furthermore, it discusses managing low expectations strategically, drawing from the author's experience in politics. Finally, Schwarzenegger's authenticity and ownership of his narrative led to political success, emphasizing the importance of being genuine when pursuing personal goals or in politics.

  • In "Chapter 5: Shift Gears," the author recounts their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, where they took action by connecting with a logistics company to procure PPE. This narrative underscores the importance of proactive problem-solving. The text explores the idea of "negativity bias" and the author's commitment to maintaining a positive perspective. They share personal experiences to encourage readers to redirect their energy towards positivity and growth. Finally, he discuss the subjective nature of risk, advocating for taking calculated risks to achieve one's goals. Overall, this chapter highlights the importance of action, positivity, resilience, innovation, and calculated risk-taking in the face of challenges.

  • In "Chapter 6: Shut Your Mouth, Open Your Mind," Arnold Schwarzenegger reflects on the importance of learning, curiosity, and open-mindedness in shaping one's life. He pays tribute to Fredi Gerstl, a mentor who taught him valuable life lessons, emphasizing the hunger for knowledge and the world as the ultimate classroom. Schwarzenegger questions the traditional focus on college education, advocating for the real world as the best classroom. He encourages readers to be like sponges, absorbing knowledge from others to foster personal growth and contribute to a better future. It emphasizes the importance of actively applying knowledge and staying engaged to make a meaningful impact in the world.

  • In "Chapter 7: BREAK YOUR MIRRORS," Arnold Schwarzenegger reflects on his journey to success and the importance of giving back. He credits numerous individuals for his achievements and emphasizes that no one truly succeeds alone. Schwarzenegger urges readers to recognize their duty to help others and highlights the positive impact of selflessness. He discusses simple ways to give back, emphasizing that anyone can make a difference with awareness and effort.

3.2 Interesting insights

  • I like the importance of defining clear goals to sharpen one's focus and achieve a vision. There is also mentioned how important is significance of knowing what success looks like and what it doesn't, as it helps in making informed decisions and avoiding distractions.

  • Great technique, that highlights the significance of looking in the mirror both metaphorically and literally to understand oneself better. Many people avoid self-reflection, and as a result, they may become lost and fail to fulfill their potential. The distinction between successful individuals and those who are not lies in their ability to define and pursue specific goals, regularly assess their progress, and adapt their vision as they evolve. To achieve any vision or performance, one must be unafraid to confront their reflection and truly see themselves.

  • In life, there will always be doubters and naysayers who challenge your dreams. Naysayers are often afraid of the unknown and lack the courage to pursue big visions. Their skepticism should not influence your path. Instead, use their doubt as motivation.

  • To emphasize the importance of pursuing big goals with unwavering determination, rejecting the idea of a plan B, and not succumbing to naysayers or self-doubt.

  • Embracing discomfort and pain is crucial for personal growth and success. (go beyond comfort zone)

  • How important is selling your vision that involves articulating your goals in a positive light to those whose support you need.

  • The significance of identifying the decision-maker and catering your pitch to them, even if it's not obvious.

  • Failure is a natural part of pursuing challenging goals and we should not be feared. He encourages individuals to embrace failure as a source of valuable lessons and motivation to improve.

  • When you truly desire something, you should be willing to take risks, and the potential rewards often outweigh the perceived dangers.

  • To embrace selflessness, emphasizing that one can make a positive impact on others' lives and their own, regardless of their financial situation.

3.3 What makes the book good?

The book feels authentic and is suitable for practical use. The stories the author describes are interspersed with practical recommendations.

3.4 What is the shortcoming of the book?

Although the book is intended for a general audience, it addresses a topic for which it is advisable to have references that can be further explored. Additionally, it would be beneficial to have a summary at the end of chapters providing an overview of recommended steps.

<![CDATA[7. Inspirace – 3 knihy o koučinku a ne jenom pro kouče]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/cs/post/7-inspiratce-3-knihy-o-koucinku-a-ne-jenom-pro-kouce65357674ef04a79acede331aSun, 22 Oct 2023 20:21:41 GMTMiroslav Czadek

Mnoho knih je jako klíč k neznámým komnatám uvnitř hradu vlastního já. -- Franz Kafka

1.Kniha: "Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss" od Marilyn O'Hearne

1.1 O Knize

Tato kniha podle mého názoru zaplňuje mezeru na trhu pro práci koučů a manažerů, kterou Google otevřel již před časem, viz re:Work with Google, https://rework.withgoogle.com

V naší každodenní komunikaci jsme vystaveni nutnému zkreslení informací, které k nám proudí z našeho okolí, na základě kterého posuzujeme a rozhodujeme o našich dalších krocích.

Tato kniha nabízí v 9 kapitolách příklady a poměrně jednoduchou aplikaci akronymu IMPACT, který se odráží v každé kapitole.

  • Kapitola 1 se zabývá uvědoměním klienta o vlastních předsudcích a jak ovlivnily jeho výkon. Autor rovněž sdílí své osobní zkušenosti s předsudky a důvod psaní knihy. Čtenář je povzbuzen k zamyšlení nad svými vlastními zkušenostmi s předsudky.

  • Kapitola 2 se zabývá organizační případovou studií o předsudcích a jejich účincích, když jsou překonány s použitím IMPACT.

  • Kapitola 3 poskytuje tři nástroje pro identifikaci nevědomých předsudků pro sebe i svou organizaci, začínající krokem jedna, který zahrnuje použití "I" v IMPACT.

  • V kapitole 4 se čtenář naučí, jak řídit předsudky při náboru a řízení lidí z různých kultur. To je krok dvě v IMPACT rámci.

  • V kapitole 5 analyzuje čtenář svou situaci pomocí přístupu ACHE (uvědomění, zvědavost, pokora, empatie) a aplikuje ji na nábor, rozvoj a povýšení talentů, včetně na úrovni představenstva. To je krok tři v IMPACT rámci a je přirovnán honbou za hledání pokladu.

  • V kapitole 6 se čtenář naučí jednat strategicky s uvědoměním a zodpovědností, používat zpětnou vazbu a model pro náročné rozhovory. To je krok čtyři v IMPACT rámci, který je zastoupený písmenem "A".

  • Kapitola 7 poskytuje návod, jak získat organizační podporu pro řešení předsudků, jak opatrně označovat předsudky, jak identifikovat známky předsudků (včetně neverbálních signálů) a jak kulturní rozdíly mohou vyvolávat předsudky a jak se s nimi vypořádat. Toto je pátý krok IMPACT přístupu.

  • V kapitole 8 autor navrhuje opakovat skóre z karty „Breaking Free from Bias“, které bylo provedeno na začátku knihy, aby se zjistil a sledoval pokrok a identifikovaly oblasti pro zlepšení. Toto je šestý krok IMPACT přístupu.

  • Kapitola 9 poskytuje doporučení, jak dál s odvahou, vytrvalostí a partnerstvím pokračovat.

1.2 Zajímavé poznatky

Zajímavým prvkem je skóre karty před a po čtení a implementaci šesti IMPACT kroků k odbourání předsudků, které mohou pomoci porovnat oba stavy a odhalit váš pokrok a oblasti pro další rozvoj.

Líbí se mi toto prohlášení:

„Varování: Rozpoznání vašeho nevědomého předsudku může působit, jako kdybyste právě narazili hlavou do dveří. Může to být náhlé, neznámé a dokonce vám může být i trapně. U některých lidí, když se setkají s někým, koho mají v mozku zařazeného jako nebezpečného, mohou cítit potřebu utéct, bojovat, stát se defenzivními nebo rozrušenými.“

1.3 V čem je kniha dobrá?

6 kroků k využití naší reakce na předsudky s větším IMPACTem:

  • (I)dentifikace předsudků

  • (M)Řízení předsudků

  • (P)lán pro uvolnění potenciálu

  • (A)Strategické jednání s vědomím a odpovědností

  • (C) Sebevědomá komunikace

  • (T) Zhodnocení a opakování úspěchů

1.4 Jaký nedostatek kniha má?

Omezení pohledu kouče, který se snaží na příkladech ukázat, jak jej aplikovat, mi připadá zvláštní. Na příkladu toho, kolik milionů informací nám přichází do mozku, začít pauzou a aplikovat IMPACT a tím se vše změní.

Pokud to přenesete do koučovacího sezení, pak to chápu, ale mimo koučování to vyžaduje přípravu a správnou aplikaci.

Ačkoliv se zabývá nevědomou zaujatostí, myslím si, že je velká škoda, že nereflektuje práci s modelem SEEDS, který by knihu doplnil.

Víceméně si myslím, že kniha je dobrá a rozhodně ji doporučuji.

2.Kniha: Why We Do What We Do" od Edward L. Deci, Richard Flaste

2.1 O Knize

  • Kapitola PRVNÍ: Autorita a její nespokojenci

Kniha diskutuje omezení kontroly a vnější motivace při podpoře zodpovědného chování a představuje koncepty autonomie a autenticity jako klíčové pro pochopení lidské motivace. Důraz klade na důležitost toho, aby lidé sami činili své volby, a zkoumá, jak vztahy "jeden nahoře/jeden dole" ovlivňují motivaci a zodpovědnost. Kniha si klade za cíl poskytnout náhledy na podporu zodpovědného chování ve světě, který je poznamenán odcizením, a nabízí doporučení pro jednotlivce, učitele, manažery, rodiče, lékaře a politiky. Vychází z rozsáhlého výzkumu a empirických důkazů k tomu, aby zkoumala složité dynamiky lidské motivace a zodpovědnosti..

  • Kapitola DRUHÁ: Jsem v tom jenom kvůli penězům - V kapitole "Jsem v tom jenom kvůli penězům" autor diskutuje o experimentech, které odhalují vliv peněžních odměn na vnitřní motivaci. Experimenty ukazují, že když jsou lidé odměňováni penězi za činnost, kterou považovali za původně zajímavou, jejich vnitřní motivace klesá, což vede k napjatému, instrumentálnímu vztahu k činnosti. Autor naznačuje, že tato ztráta vnitřní motivace může způsobit odcizení a odtržení od svého vnitřního já. Tyto zjištění vyvolávají otázky ohledně role peněz při kontrole a potenciálním oslabení autentického zapojení lidí do různých činností ve společnosti.

  • Kapitola TŘETÍ: Potřeba osobní autonomie: Při snaze pochopit osobní autonomii a vnitřní motivaci ukázal výzkum, že odměny, hrozby, soutěžení a kontrola mohou mít komplexní účinky. Udělování odměn s nekontrolujícím záměrem může zmírnit jejich negativní vliv na vnitřní motivaci. Stejně tak může soutěž buď zvýšit, nebo snížit vnitřní motivaci v závislosti na tom, zda je vnímána jako tlak nebo povzbuzení. Je důležité najít rovnováhu mezi stanovováním limitů a podporováním autonomie, protože podpora autonomie při stanovování limitů může podporovat zodpovědnost bez potlačení autenticity. Celkově je podpora autonomie a minimalizace kontroly v různých situacích spojena s pozitivnějšími výsledky a trvalou vnitřní motivací.

  • Kapitola ČTVRTÁ: Vnitřní a vnější motivace, Vnitřní motivace, kterou pohání opravdový zájem a potěšení z činnosti, vede k bohatším zkušenostem, lepšímu porozumění, kreativitě a řešení problémů. Naopak vnější odměny a kontroly mohou podkopávat vnitřní motivaci a vést k zkratkám, klamání a nižší kvalitě výkonu. Odměny by měly být udělovány spravedlivě, ale neměly by být primárně používány pro motivaci. Placené výkonnostní systémy mohou motivovat, ale často povzbuzují zkratky a odvádějí pozornost od úkolu. Místo toho zdůrazňování vnitřní hodnoty úkolů a minimalizace role vnějších odměn může vést k angažovanějším a závazným jednotlivcům.

  • Kapitola PÁTÁ: Angažování se ve světě s pocitem kompetence, V době Sovětské éry, Bulharsko absentovalo motivaci důsledkem nedostatečných motivujících podnětů, což kontrastovalo s vestavěnými motivátory v americkém systému. I když nástroje mohou motivovat, mohou také vyvíjet kontrolu. Vnitřní motivace prosperuje na základě kompetence v instrumentálních činnostech, což lze pozorovat u přirozené zvídavosti dětí. Optimální výzvy jsou klíčové pro rozvoj tohoto pocitu kompetence. Text diskutuje o vlivu vnímané kompetence na vnitřní motivaci a zpětnou vazbu. Ukazuje rozdíly mezi pohlavími ve vztahu k chvále, s muži motivovanými a ženami, které se cítí kontrolované. Neřízená chvála a autonomně podporující zpětná vazba jsou klíčové. Celkově je vnímaná kompetence a autonomie klíčová pro motivaci a pohodu.

  • Kapitola ŠESTÁ: Vnitřní síla rozvoje: Kapitola diskutuje dvě kontrastující identity v oblasti vývojové psychologie:

    • jedna se zaměřuje na interní procesy, včetně psychoanalytických tradic, a

    • druhá na externí chování, jak je vidět v behaviorismu.

Důraz klade na důležitost autonomie, kompetence a souvislostí vnitřní motivace a lidského rozvoje. Autonomní prostředí podporuje přirozený vývoj, zatímco řízené prostředí jej brzdí. Narativ naznačuje, že lidé mohou být zároveň autonomní a vzájemně závislí a že skutečná závislost na druhých může pozitivně přispět k pohodě.

  • Kapitola SEDMÁ: Když společnost volá: Tato kapitola se zabývá výzvou podporovat žádoucí chování, když chybí vnitřní motivace, a zdůrazňuje roli rodičů a učitelů jako socializačních agentů. Důraz klade na význam autonomie a integrace na rozdíl od pouhé internalizace pravidel, protože vnitřně přijaté hodnoty mohou vést k rigidnímu dodržování nebo vzpouře. Konečným cílem je podporovat autonomní, autentickou seberegulaci k prospěchu jednotlivců a společnosti. Studie Richarda Ryana a Wendy Grolnick na University of Rochester zdůrazňuje význam podpory autonomoe při podporování internalizace hodnot a pravidel, s vnitřně přijatou motivací vedoucí k úzkosti a neadaptivnímu zvládání.

  • Kapitola Osmá: Sám v sociálním světě: Ve společenském světě mnozí lidé potlačují své skutečné pocity a přesvědčení z obavy, viny nebo touhy po schválení. Často vnitřně přijímají společenská očekávání, jako své vlastní, a ztrácejí kontakt se svým skutečným já. Někteří mohou dokonce selhat v tomto rozpoznání. Rozvoj skutečné sebehodnoty vyžaduje podporu autonomie, zatímco podmíněná láska a úcta ji brzdí. Vztahy založené na vzájemné autonomii a úctě umožňují skutečné spojení a emocionální vyjádření. Překonání vnitřního přijetí a ega je klíčové pro osobní růst a schopnost tvořit zralé, naplňující vztahy. Autentická láska někoho vyžaduje sebepoznání a osvobození se od společenského tlaku.

  • Kapitola DEVĚT: Když společnost degeneruje: V desetiletích po druhé světové válce americký sen motivoval lidi k tvrdší práci a hledání materiálního úspěchu, ale pro mnohé nepřinesl očekávaný volný čas a luxus. Rodiny s dvojími příjmy bojují, aby našly čas na volný čas, a majetky jako auta a elektronika se staly nezbytnostmi. Cesta člověka terapeutickým procesem ukazuje, jakou daň má dopad tohoto usilování na osobní vztahy. Výzkum naznačuje, že silné touhy po vnějších cílech, jako je bohatství a sláva, pokud nejsou v rovnováze s vnitřními aspiracemi, jsou spojeny s horším duševním zdravím. Individualismus a autonomie jsou odlišné koncepty, přičemž autonomie vyžaduje sebepoznání a integrování osobnosti. V individualistické společnosti je běžná konformita k vnějším symbolům statusu, což je motivováno tlakem dosáhnout narcistických vnějších cílů.

  • Kapitola DESET: Jak podporovat autonomii: Kapitola zdůrazňuje důležitost podpory autonomie ve vzdělání a řízení. Poukazuje na pozitivní vliv podpory autonomie na motivaci, výkon a spokojenost jednotlivců. Text také diskutuje o potřebě individualizovaných a náročných cílů, řešení problémů při hodnocení výkonu a odměnách zaměřených na tým. Zaměřuje se na překážky podpory autonomie, jako jsou ovládající osobnosti a vnější tlaky, a zdůrazňuje význam školení a podpory pro efektivní vedení a výuku. Celkově kapitola zdůrazňuje hodnotu podpory autonomie v různých aspektech života.

  • Kapitola JEDENÁCT: Podpora zdravého chování: Kapitola popisuje význam osobního závazku a autonomní motivace při podpoře zdravého chování. Zdůrazňuje rozdíl mezi vnějšími tlaky a vnitřní motivací jako hnacími silami změny. Výzkum naznačuje, že autonomní důvody k změně chování vedou k lepším výsledkům. Navzdory známým rizikům pro zdraví pokračuje mnoho lidí v nezdravém chování, protože slouží nějakému účelu, jako je snížení úzkosti. Aby jednotlivci uspěli, musí přijmout zodpovědnost, zkoumat své motivace a činit opravdové volby pro své blaho.

  • Kapitola DVANÁCT: Autonomie v kontrolovaném prostředí: Kapitola popisuje, jak jednotlivci mohou udržovat autonomii a prosperovat navzdory výzvám, zdůrazňuje roli osobních vlastností, jako jsou temperament a motivace. Diskutuje o vlivu sociálních vztahů a vlastního vnímání prostředí. Autonomie a autonomie-podporující kontexty jsou klíčové pro pozitivní rozvoj. Také zdůrazňuje důležitost řízení emocí a regulace chování pro autonomii. Text uzavírá, že vnitřní motivace, sebeakceptace a porozumění svému chování jsou klíčem k významné změně bez obviňování a tlaku.

  • Kapitola TŘINÁCT: Význam lidské svobody: Skutečná lidská svoboda, jak naznačují Abraham Maslow a Jean-Paul Sartre, zahrnuje přijímání omezení, ať už přírodního nebo společenského. Dosáhnout této rovnováhy je výzvou. V různých sociálních kontextech, jako bylo totalitární Bulharsko nebo individualistický Západ, mohou lidé zažívat různé úrovně svobody a zodpovědnosti. Skutečná svoboda nakonec spočívá v tom, že člověk činí volby, které jsou v souladu se svým integrovaným já, a zároveň respektuje ostatní a prostředí.

2.2 Zajímavé poznatky

Asi nejdůležitější je uvědomění toho jak je autonomie důležitá při motivaci. Vysvětluje proč mikromanagement nefunguje.

2.3 V čem je kniha dobrá?

Kniha se zabývá motivací člověka a jak ji motivaci vytvořit a podpořit.

2.4 Jaký nedostatek kniha má?

Kniha je dostupná jen v mluvené a papírové podobě.

3.Kniha: Be useful : seven tools for life" od Arnolda Schwarzeneggera

3.1 O Knize

Upřímně, na tuto knihu jsem čekal relativně dlouho. Arnold ji ve svých příspěvcích zmiňoval a postavil ji na zkušenostech z jeho praxe.A tak když na podzim 2023 vyšla, nebylo o čem přemýšlet. V koučinku občas řešíte, jak pracovat s klientem, který chce zlepšit, jak vypadá, popřípadě jak zlepšit kondici apod. Asi není lepší osoba na této planetě, která v průběhu svého života dokázala více a která se chce podělit o to jak to dokázala. V knize nejde pro slovo daleko, je to autentické, přesně to co pro klienty potřebujete.

  • V kapitole 1 nazvané "Mějte jasnou vizi" autor zdůrazňuje nesmírný význam mít jasnou životní vizi. Bez ní se jednotlivci mohou ocitnout v neuspokojivých zaměstnáních a vztazích. Jasná vize poskytuje účel a smysl, pomáhá lidem rozhodovat se informovaně v souladu s jejich ideální budoucností. Autor navrhuje dvě přístupy:

    • začít široce a postupně se zužovat nebo

    • začít malými kroky a postupně se rozšiřovat.

Vytváření prostoru a času pro inspiraci je klíčové, a to i prostřednictvím aktivit jako je chůze, která podporuje tvůrčí myšlení. Text také zdůrazňuje sílu jasné vizualizace a setrvání na svých cílech, i když čelí lákavým rozptýlením. Sebeuvědomění a sebereflexe jsou nezbytné pro osobní růst a úspěch. Úspěšní jedinci pravidelně hodnotí svůj pokrok a mění svou vizi, jak se vyvíjejí, konfrontují svůj odraz, aby se skutečně viděli.

  • V kapitole 2 knihy Arnold Schwarzenegger zdůrazňuje důležitost velkorysého myšlení a sledování ambiciózních snů. V 80. letech čelil skepticismu hollywoodských producentů, ale prokázal svoji všestrannost úspěchem filmu "Dvojčata". Zmiňuje svou spolupráci s Jamesem Cameronem a zdůrazňuje potřebu neochvějného odhodlání k dosažení excelence. Schwarzenegger povzbuzuje čtenáře, aby nebrali vážně kritiky a uvádí příklady slavných osobností, které čelily odmítnutí, než dosáhly úspěchu. Dále diskutuje o své zkušenosti jako guvernéra Kalifornie a zdůrazňuje důležitost vytrvalosti a odmítání myšlenky na plán B. Schwarzenegger také čerpá inspiraci z dobytí Mount Everestu Sir Edmundem Hillarym, ilustrující sílu stanovování smělých cílů a pokračování v překračování hranic i po dosažení úspěchu. Vyzývá čtenáře, aby si snili velké sny, inspirovali ostatní a zanechali trvalé dědictví ambicí a úspěchem.

  • V kapitole 3 s názvem "Tvrdě pracujte" Arnold Schwarzenegger zdůrazňuje nesmírný význam tvrdé práce jako klíče k úspěchu a osobnímu růstu. Klade důraz na to, že vrozené talent a výhody jsou sekundární ve srovnání s neúnavným odhodláním a pracovní etikou. Schwarzenegger poukazuje na negativní důsledky nezískaného bohatství, uvádí příklady výherců loterie a generovaného bohatství. Text ukazuje paralely mezi různými oblastmi, jako je kulturistika, herectví a sport, a ukazuje, jak pečlivé opakování a ovládání základů jsou nezbytné pro dosažení excelence. Schwarzenegger vnímá bolest a nepohodlí jako dočasné, ale zásadní pro dosažení velikosti, s příklady ze své kariéry a od ostatních, jako Muhammad Ali. Zdůrazňuje význam následného vyhodnocení a následného jednání, s odvoláním na svoje zkušenosti jako guvernéra Kalifornie během lesních požárů. Nakonec text propaguje efektivní časový management a pravidelné úsilí při sledování svých cílů a odmítá běžné výmluvy. Celkově zdůrazňuje trvalou hodnotu tvrdé práce a odhodlání při dosahování svých aspirací.

  • V kapitole 4 s názvem "Prodávejte, prodávejte, prodávejte" Arnold Schwarzenegger zdůrazňuje význam sebepropagace a efektivní komunikace při dosahování svých cílů. Vzpomíná si, jak kulturisté museli prosazovat svůj sport, aby změnili veřejný názor. Schwarzeneggerova cesta od herectví k politice zdůrazňuje důležitost poznání svého publika a přizpůsobení své prezentace. Sdílí hodnotu identifikace těch, kteří rozhodují, i když to není zřejmé. Text také zdůrazňuje sílu sdílení své vize, jak pro sebe-motivaci, tak k inspiraci ostatních. Propagace kulturistiky Joe Weiderem ilustruje tuto strategii. Dále se zabývá strategickým řízením nízkých očekávání, vycházejíc z autorových zkušeností v politice. Nakonec Schwarzeneggerova autenticita a vlastní příběh vedly k politickému úspěchu, což zdůrazňuje důležitost opravdovosti při sledování osobních cílů nebo v politice.

  • V kapitole 5 s názvem "Změňte rychlost" autor vypráví svou reakci na pandemii COVID-19, když podnikl kroky k zajištění ochranných pomůcek ve spolupráci s logistickou společností. Tato vyprávění zdůrazňuje důležitost aktivního řešení problémů. Text zmiňuje koncept "negativního zkreslení" a autorův závazek udržovat pozitivní perspektivu. Sdílí osobní zkušenosti, aby podpořil čtenáře, aby svou energii přesměrovali směrem k pozitivnímu myšlení a růstu. Dále diskutuje o subjektivní povaze rizika a prosazuje kalkulované riziko při dosahování svých cílů. Celkově tato kapitola zdůrazňuje důležitost akce, pozitivního myšlení, odolnosti, inovace a kalkulovaného rizika při zdolávání výzev.

  • V kapitole 6 s názvem "Zavřete pusu, otevřete mysl" Arnold Schwarzenegger reflektuje o důležitosti učení, zvědavosti a otevřenosti mysli při formování života. Vzdává hold Fredimu Gerstlovi, mentoru, který mu poskytl cenné životní lekce, zdůrazňujíc hlad po znalostech a svět jako konečnou učebnici. Schwarzenegger zpochybňuje tradiční důraz na vysokoškolské vzdělání, prosazuje skutečný svět jako nejlepší učebnici. Vyzývá čtenáře, aby byli jako houby, absorbující znalosti od ostatních pro osobní růst a přispívání k lepší budoucnosti. Zdůrazňuje důležitost aktivního uplatňování znalostí a angažovanosti, aby se svět stal lepším místem.

  • V kapitole 7 s názvem "Rozbijte své zrcadla" Arnold Schwarzenegger reflektuje na svou cestu k úspěchu a důležitost dobročinnosti. Připisuje své úspěchy mnoha jednotlivcům a zdůrazňuje, že nikdo skutečně neuspěl sám. Schwarzenegger vyzývá čtenáře, aby rozpoznali svou povinnost pomáhat ostatním a zdůrazňuje pozitivní dopad nezištnosti při jednání. Diskutuje o jednoduchých způsobech, jak pomáhat, zdůrazňuje, že kdokoli může s vědomostmi a úsilím udělat rozdíl.

3.2 Zajímavé poznatky

  • Zaujala mě důležitost definování jasných cílů pro zúžení svého zaměření a dosažení vize. Zde je také zmíněno, jak důležité je znát význam toho, jak úspěch vypadá a jak nevypadá, protože to pomáhá při informovaném rozhodování a vyhýbání se rušivým vlivům.

  • Skvělá technika, která zdůrazňuje význam pohledu do zrcadla jak metaforicky, tak doslovně, abychom se lépe poznali. Mnoho lidí se vyhýbá sebereflexi a v důsledku toho může být ztraceno a selháno v naplnění svého potenciálu. Rozdíl mezi úspěšnými jednotlivci a těmi, kteří nejsou, spočívá v jejich schopnosti definovat a sledovat konkrétní cíle, pravidelně hodnotit svůj pokrok a přizpůsobovat svou vizi, jak se vyvíjejí. Pro dosažení jakékoli vize nebo výkonu musí být člověk odvážný, aby čelil svému odrazu a skutečně sebe viděl.

  • V životě vždy budou pochybovači a pesimisté, kteří budou výzvy vašich snů zpochybňovat. Pesimisté se často bojí neznámého a nemají odvahu sledovat velké vize. Jejich skepticismus by neměl ovlivňovat váš směr. Místo toho využijte jejich pochybnosti jako motivaci.

  • Zdůraznění důležitosti sledování velkých cílů s neochvějným odhodláním, odmítání myšlenky na plán B a nepodléhání pesimistům ani sebevědomí.

  • Přijímání nepohodlí a bolesti je klíčové pro osobní růst a úspěch. (jít mimo komfortní zónu)

  • Jak je důležité prodávání své vize, která zahrnuje formulaci svých cílů v pozitivním světle těm, jejichž podporu potřebujete.

  • Důležitost identifikace rozhodující osoby a přizpůsobení svého přednesu jim, i když to není zjevné.

  • Selhání je přirozenou součástí sledování náročných cílů a neměli bychom se ho obávat. Měl by povzbuzovat jednotlivce, aby si selhání osvojili jako zdroj cenných lekcí a motivaci ke zlepšení.

  • Když si něco opravdu přejete, měli byste být ochotni podstoupit rizika a potenciální odměny často převyšují vnímaná nebezpečí.

  • Přijetí nezištnosti a zdůrazňování toho, že člověk může mít pozitivní vliv na životy ostatních i svůj vlastní, bez ohledu na svou finanční situaci

3.3 V čem je kniha dobrá?

Kniha působí autenticky a je vhodná pro praktické použití. Příběhy, které autor popisuje jsou prokládané praktickými doporučeními.

3.4 Jaký nedostatek kniha má?

I když je kniha zaměřená pro obecné publikum, dotýká se tématu u kterého je vhodné mít reference, ze který lze dále čerpat. Dále by bylo dobrém mít souhrn na konci kapitol, kde je přehled doporučených kroků.

<![CDATA[How to approach coaching hours?]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/how-to-approach-coaching-hours64d914eb3f55404937355182Sun, 13 Aug 2023 18:10:58 GMTMiroslav Czadek

If you want to obtain the ICF professional coach certification (ACC, PCC, MCC), besides mentoring, completed training, meeting ethical criteria, or passing the knowledge test in the field of competencies and ethics, you need to acquire a certain number of actual coaching hours. During my practice, I meet many potential coaches who do not know how to obtain and record hours or how to proceed. Let's look at some tips.

Coaching Hours

What we understand by a coaching hour:

An hour of client coaching is 60 minutes of actual coaching with a client who has hired the applicant as a coach and not for any other activity. (Mentoring, consulting, or coach supervision is not a client coaching hour.)

Client coaching sessions shorter than 60 minutes are counted as partial client coaching hours (e.g., 30 minutes of client coaching will count as 0.5 client coaching hours). Coaching must be done in person, by phone, or other voice technology.

Types of coaching hours:

1. Paid hours:

  • These are coaching hours for which the coach receives payment from the client (payment can be of any amount, it can also be an exchange of goods or services, including coaching in exchange for coaching).

  • Internal coaching or third-party coaching, whose definitions I provide below, can also be included.

Training hours within a training program cannot be counted towards your client coaching practice.

2. Pro bono hours:

  • This refers to volunteer coaching/donation.

Coaching supervisors or coaching trainers cannot claim educational program hours as coaching hours

Types of coaching hours:

1. Individual clients

For each individual client, you must provide:

  • Client's name and email address or phone number.

  • Start and end date of the coaching relationship.

  • Number of paid and pro bono hours you provided to the client.

Clients who disagree with their names being provided must be omitted from the log. Consent should be documented in accordance with all relevant laws (e.g., GDPR).

2. Peer to Peer coaching

  • Peer to Peer coaching is an exchange of coaching between two individuals.

  • Peer to Peer coaching (outside of the training program) can be recorded as paid or exchanged coaching.

  • Peer to Peer coaching (inside Reciprocal Peer coaching) can be recorded as paid hours.

Coaching hours within a training program cannot be used as a basis for your client coaching practice.

3. Group coaching sessions

To qualify as a group coach, one must create an agenda and be interactive (synchronous interaction between the coach and participants). Individual client coaching hours and group coaching time documentation should be done separately in client coaching.

For group training sessions, document the following in the training protocol:

  • Name and email address of one individual in the group (you don't need to provide names of other people in the group or the group name).

  • Start and end date of the coaching relationship.

  • Number of paid and pro bono hours you coached the group.

  • Number of people in the group (only groups of 15 or less count).

Note: You cannot multiply the times of participants in the group. If you coach 15 people for one hour, you can only count one coaching hour, not 15 hours.

Training/teaching, mentoring coaching, workshop facilitation, etc. cannot be claimed as client coaching.

4. Third-party coaching

Third-party coaching is coaching where the coach receives payment from an organization specifically for coaching the client. Payment can be any amount or exchange of goods or services.

Third-party clients should be registered the same as other individual clients or group clients unless there are organizational confidentiality policies that prevent you from providing client information. If there's a confidentiality policy, you should provide a reference letter from a contact person in the organization familiar with your work. The reference letter should be signed on the company's letterhead and must contain:

  • Your name.

  • Name and contact details of the contact person.

  • Description of the contact person's role in the organization.

  • Description of your role in the organization.

  • Confirmation of the organization's confidentiality policy.

  • Confirmation of the number of hours trained, the number of coached clients, and the duration of coaching.

For confidential third-party clients to be included in the reference letter, you don't need to include these clients in the client coaching protocol.

5. Internal coaching

Internal coaching is coaching done within the applicant's employment.

Coaching direct subordinates (employees for whom the coach is the direct supervisor) is not counted as client coaching time

Internal clients should be registered the same as other individual or group clients unless there are organizational confidentiality policies that prevent you from providing client information.

If there's no confidentiality policy that prevents you from providing client information, the following client coaching protocol information should be provided:

  • Client's name and email address or phone number.

  • Start and end date of the coaching relationship.

  • Number of paid and pro bono hours you coached the client.

If there is a confidentiality policy, you should receive a reference letter from a contact person in the organization familiar with your work. The reference letter should be signed on the company's letterhead and must contain:

  • Your name.

  • Name and contact details of the contact person.

  • Description of the contact person's role in the organization.

  • Description of your role in the organization.

  • Confirmation of the organization's confidentiality policy.

  • Confirmation of the number of hours trained, the number of coached clients, and the duration of coaching.

For confidential internal clients to be included in the reference letter, you don't need to include these clients in the client coaching protocol.


The ICF company recommends that you use the ICF Client Coaching Log (.xls) for tracking and documenting a coach's coaching experiences. Using this form streamlines and makes the accreditation process more efficient.


Providing Client Information

In accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics, you must obtain consent from each client to include their information in the client coaching log. The consent can be verbal and doesn't need to be provided to the ICF. Individuals who do not agree to have their names listed must be omitted from the log, except for internal or third parties coaching with organizations that have a confidentiality policy. In these cases, the confidential names of clients can be listed as aliases, provided you submit a reference letter from the organization.

How ICF Uses Client Information

Information from the client coaching log can only be viewed by ICF staff. Client information is never shared or sold to another person or used for any other purpose other than to verify the coach's application during the certification approval. Clients listed in the client coaching log may be contacted by ICF representatives to verify the information provided in your log. If clients are contacted, they are not questioned about coaching-related topics.

<![CDATA[Struggling with the return from vacation to work? Here are 7 ways to better reconcile with reality]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/struggling-with-the-return-from-vacation-to-work-here-are-7-ways-to-better-reconcile-with-reality64d67ea394af39d3ded3566eFri, 11 Aug 2023 18:49:55 GMTMiroslav CzadekDo you ever feel after coming back from vacation that you'd like to immediately go back? Almost everyone has felt this at some point in their lives. Returning to the reality of day-to-day work can be quite overwhelming. But, there are ways to ease this transition.

The vacation was amazing but I'm back! How will I endure here? Remember that feeling of relaxation, focus, happiness, and fulfillment; perceiving the world with a positive outlook and looking forward to the day; you might react a bit slower, but still in control; achieving the results you truly desire. That feeling, "this is great and I'd want to stay here as long as possible."

"When we leave our vacation mode behind, we become prisoners of our ego and are back under the daily pressures and stresses of life. We live our work/corporate identity again, with feelings of exhaustion and unfulfillment."

What can we do about this?

There's a way to revisit your vacation mindset, using #mindfulness techniques, so you can relive it and connect with your true self, focusing on the outcomes that serve your inner self more.

Imagine what would change in your life if you woke up every morning with the same energy, focus, and satisfaction as on vacation? Would you be more pleasant and a bit more patient? Would you be more considerate when talking to a colleague? How could your vacation mindset influence the present?

It's a quite interesting concept and every time I return home from vacation, I try to hold onto that feeling as long as possible.

But what I've realized is that I can return to that feeling anytime, even in the middle of a workday.

"The increasing work pressure won't change much, but I can change how I respond to it!"

Using simple #mindfulness techniques like the following, you can change how you feel and respond to daily life (#the_butterfly_effect):

  1. If you're in a meeting, take a breath before responding to what someone says.

  2. On your way to lunch, take some "me time" before continuing your workday.

  3. Plan your daily schedule so you have time at the start and end of your day to think about how you want the day to go, and review what went well and what should change at the end of each day.

  4. Prioritize your tasks based on the impact they'll make; don't waste your day.

  5. Use breaks, not just for a coffee pause but as a real detachment from what you're doing or who you're dealing with.

  6. Put away your mobile phone for a while and check it less frequently.

  7. Play calming music to soothe your nerves and improve concentration.

and an additional technique:

  • Try to watch as little TV as possible, read less tabloid and biased news so you're not tempted to read news that's truly irrelevant to your life. Don't be manipulated, even though it's more comfortable for most of us. I recall when a friend of mine visited Belgrade (his birthplace) for a work meeting. He was excited about the morning meeting after staying at a hotel the night before. At breakfast, he opened the local newspaper, which was full of anger and politics. His mood shifted so much that he had a hard time staying focused and balanced during the meeting.

These #mindfulness tips might seem simple, but they're not that easy. Try them out this week and see how you manage to implement them.

Find out if you can momentarily access your true "self." Research suggests that if you can implement these techniques, they can not only make you feel happier but also improve your physical health.

It's worth a try! #projecoach

<![CDATA[Do you have clarity in your personal mission? ... find your why..]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/do-you-have-clarity-in-your-personal-mission-find-your-why64ce14236eefbd9a69b3ff90Sat, 05 Aug 2023 09:50:55 GMTMiroslav Czadek(updated: 5-Aug-23)

I believe that the vast majority of people don't understand their mission at all, and with the increasing demands for speed, virtuality, change, complexity, and often ambiguity, most individuals become somewhat lost. Yet, in everyone's life, there come situations when they are uncertain about how to behave, what their values are, or which direction to take.

If you want to delve deeper into your personal mission, I recommend the author Stephen R. Covey and his book "First Things First," which he co-authored. In this book, you will find guidance on how to prepare such a personal mission, or you can try using a "build and mission statement" approach. However, if this path doesn't suit you (because books may not cover everything and not everything will immediately click), I suggest contacting a professional ICF coach.

Your personal mission will remind you of what is important and valuable to you, guiding you in your decisions. It will help you create your own future instead of leaving it to be determined by other people, society, or life circumstances.

Some examples of personal missions

Denise Morrison, CEO Campbell Soup Company

To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to make a significant difference"

In an Morrison said, “The personal mission statement was important for me because I believe that you can’t lead others unless you have a strong sense of who you are and what you stand for. For me, living a balanced life means nurturing the academic, physical, and spiritual aspects of my life so I can maintain a sense of well-being and self-esteem.”

Oprah Winfrey, Founder of own, The Oprah Winfrey Network

"To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be."

In an issue of O magazine, Winfrey recalls watching her grandmother churn butter and wash clothes in a cast-iron pot in the yard.

A small voice inside of her told her that her life would be more than hanging clothes on a line. She eventually realized she wanted to be a teacher, but “I never imagined it would be on TV,” she writes.

Sir Richard Branson, founder The Virgin Group

"To have fun in [my] journey through life and learn from [my] mistakes."

Branson shared his personal mission statement in an interview with Motivated magazine. He added that “In business, know how to be a good leader and always try to bring out the best in people. It’s very simple: listen to them, trust in them, believe in them, respect them, and let them have a go!”

What do we understand by a personal mission?

A personal mission declares the actions you will take in your life. The mission can be both specific and broader in scope. An effective mission is one that is concise and uses language that expresses your deepest values in action. (see examples of personal missions)

There are different ways to process a mission, either for an individual or a company. Once it is formulated, you can verify it, for example, by comparing it with whether such a mission activates your vision or aligns with your deepest values. A certified ICF coach typically knows the procedures to create and validate such a mission with you.

One of the methods to define such a personal mission, according to Erickson Coaching International, is to briefly and honestly answer the following fundamental questions:

  1. Who? Define who you are in your mission.

  2. What? What do you focus on?

  3. How? What do you need to fulfill your mission?

  4. For whom? For whom is the mission intended?

  5. Where? Environmental and ecological information related to the mission.

  6. Why? Who benefits from the personal mission..

Why is it beneficial to have clarity in your personal mission?

This topic was brought to my attention by the book "Presence" by Amy Cuddy, in which she interconnects interesting aspects of psychology and sociology related to self-assurance, which is essentially synonymous with a personal mission. Amy states that it's not enough to just recognize the values, qualities, and strengths that represent your best authentic self. You must affirm and trust your answers.

External situations that threaten our sense of self often lead to the feeling of societal rejection and disagreement (e.g., not being accepted into a university, losing a job, the end of a romantic relationship, making a mistake in front of others, confiding in someone who reacts critically). Our response to such threats is like an internal alarm that prompts us to reaffirm our identity. It's about reminding ourselves of what truly matters most and who we really are. Essentially, it is a method of self-assurance or setting a personal mission, which has been studied through hundreds of studies, many involving simple experiments. What was the experiment about?

Self-assurance in values

People go through a list of common core values (family, friends, health and physical fitness, creativity, hard work, professional achievements, religion, kindness, service to others, etc.). They choose one or two values that are most important to their identity - closest to their essence. Then, they write a short reflection on why these values are important to them and when the significance of these values was affirmed in their lives.

The Social Stress Test or How Self-assurance/Personal Mission Works?

The Social Stress Test was designed to expose participants to a high degree of stress and to allow psychologists to study their reaction to a challenging situation in the realms of sociology and psychology.

How the Social Stress Test was conducted

Participants in the test were tasked with delivering an impromptu speech in front of a group of evaluators. Before delivering the unprepared speech, the researchers randomly assigned participants to one of two tasks:

  • Write a brief reflection on one of their core personal values, or

  • Write about a value that is not part of their self-definition.

The evaluators were instructed to appear stern and unapproachable. After giving their speech, participants had one more task: for five minutes, they had to count aloud backward from the number 2083 in thirteens while the evaluators repeatedly shouted at them: “Go faster!“

After the speech and the unpleasant task of counting backward, the emotional state of the subjects was measured.

  • They measured the cortisol levels in saliva - a stress hormone that is released mainly in situations related to social criticism. Many studies have shown that the social stress test increases cortisol levels. Importantly, people who wrote about their important personal values just before this test exhibited significantly lower levels (almost unrecordable cortisol concentration) of this hormone compared to members of the second group.

  • A similar test took place several years later under conditions of real stress, during midterm exams. However, instead of cortisol, they measured the level of adrenaline, which indicates stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (related to the fight-or-flight response). Among students who engaged in self-assurance in values a few weeks before the exams, no changes in adrenaline levels were observed. In contrast, in the weeks leading up to the exams, the concentration of adrenaline significantly increased in the other students.

Students who were most concerned (suffering from prejudices like "I can't handle the exam," "I'm stupid," "It's all a matter of chance," etc.) benefited the most from self-assurance in values.

Interestingly, the participants reassured themselves about their core personal values, not about the values or abilities related to the challenging task they had to deal with.

Self-assurance in values works best when a person is under pressure and facing significant challenges.

In conclusion

It seems that we need to remind ourselves of some important aspects of our best selves, which are part of our personal mission. Once we know who we are, we will strengthen our sense of purpose in life, and in addition, boost our self-confidence and improve our performance. By the way, what experiences have you had with creating a personal mission for yourself?


<![CDATA[4. inspiration - 3 books about coaching and for coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/4-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-for-coaches64c8188a203b07978b2dc819Mon, 31 Jul 2023 20:50:22 GMTMiroslav Czadek

When I want to discover something, I begin by reading about everything that has already been done in that field - that's what all those books in the libraries are for.“ - Thomas Alva Edison

1. Book: Mindfulness, Be Mindful, Live in the Moment by Gill Hasson

Gill Hasson is a career coach who trains, writes, and coaches. As a freelance lecturer, she focuses on adult education, teaching a variety of courses in personal development, assertiveness, communication skills, and enhancing mental resilience.

As a career coach, she draws from her experiences working with students at the University of Sussex, providing guidance to help them reach their potential and find the ideal job for them.

In addition to writing books - more than 16 on topics such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, and assertiveness - she also writes articles on personal development and self-improvement. Her work is most frequently published in magazines such as Psychologies and Natural Health.

To the Book:

Do you often experience emotions like guilt, jealousy, or anger - but when you're going through them, you don't realize it? Do you frequently struggle with a lack of motivation and strong willpower? Do you often feel tension? Do thoughts and judgments about people and events usually run through your mind non-stop?

If you answered YES to these questions, then this book is ideal for you. However, the same applies even if you answered negatively because you will learn new information and techniques you haven't known before. From a coaching perspective, I can add that coaches deal with the vast majority of these topics with their clients, and this book will undoubtedly expand their horizons and possibilities for application.

The book describes valuable information for practicing Mindfulness in several chapters. The first part explains mindfulness and how to cultivate it. The second part describes interesting techniques for practical use.

Part One: Understanding Mindfulness

1. Why be Mindful?

2. Moving Towards Mindful Thinking

3. Mindful Thinking and Feeling

4. Mindful Doing

Part Two: Putting It into Practice

5. Managing Painful Emotions: Anger, Worry and Anxiety, Guilt

6. Mindfulness for Self-Esteem: Confidence, Self-Esteem and Loneliness

7. Mindful Motivation: Goals and Willpower

8. Mindfulness with Others: Listening, Managing Criticism, Forgiving, Persuading and Motivating

9. Mindfulness at Work: Interviews, Meetings and Presentations

In what is the book good?

Individual exercises and chapters can be adjusted for your needs in coaching with a client. I would say that if you master the techniques mentioned in this book as a client, you don't need coaching. For example, in the chapter describing mindfulness towards one's own emotions, it says:

Next time you experience any emotion – for example, anger, joy, guilt, or pride – try to become aware of all its components. You can start by becoming aware of any physical signs or sensations: where exactly does that feeling come from? Increased heart rate, warmth, sweating, muscle tension, butterflies in the stomach, trembling; these changes intensify the emotion. With a bit of practice, you can learn to become aware of these signals.

This is, after all, a key aspect of coaching (used by coaches with extensive experience), employed in somatic coaching, NLP, and even hypnosis.

Personally, I have adapted most of the exercises and apply them both for personal use and in coaching.Osobně jsem si většinu cvičení upravil a aplikuji jak pro osobní potřebu tak při koučinku.

Where does the book have shortcomings?

The most significant issue I perceive is the translation of some passages in Czech version. For example, "Splývání mysli"… well, I don't know why not use the established term "FLOW"... etc.

If you prefer the English version, read: MINDFULNESS, BE MINDFUL. LIVE IN THE MOMENT. Gill Hasson

Do you utilize Mindfulness techniques in your coaching practice?

2. Book: Stop Saying Youre Fine od Mel Robbins

Mel is an American author of books and a motivational speaker, appearing in various shows and events such as TEDx. She gained popularity through her work with CNN. Prior to CNN, she worked as a lawyer, legal analyst, and holds a doctorate in law. In 2011, she published the book: Stop Saying You're Fine: Discover a More Powerful You. At TEDx 2011 , she captured attention with the "five-second rule," which she later elaborated on in her second book released in 2017: "The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage."

Personally, I have read the English version of the book "Stop Saying You're Fine," which I purchased on iBooks.

Every day of your life, you have the opportunity to either stay where you are or move your life in new directions. The question is: Will you mobilize yourself and start doing something, or will you continue to wait and postpone the moment until you achieve the joy, contentment, and fulfillment you deserve?"

About the Book:

The book is divided into three main parts that will guide you through the topic.

Part 1: Why you're not getting what you want?

Part 2: The method to become powerful and get what you want.

Part 3: Finding the energy to sustain what you want.

Some interesting insights:

Every new action you take and every positive step you make towards change will provide you with inspiration and energy to take the next step. Each positive action creates momentum for further action. When you start building momentum, you create a machine with continuous movement, giving you enough energy to face the next challenge!

Thanks to modern life, you feel stuck - standing still in life

For example, decisions that were once powerful symbols of your success, you now perceive as moments where you became victims of those decisions. Instead of seeing what your new job brought you, you start thinking about all the other job opportunities you gave up with that decision. These internal and external forces strengthen and maintain the feeling of being stuck. Uncertainty caused by the economic climate, combined with the trap of daily routine and the sense of victimhood due to unrealized dreams, all create the magical illusion that you lack control over your life.

Feeling stuck is different from a crisis! When facing a crisis, your life collapses all around you. A crisis occurs when you find an email from your husband's secret lover or from your boss saying you're fired, or when the doctor says, "I'm sorry, it's malignant." That's a crisis, and what you feel is not being stuck. You feel panic!

When you're in a crisis, your life changes whether you like it or not. Your main task is how to cope with that change. But when you're stuck, the main task is to decide whether you will change at all. The task is to find the ability to face immense resistance and create a small change in your life and build on it.

Contrary to what you believe, you can't predict very well what will happen. Hundreds of research experiments have shown that your brain constantly overestimates how "something" will make you feel bad or wrong. Therefore, when something goes wrong, you'll never feel as bad as you expect.

There are five mental barriers that you cannot avoid when trying to achieve what you want:

  • Feeling of rejection

  • Feeling of being overwhelmed

  • Feeling of demotivation

  • Feeling like an imposter

  • Feeling of repulsion

In the book, the method of dealing with these emotions properly is elaborated.

Finally, the book offers 8 rules in the appendix that will help you with the transformation.

What the book is good for:

  • It contains practical exercises and ideas.

  • It addresses timeless questions that almost everyone encounters in this complicated time.

What are the shortcomings of the book?

  • It is probably too extensive with many examples written for an American audience, not for someone who already knows a lot of information.

3. Book: Studying The Inner Game of Work, T.Gallwey

T. Gallwey was the captain of the Harvard University tennis team in 1960. In the 1970s, he learned meditation techniques from Guru Prem Rawat of the Divine Light Mission organization. According to his words, this helped him improve his ability to concentrate in such a way that it also enhanced his game. In an article in The New York Times in 1973, he described his discovery of Prem Rawat and his decision to live in an ashram and embrace celibacy. In 1997, he dedicated his book 'The Inner Game of Tennis' to Prem Rawat.

The Inner Game is based on principles where an individual uses nonjudgmental observations of key moments in order to achieve the most accurate perception. When the observations are precise, the observer's body naturally adjusts to deliver the best performance.

Book Contents:

1 The Better Path to Change

2 Inner Game Meets Corporate America

3 Focus of Attention

4 Exercise of Focus

5 Redefining Work

6 From Conformity to Mobility

8 Thinking like a CEO

9 Coaching

10 Inherent Ambition

Check out this fascinating video:

Inner Golf with Tim Gallwey, how to quiet Self 1 before your next round!

Or an interesting interview for Coaching Association - Tim Gallwey

Several interesting observations were presented at the ICW2019 webinar together with Jarmila Doubkova, ACC (http://www.uspesnykoucink.cz/)

The book and techniques of the Inner Game are essential tools for a modern coach. Right from the beginning, it becomes evident why that is the case. T. Gallwey describes two observations that formed the basis for the concept of the Inner Game:

  1. The first one is that almost everyone who came to him for a lesson struggled heavily to fix some aspect of their game that they disliked.

  2. The second observation is that positive change occurred relatively effortlessly when they stopped trying so hard and trusted their ability to learn from their own experiences.

I recommend the book and the ideas within it to all coaches. #projecoach

<![CDATA[3. Inspiration - 3 Books about Coaching and for Coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/3rd-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-for-coaches64c6c15990f66477d2fbf0adSun, 30 Jul 2023 20:32:52 GMTMiroslav Czadek

The best books are those that tell a person what he already knows." — George Orwell, book 1984

#projecoach #flow #BrainAtWork #presence

1. Book: Flow - About Happiness and the Meaning of Life

The book Flow, in my opinion, belongs in the fundamental library of every serious coach. I read the English version from 1990 published by HarperCollins Publishers (https://www.amazon.com/Flow-Psychology-Experience-Perennial-Classics/dp/0061339202 ), and its Czech translation is available here: https://obchod.portal.cz/psychologie/flow/ . The book can also be obtained in an electronic version.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi introduced the term "flow" as an expression of a particular mental state in which a person is deeply immersed in an activity, to the point where nothing else seems important. It is a moment when the body or mind rises to the challenge of achieving something difficult and worthwhile, pushing the boundaries of its capabilities.

For more details, see: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow)

Interesting TED presentation: https://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_on_flow .

From the content of the book:

  1. Returning to the theme of happiness

  2. Anatomy of consciousness

  3. Joy and the quality of life

  4. How the state of FLOW emerges

  5. The body and the state of FLOW

  6. Thinking and the state of FLOW

  7. Work and the state of FLOW

  8. Enjoyment of solitude and of company

  9. How to transcend chaos

  10. How to give meaning to one's life

Some passages are particularly interesting, where the state of Flow can emerge – It describes a wide range of areas, for example, in art, martial arts, or even during sex. The book is also suitable for managers who want to motivate their subordinates. It covers a variety of topics that coaches can use and connect.

2. Book: Presence: Unlock your inner confidence to embrace life's biggest challenges

The book written by Amy Cuddy is, in my opinion, an approachable presentation of scientific work to a wider audience. The book has 336 pages and needs to be read with certain expectations. More about Amy Cuddy, please see TED.

Note: Personally, I use some techniques both in trainings and in my life, and I can confirm that they work.

The book in Czech version: https://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/217871/tady-a-ted/

Some interesting points:

Chapter 1:

  • To be fully focused, various elements of your self must be in alignment: emotions, thoughts, bodily and facial expressions. If we don't act in line with our values, we don't feel authentic.

  • The body communicates what words cannot express; the body never lies.

Chapter 2:

  • Amy says that it's not enough just to recognize the values, qualities, and strengths that represent your best authentic self. You must affirm and trust your own responses.

  • The test on social stress and the discussion about hormone levels in relation to self-assurance are also intriguing.

Chapter 3:

  • Trust is the pillar on which influence stands, and we gain trust only when we are authentic.

Chapter 4:

  • The imposter syndrome: similar feelings are common among very capable and high-achieving people.

  • Who fears failure the most? People who have achieved something - who are definitely not imposters...

  • While we torture ourselves with ideas about what others think of us, we don't listen to them when they tell us what they really think...

  • It has been found that people suffering from the imposter syndrome are significantly represented among those who seriously considered changing their careers and also among those who actually changed them...

Chapter 5:

  • Social power is power over someone – the ability to control the state and behavior of others.

  • Personal power is the ability to do something – the ability to control one's own state and behavior...

  • The feeling of powerlessness weakens thinking and even forces one to focus on oneself...

Chapter 6:

  • It quite clearly describes the relationship between feelings and nonverbal expression, body language.

  • I remembered at the beginning it describes the traditional Maori dance HAKA, what it causes and how it originated. Well, at the same time, I was watching basketball and what do I see... HAKA performed by a basketball team... The opponents were really amazed..

Chapter 7:

  • Decisions create confidence.

  • Bodily experiences evoke emotions, not the other way around.

  • A person can pretend to have an emotion for so long until they actually experience it.

  • An interesting study on the application of Botox and its danger to genuine emotions.

Chapter 8:

  • Body posture is a source of personal power.

  • With increasing power, testosterone levels rise, and cortisol levels decrease. This hormonal profile is associated with high assertiveness and low anxiety, making it an ideal combination for enhancing persuasiveness and presence in challenging moments.

  • If people perceptually assimilate their virtual representation, they tend to adopt typical features of their avatar.

Chapter 9:

  • Recommendations on how to do it what body posture is okay and how to make it a habit.

Chapter 10:

  • The ability to slow down is a sign of strength. Slow speech, pauses, and occupying a certain space are related to power and personality strength, just as taking time in decision-making during tense moments.

  • We often look at what others are doing and deduce from that which behavior is correct – especially if we identify with those we observe. The more similar they are to us, the greater influence they have on our behavior.

  • New Year's resolutions are full of psychological traps that work against us

Chapter 11:

  • Don't pretend until you can handle it – pretend until it becomes true

3. Book: How Your Brain Works / Brain at Work

The book "Brain at Work" by Dr. David Rock, published in 2009, contains about 304 pages of fascinating reading suitable not only for coaches. I have read the English version, which I can recommend. The book in Czech can be found at:


By the way, Dr. David Rock is the founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute (https://neuroleadership.com/ ), which is one of the approaches used by coaches worldwide, based on neuroscience. You can enroll in courses like "Brain-Based Coaching."

The book takes you through the story of parents Emily and Paul and their adolescent children. The story itself stems from real-life problems that every entrepreneur or working parent faces. However, the focus is not solely on the story but on keeping the reader engaged in the context of much more important information that is essential. The book comprises 14 main chapters divided into 4 acts or themes:

  1. Problems and Decisions

  2. Staying Calm under Pressure

  3. Collaborating with Others

  4. Facilitating Change

In the individual chapters, you will learn, for example:

  • Why our brains feel overloaded and how to maximize our mental resources.

  • Why it is challenging to maintain focus and how to better manage distractions.

  • How to increase the chances of finding solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.

  • How to stay calm in any situation to make the best possible decisions.

  • How to collaborate more effectively with others.

  • Why giving feedback is so difficult and how to make it easier.

  • How to be more effective in changing the behavior of others.

  • And much more.

What caught my attention the most?

  1. How energetically demanding and complex processes occur in the brain. When it is ideal to tackle complex tasks, such as planning. I got an answer to why sometimes planning is difficult for me and how to change that.

  2. If we think our brain can handle resolving 7 tasks at once, it is one of the biggest misconceptions (optimal is around 4). The brain can handle much less. For making decisions between options, having 2 alternatives is effective (and those can also create nice problems).

  3. We can consciously focus on only one task at a specific time. The belief in multitasking is a misconception, which costs us energy, precision, and reduces performance.

  4. Attention can be easily lost. The most common distraction is our own thoughts and the engagement of the default brain network.

  5. Peak performance requires a certain level of stress – but it's not about minimal stress. To achieve high performance, one can practice rituals.

  6. It is easy to get stuck when solving a particular problem, and it is quite challenging to master techniques that help be constructive.

  7. The brain prefers staying in its comfort zone, minimizing danger, and maximizing reward. It's also a way to catch it and get the most out of it.

  8. SCARF and its significance in forming Psychological Safety. This is the most crucial information I acquired and immediately incorporated into practice.

  9. How the brain works and distinguishes friend vs. foe and its impact on team collaboration.

  10. How crucial fair treatment is for the brain and its direct impact on perceiving threats.

  11. The role of motivation and feedback. The current failure of management lies in using "carrot and stick" motivation, which does not work in current structures.

  12. Avoid giving advice! Instead of providing advice, it's better to ask the right questions.

  13. Despite being demanding, the brain is constantly changing. Instead of various exercises, it is appropriate to initiate and direct change through attentional focus.

#coachingquiz #projecoach

<![CDATA[2. inspiration - 3 books about coaching and for coaches ]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/2-inspiration-3-books-about-coaching-and-for-coaches649436fc90255dd7f1e8076fThu, 22 Jun 2023 14:52:52 GMTMiroslav Czadek

Education is the most powerful weapon which can change the world.

— Nelson Mandela

I. Book: Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing

The book "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying" by author Bronnie Ware (*1967), in its original version : “THE TOP FIVE REGRETS of the DYING, A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing




Bronie Ware worked in the banking sector for approximately ten years. However, the job did not satisfy her, so she sought another occupation where she could express her creativity. She started writing songs, accompanying herself on the guitar, and performing. Around the same time, she also began serving as a companion to an elderly lady – this experience directed her towards caring for other elderly, sick, and dying individuals. She wrote an article about the experiences accompanying this care in her blog. Its high readership from people all over the world led her to write a book in 2011.

After switching careers from banking to palliative care, Bronnie Ware discovered that almost every person she cared for in the three to twelve weeks before their death regretted at least one of the following five things:

  1. May I have the courage to live truly according to myself, not according to the expectations of others.

  2. May I not work so much.

  3. May I have the courage to express my feelings.

  4. May I maintain relationships with my friends.

  5. May I allow myself to be happier in life.

Isn't it a topic for coaching for clients already? #projecoach

2. Book: Man's Search for Meaning

The book „A přesto říci životu anoin its English versionMan’s Searching for Meaning“, written by Viktor E. Frankl is unique and, I would say, a fundamental work for coaches who want to understand the importance of having meaningful goals, without which it is impossible to survive in truly dire conditions.

Interesting video:

Unfortunately, as a laboratory, it served him several concentration camps where a person reaches rock bottom and asks oneself: What is the meaning of life? In fact, all the prisoners who lost the sense of life gradually died in the camps. However, if you find the meaning of life even in the worst conditions, then you will survive. Even in those horrendous circumstances, those who survived mostly asked themselves: What meaning do I want to give to my life?

He utilized his life experiences in the field of Logotherapy, of which he is the founder (Logos - meaning). While the Czech version of the book includes only a portion of his experiences from concentration camps, the recommended English edition contains additional sections discussing Logotherapy in a nutshell or the Transcript of the 1984 Case of Tragic Optimism.

The book is engaging and draws you into the story; some of the experiences are unbelievable. The section on Logotherapy in a nutshell describes several interesting techniques that can be highly effective in coaching, such as the technique of paradoxical intention, which I would compare to the polarity of experiences technique, and so on.. #projecoach

The book in Czech :


The book in English, I recommend :


3. Book: Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships

Book: Nonviolent Communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Portal, 2016; ISBN: 978-80-262-1079-5 There aren't that many authors who have turned my life upside down, but a few can be found. One of them is Marshall Rosenberg (*October 6, 1934 – †February 7, 2015). When I first read Rosenberg's book years ago, I realized a few things:

  1. Everything I was taught about communication was actually wrong. Various models about the source of communication, interference, reception. Or reactions to adverse events like denial, anger, depression, acceptance, etc. It was all a waste of time.

  2. Rosenberg uses simple and immediately functional solutions that capture the essence of human communication to the last point.

  3. I realized that my vocabulary for expressing feelings was very limited, so I immediately started working on it.

  4. It works great in project teams. I decided to practice it and spread it further (unfortunately, becoming an official NVC trainer takes several years. Fortunately, it is a method that doesn't require any license).

  5. I realized that even if I master the NVC technique, the trick of NVC lies in something completely different. It is necessary to know how to work on oneself (and without meditation and mindfulness, it's not possible ). To master NVC, the following is necessary:

  • You need to realize what you are truly experiencing right now and what you would need to make your life richer and more fulfilling.

  • You are trying to empathize with others and estimate what they are currently going through and what they would need to make their lives richer and more satisfying.

Coaches are offered countless possibilities for application in all areas of life. I myself have been surprised several times by how effective and fast this method is and how positively clients respond to it. Rosenberg has written a number of books on this topic, and his students continue to develop this method. You can find a lot of information, for example, at:


I would also recommend opting for English versions of books (be careful, you might encounter difficulties when coaching with the language, as you may come across an English word for which you won't find a Czech equivalent. In case you study in the English version, it is necessary to supplement with Czech equivalents) #projecoach

Among other interesting books that build upon NVC and can be connected to coaching, I recommend...:

  • Nonviolent communication: a language of life / by Marshall B.: ISBN: 1-892005-03-4; I recommend it as a basic introduction to NVC

  • The Surprising Purpose of Anger, Beyond Anger Management: Finding the Gift / by Marshall B.:ISBN 10: 1-892005-15-8; On several pages, the work with anger is described, including how to identify and pacify it

  • Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook: A Practical Guide for Individual, Group, or Classroom Study”; Lucy Leu: ISBN: 978-1-892005-29-8; An excellent book suitable for coaches, with exercises on how to create an NVC group and techniques to practice certain aspects of NVC. For example, expressing appreciation for another person, it includes individual tasks, information about the process, and how to implement it within a group.

  • A Helping Hand: Meditation with Nonviolent Communication, Liv Larson: ISBN 978-91-8748-910-5; This book describes how to be successful in NVC, not only through meditation techniques. The book is illustrative and includes anchoring and reframing tricks, etc. Highly recommended.

For those who are interested in video recording:

The book is in Czech:


<![CDATA[Don't Angry, Be Happy !]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/don-t-angry-be-happy-164918b56a80cf677e8183e0dTue, 20 Jun 2023 12:29:39 GMTMiroslav CzadekNot only in project teams, but also in everyday life, you may find yourself in a situation where you feel frustration, anger, outrage, or even hatred towards a coworker or acquaintance. There are various ways to deal with anger, and if you already know how to handle this emotional aspect, feel free to move on to another article.

one of the most common causes of anger is that someone is limiting us in what we want to do

My favorite author P. Ekman describes one of the main causes of anger (in adults) as being restricted from doing what they want.

If we feel that this restriction is intentional, not accidental or necessary, if we have the impression that the other person has specifically chosen to limit us, we will become even angrier.

Some causes of anger:

  • Frustration from anything, even inanimate objects, can escalate into anger. Frustration can be triggered within us by our own forgetfulness or inability to accomplish something.

  • For some people, anger mixes with disgust - they attack what repels them. Or they are disgusted with themselves for getting angry or not being able to control themselves.

  • If someone wants to harm us psychologically, for example, through insults or belittling our appearance or performance, we will likely also feel anger and fear.

  • Rejection by a loved one can evoke not only sadness but also anger.

  • One of the most dangerous qualities of anger is that it breeds more anger, and the cycle escalates quickly. Therefore, we can consider another person's anger as another cause of anger.

  • Disappointment with the actions of another person can also infuriate us. (Note: we are most capable of getting angry at those we love the most. However, it is precisely the closest people who can hurt us the most, disappoint us the most.)

  • We can get angry at someone (even a complete stranger) who defends, in our opinion, offensive behavior or thoughts. (Note: it is enough, for example, to read about someone whose actions or opinions strongly disagree with ours, and it can trigger anger within us)

Some types of anger intensity:

  • Short-term anger (irritation), especially when it comes to a short-lived matter. Anger is associated with a specific event (injustice) or a series of events.

  • Long-term anger. If someone treats you in a way you consider dishonest or unfair, you may hold onto your anger for a long time, sometimes even a lifetime. It doesn't mean you're constantly enraged, but whenever you think of or encounter the person involved, the anger resurfaces. Anger can also smolder within a person, constantly preoccupied with the perceived injustice, continuously thinking about it. This also increases the likelihood of seeking revenge.

  • Hatred is a persistent intense feeling of aversion directed towards a specific person and has a more general character. We're not constantly angry at the person, but when we meet or hear about them, feelings of anger easily awaken within us. We may also experience contempt or disgust towards the hated person. Hatred can smolder within a person and control their life, with thoughts of the hated person completely consuming them.

What anger causes us:

Expressing anger comes at a certain cost. Through angry behavior or words, we can harm a relationship temporarily or even permanently. Often, we evoke an equally angry response. Even without angry actions or words, our counterpart can sense our anger from the expression on our face or the tone of our voice. When the person then reacts with anger or contempt, it can be harder for us to remain composed, avoid an argument, or a fight. Angry individuals are not well-liked. According to research, angry children lose the attention of other children, and angry adults are perceived as socially unattractive. Additionally, the following physiological reactions occur:

  • Elevated blood pressure, pounding heart

  • Significantly higher blood pulse, throbbing in the temples

  • Feeling of stomach tightness

  • Dry mouth

  • Flushed/pale skin on the face

  • Headache

  • Muscle tension

  • Feeling of excitement, restlessness, increased aimless movement

  • Sensations of heat/cold

When the condition persists long-term, it can develop into certain chronic forms:

  • Ulcers, rashes, itching of the skin

  • Insomnia, severe fatigue, irritability, grumpiness, excessive tiredness

  • Heart diseases, arrhythmia, heart failure

  • Loss of appetite, weight loss

Try to identify the cause of your anger

Becoming aware of your anger and giving it attention has the advantage of allowing us to influence our reactions: suppress the anger, reassess the situation, and plan actions that will effectively eliminate the cause of anger. If we are unaware of our feelings, we simply act based on them, and we do nothing from the above. Without being conscious of our emotions, unable to pause and reflect on our future words and actions, we often end up saying or doing things that we later regret.

What actually made me angry?

An important part of insights derived from one's own anger should be the answer to the question: "What actually made me angry?" It may not be obvious at first glance. It may not even be what we think it is. Often, we think we know why someone got angry with us, but our version may not be identical to theirs. If we don't address the cause of their anger, it can lead to hostility and the gradual accumulation of troubles.

Anger tells us that a change is needed. If we want to implement that change as effectively as possible, we must know its precise cause.

  • Did someone thwart our plans, threaten us, hurt our self-esteem, reject us, or provoke us with their anger or ill treatment?

  • Are we perceiving the situation objectively, or are we influenced by our own irritated mood?

  • Can we do something to diminish or eliminate our resentment?

  • If we give vent to anger, will it remove its cause?

Some interesting responses to anger:

  • Redirecting anger: We have all experienced times when we have "vented our anger" on someone who hasn't actually done anything to us. This misdirected anger usually occurs when someone upsets us, but we can't express our anger towards them. So we redirect our anger towards a person who is "safe" to target.

  • Withdrawing: This is essentially "non-reactivity," a cold withdrawal from communication. When someone "withdraws," they stop responding to their partner's emotions. It is usually a way of responding to the anger or complaints of the other person. The individual retreats within themselves because they feel unable to deal with their own feelings and their partner's feelings.

Some techniques for anger management

  • Utilize techniques for managing anger: This is a demanding technique because its goal is not just to suppress anger, but to eliminate it. If our partner has hurt us with something they said or did, it would be better for us to acknowledge, instead of seeking revenge (to restore our wounded self-esteem), that they are under stress and therefore not fully responsible for their actions. It would be better to assume that they didn't act with malicious intent. By reevaluating our partner's intentions in this way, we can empathize with their difficult situation and forgive their outburst.

  • Utilize nonviolent communication (NVC) techniques: It is not useful to simply absorb or ignore the anger of the other person. Instead, we should communicate that we want them to stop their behavior because we don't like it.

  • Utilize hypnotherapy techniques and allow the subconscious to process the best response to anger..

  • Utilize mindfulness techniques

Try the Mindfulness "Metta" technique:

It seems that in many world philosophical and religious directions there is agreement on at least a few things. Most of these directions believe that empathy, compassion, and love are among the key basic principles of a reasonable way of life:

  • Empathy relates to our ability to understand and share the experiences of another person.

  • Compassion is about our desire to alleviate the suffering of another.

  • Love refers to a ubiquitous feeling of connection and ordinary humanity, based on the understanding that everyone (and everything) is interconnected

By combining these three concepts, the state of Metta arises (metta = loving friendship / kindness), in which the feeling of deep connection and compassion penetrates the mind as a way of being, in which we hope for happiness in ourselves and others.

A Bit of Science

Studies show that these techniques have a unique impact on parts of the brain associated with empathy, emotional perception, and sensitivity.

Research also suggests that you don't need years of practice to enhance your ability for empathy, emotional perception, and sensitivity. In fact, just a 10-minute practice of Metta meditation for a period of 2 weeks can increase the sense of social connection and positivity towards others.

Metta Meditation

This #mindfulness meditation activates and cultivates natural qualities of sensitivity, care, compassion, warmth, openness, and empathy. It is a wonderful daily practice - and also a beautiful balm you can apply when feeling lonely, disconnected from others, or being hard on yourself or the world.

Description of the technique:

1. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. It's important for the position to be comfortable so that you can relax all the parts of your body that are under tension.

2. Start by slowly directing and focusing your attention on your breathing. Take three deep breaths in and out. Then let your breath settle into its natural rhythm and allow it to breathe on its own.

3. Think of someone who is alive and with whom you have an excellent relationship. (It could be someone close to you, a family member, or even a public figure). During the meditation, visualize them (how they look, what they are doing) and then quietly say the following phrases to yourself, or say them in your own words:

  • May you be happy in peace, calm, and harmony.

  • May you be safe and healthy.

  • May you experience love.

4. Now, think of the person you have issues with, who annoys you, and quietly say the following phrases to yourself:

  • May you be happy in peace, calm, and harmony.

  • May you be safe and healthy.

  • May you experience love.

5. Finally, imagine yourself and then say these wishes to yourself:

  • May you be happy in peace, calm, and harmony.

  • May you be safe and healthy.

  • May you experience love.

6. Towards the end of this technique, focus briefly on your sensations to expand your awareness from the surroundings to the world around you. When you feel ready, open your eyes.

Exercise tips:

  • Try exercising daily for 10 to 20 minutes.

  • Once you become familiar with this meditation, you can shorten it to a 5-minute version.


I believe that almost everyone is capable of preventing themselves from doing or saying something in anger or rage. We all (or nearly all) can choose not to harm others, but also ourselves, through our behavior. If you try the technique, intentionally observe how you felt in the case of person 1 and person 2. Did anything feel worse or better? How does the technique help?


  • Paul Ekman UNMASKING THE FACE Learn to Recognize Facial Expressions and Other People's Emotions, Jan Melvil Publishing, s. r. o.2015,

  • Paula Watkins, Mediation – made simple, Quarto Publishing Group USA, 2016

<![CDATA[1. Inspiration - 3 books about coaching and for coaches]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/1-inspiration-3-booksa-about-coaching-and-for-coaches648e06e53d8927aba3856385Sat, 17 Jun 2023 19:19:54 GMTMiroslav Czadek

Education shows the wise how little they know, and gives the foolish the illusion that they know a lot.

—  Julian Tuwim polish poet 1894 - 1953

I. Book: Law and Ethics in Coaching: How to Solve -- and Avoid -- Difficult Problems in Your Practice

Arguably the best book in the field of Ethics, elaborated by legal experts, coaching specialists, and representatives of ICF. It will surely surprise many senior coaches with its content. #projecoach

From the content:

  1. The Profession of Coaching: Its Emergence and Intersection with Ethics and Law,-- Patrick Williams

  2. Foundations of Professional Ethics, -- Karen Colby Weiner

  3. Ethical Choice: An Outcome of Being, Becoming and Doing, -- Sharon K. Anderson, Heather T. Wagoner, and G. Kurt Moore

  4. Competence: Getting, Growing, and Measuring Coaching Ability, -- Margaret Krigbaum

  5. Developing and Maintaining Client Trust: Professional Focus, Clear Agreements, and Confidentiality, -- Dolly M. Garlo

  6. Multiple-Role Relationships in Coaching, -- Ofer Zur and Sharon K. AndersonEthical Use of Assessments in Coaching, -- Debra Robinson

  7. Legal Issues and Solutions for Coaches, -- William H. Lindberg and Andrew R. DesmondThe Intersection of Culture and Ethics, -- Marilyn O’Hearne and Charles Hamrick

  8. Coaching to Come, -- Patrick Williams, William H. Lindberg, and Sharon K. Anderson

  • Appendix A ICF Code of Ethics

  • Appendix B Professional Coaching Language for Greater Public Understanding, -- David Matthew Prior

II. Book:The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Principles of Personal Development That Will Change Your Life.

Those who haven't read and practiced the ideas presented in the book by world-renowned author Stephen R. Covey. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Covey ), as if he/she/it wasn't even there. #projecoach

A highly suitable book for everyone. I have discovered that it is also very popular in the field frequented by programmers, analysts, development team leaders, etc. I was personally surprised by how some start-up companies are guided by it. And what are these habits that it discusses?

From the content:

  1. Habit: Be proactive,

  2. Habit: Begin with the end in mind,

  3. Habit: Prioritize important things,

  4. Habit: Think win/win,

  5. Habit: Seek first to understand then to be understood,

  6. Habit: Create synergy,

  7. Habit: Sharpen the saw.

III. Book: Neuroscience for Coaches: How to Use the Latest Insights for the Benefit of Your Clients

One of the really good books that I highly recommend for reading. The topic of neuroscience for coaches was tackled by the young author Amy Brann, http://www.amybrann.com/. Amy initially devoted herself to medicine and then spent time educating business teams, while simultaneously coaching, which she applied based on neuroscience. #projecoach

By the way, I did not find any evidence of formal education in coaching or affiliation with any organization, so I believe she bases her approach on the science as she learned it at the university.

What makes the book exceptional?

  1. It is clearly structured

  2. It describes the current knowledge of the brain, compares current scientific work

  3. Each chapter is related to coaching - there is not a deep discussion, but lots of practical advice.

  4. The book is concise

What is the content?

  1. PART ONE Brain areas

  2. PART TWO Brain chemicals

  3. PART THREE Foundational brain concepts

  4. PART FOUR Brain networks

  5. PART FIVE The quantum brain

  6. PART SIX Neuroscience of classic coaching area

  7. PART SEVEN Neuroscience of not-so-classic coaching areas

For interest, what does the chapter structure look like?

For example: False memory:

  • What is it?

  • Why is it important for coaches?

  • What is the underpinning neuroscience?

  • What are any interesting studies in this area?

  • What can I do with a client this afternoon?

<![CDATA[1. Inspiration – 3 books about hypnosis and for hypnotist]]>https://www.projecoach.cz/post/1-inspiration-3-books-about-hypnosis-and-for-hypnotists-1648a24938058ecebc1c5300cWed, 14 Jun 2023 20:37:36 GMTMiroslav Czadek

“The power of imagination created the illusion that my vision went much farther than the naked eye could actually see. – Nelson Mandela”

1. Book: “Monsters & Magical Sticks: There's No Such Thing as Hypnosis?” from Steven Heller

To the book:

Great book! If you're advanced in NLP or just starting out as a hypnotherapist, I would say there is no better book. The book has a therapeutic focus and explains the interconnectedness of the inner and outer worlds. It is excellent in its application of anchors and their disruption. The title of the book is based on one chapter where the author recounts how he resolved his three-year-old son's nightmares.


  • Lightly into Hypnosis: There is no such thing as hypnosis. Hypnosis as communication, the Flat World.

  • Meta 4 - Change - Life: Metaphor within metaphor and other metaphors...

  • Everyday Hypnosis/Learning: Different perspectives on hypnosis.

  • Forget about it: Amnesia, fear of heights.

  • Systems of Belief: Hallucinations +/-, what beliefs are and how to utilize them in work.

  • Two Systems: How to recognize submodalities systems?

  • GIGO: 'Garbage in/Garbage out.'

  • Systems - So what?: How to work with systems.

  • Patterns: Different types of patterns and how to utilize them.

  • Left meets Right and Right meets Left: We have two hemispheres.

  • Reality... Really???: What is reality?

  • Unconscious versus Conscious: And also what the subconscious is...

  • Utilization: Magical words, induction, etc.

  • Anchoring: How to work with anchors.

  • Disrupting anchors: Explanation and practical examples.

  • Confessions of a Hypnotist: More or less a summary.

  • Ramblings: In short, what was it about."

Interesting insights

Certainly, the most intriguing aspect is the description of the systems we work with, how to identify them, and how to utilize them. It perfectly clarifies certain situations - for example, when a client tells you they can't imagine something and how to work with that. And the absolute highlight is working with anchors, their disruption, and their application in hypnotherapy.

What makes the book good

The book will push you forward. If you are familiar with certain techniques, they will surely come together for you here. The book is well-written, engaging, and practically oriented towards hypnotic therapeutic methods. It demonstrates how you can achieve a lot with very little. The book is not focused on stage hypnosis, and a mere hint of it would do it a disservice. It is a book that you will return to even if you know it by heart.

What the book lacks?

There aren't many pictures in the book, occasionally a diagram or two.

2. Book: “Harness the power of self-hypnosis and autosuggestion. You can achieve anything you desire” from Jan Becker

To the book:

The book that should not be missing from the library of almost every reader. It is written for complete beginners, and those who have some knowledge of technology will immediately recognize what a gem the book is. I have become fond of the techniques in the book, and they have become valuable material in my work and daily life. The techniques can be applied anywhere. Once you learn the techniques, you can continue working with them and customize them to your liking. The techniques can be easily incorporated into coaching sessions. Unfortunately, for coaches without a deeper understanding of the underlying principles, you may lose face in front of the client.


  • Self-hypnosis - what is it really? A fairy tale about multitasking, daytime trance, and why you are the creators of your reality.

  • The miracle of an ordinary day: How warm thoughts truly warm you up, how to hypnotize yourself within seconds, and what you have gained today.

  • Do you forget? Can you forget? Why do we remember much more than we think, but never what actually happened - and why it is so.

  • How your subconscious decides whether you will feel like a fearless superhero or a frightened mouse. And why it's worth taking control over it.

  • Why myths persist in the collective consciousness and how suggestion slips into the subconscious around the "consciousness" acting as a gatekeeper.

  • The art of switching off and letting yourself be engulfed: How to press the stop button on the merry-go-round of thoughts using your eyes, voice, and cheerful exercise and invite happiness into your life.

  • The fascinating world of suggestions: From a stowaway in your subconscious to a benevolent fairy fulfilling your wishes.

  • The matter of motivation: How emotions give wings to our subconscious and why the journey is not the destination.

  • The power of words: How to incorporate encouraging suggestions into your life, become the director of your own movie, and not give up on your goals when you already have them in sight.

  • Advanced self-hypnosis: How to deepen relaxation hypnotically, preserve suggestions, and permanently anchor pleasant feelings.

  • Energy replenishment through the Viking factor: How to learn self-confidence to achieve what you want.

  • Create a beautiful life for yourself: How to put your minor bad habits to rest and replace them with healthy, dynamic habits.

  • No stress, please: How to outsmart adrenaline and automatically transform tension into relaxation.

  • No fear of fear: How to reduce the boulder blocking your path and make your fear tremble in a tango.

  • I believe I will heal: How to awaken the self-healing powers and why the subconscious is often the best doctor.

  • It's all about fun: How to learn more effectively in the right wave, use a highlighter directly in your mind, and turn an exam into your performance.

  • No more procrastination: How to pre-induce a euphoric feeling of success, not get distracted, and always do things with pleasure.

  • Self-hypnosis in sports: Higher, faster, farther - how to achieve things you have always considered impossible.

  • For a better and more passionate relationship: How to revive your relationship using hypnotic tricks and fan the flames of new passion with an invisible feather.

  • The myth of uninterrupted sleep, the secret of evening yogurt, or how to simply sleep better.

Interesting insights

The book contains a wealth of techniques that are immediately available. Even if you don't follow some of the techniques exactly as instructed, you will still achieve results. However, I do not recommend using the techniques everywhere and without the client's consent – yes, the book is about self-hypnosis, but the trick is that it doesn't matter who the client is. Some techniques, like the window of possibilities, should be approached with a sense of humor and it's better to choose carefully the utensil on which you demonstrate something. Bending utensils belongs more to the realm of magic than demonstrating hypnosis.

What makes the book good

The book contains dozens of exercises, is practical, and can be easily mastered by a complete novice. However, its strength is also its problem. Any charlatan or manipulator can easily exploit it and offer things like the "third eye" or quantum touches, etc. nonsensical concepts. If such ideas are presented by an authority figure adorned with titles like MD., etc. (even if they don't actually possess them, and worse if they intentionally claim to have them), it can make a layperson feel like a superhero and create a client who is willing to pay indefinitely. Unfortunately, you will also encounter such individuals in your surroundings.

What the book lacks?

This book doesn't have many shortcomings. It is well-written, I would say, for the right readers. Some techniques may be found under a different name and slightly different description. If you already know them, don't worry about the translation or procedure, just follow where the author wants to take you and feel free to apply your own methods.

3. Book:Reality is Plastic. The Art of Impromptu Hypnosisfrom Anthony Jacquin

To the book

The author of the book focuses on readers who want to become hypnotists. At the same time, he explains that the book does not replace practical training with a coach. If you have already completed an sufficient number of hours with a trainer, the book is an excellent complement of information and a source of basic techniques that you can apply in various areas. Personally, I use the techniques in coaching and team work as well as in client sessions. However, the possibilities are endless - entertainment, therapy, perceptual changes, and so on. As long as you adhere to basic ethical principles and practices, these are safe techniques. If you are interested, it is possible to learn some of the techniques in hypnosis courses or during designated sessions.


  • What is Improvised Hypnosis? Although the author claims that this is not a book about stage hypnosis, the majority of techniques are described within its pages.

  • Hypnosis or no introduction needed. Here, the focus is mainly on the history of hypnosis. (How to become a hypnotist; How to proceed; What settings to use; What are the characteristic features of hypnosis; Hypnotic phenomena (Catalepsy, Amnesia...)

  • Settings (describing basic techniques that can be used in various variations) (Magnetic Fingers; Magnetic Hands; Stiff Arm)

  • Inductions (Induction practice; Hand and Eye Fixation; Magnetic Palms (an expanded technique from the previous chapter); Handshake or Hand Jerk; Jacquin's "Power Lift" technique (a very effective technique combining confusion and interrupting established patterns); Jacquin's Performance Induction (an advanced technique that requires a high level of confidence from the hypnotist); Instant Induction)

  • Deepeners - Intensification (Connections, associations; Loops, feedback; Chaining; "Bombs" - sometimes a single word or phrase is enough to deepen the state)

  • Guidance (focused on clear and effective communication that leads to results) (Super Suggestions (offer a beautiful suggestion for the subject to follow); Encouragement (a hint is enough to let the client know they are doing well); Procedural instructions; Control and progression (have a plan prepared based on the environment))

  • Application of improvised hypnosis (replacing long scripts with a few detailed ones) (Brief notes on therapy; Brief notes on Rossi-style therapy; It's gone (disappearance); Thief in the supermarket; Disguised; Full; Jumping into a scene with Denzel Washington; Truth and lie; Instant self-hypnosis)

  • Safety first (References and other surprises; Morality and ethics; Final thoughts)

  • Appendix: Suggestions for hypnotic scripts

Interesting insights

  • Some dissociation techniques, I consider them to be very practical.

  • I find the examples of "elevator speech" and advice on how to create them to be instructive.

  • A highly effective technique for eliciting the truth, which surprised me with its efficiency.

What makes the book good

  • It is an excellent description of techniques and procedures. The book includes a variety of photographs that help clarify the techniques.

  • In my opinion, the book is oriented towards stage hypnosis and techniques. Suggestions like the client seeing only their body without a head, etc., are nice stage tricks.

What the book lacks?

  • Although the author refers to ethics in hypnosis and provides guidance, I would argue that the majority of techniques give the opposite impression.

  • The book does not address therapeutic areas, it does not work with metaphor at all, and only marginally touches upon the Ericksonian approach.
