„Education shows the wise how little they know, and gives the foolish the illusion that they know a lot.“
— Julian Tuwim polish poet 1894 - 1953

I. Book: Law and Ethics in Coaching: How to Solve -- and Avoid -- Difficult Problems in Your Practice
Arguably the best book 📖 in the field of Ethics, elaborated by legal experts, coaching specialists, and representatives of ICF. It will surely surprise many senior coaches with its content. #projecoach
From the content:
The Profession of Coaching: Its Emergence and Intersection with Ethics and Law,-- Patrick Williams
Foundations of Professional Ethics, -- Karen Colby Weiner
Ethical Choice: An Outcome of Being, Becoming and Doing, -- Sharon K. Anderson, Heather T. Wagoner, and G. Kurt Moore
Competence: Getting, Growing, and Measuring Coaching Ability, -- Margaret Krigbaum
Developing and Maintaining Client Trust: Professional Focus, Clear Agreements, and Confidentiality, -- Dolly M. Garlo
Multiple-Role Relationships in Coaching, -- Ofer Zur and Sharon K. AndersonEthical Use of Assessments in Coaching, -- Debra Robinson
Legal Issues and Solutions for Coaches, -- William H. Lindberg and Andrew R. DesmondThe Intersection of Culture and Ethics, -- Marilyn O’Hearne and Charles Hamrick
Coaching to Come, -- Patrick Williams, William H. Lindberg, and Sharon K. Anderson
Appendix A ICF Code of Ethics
Appendix B Professional Coaching Language for Greater Public Understanding, -- David Matthew Prior
Those who haven't read and practiced the ideas presented in the book 📖 by world-renowned author Stephen R. Covey. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Covey ), as if he/she/it wasn't even there. #projecoach
A highly suitable book for everyone. I have discovered that it is also very popular in the field frequented by programmers, analysts, development team leaders, etc. I was personally surprised by how some start-up companies are guided by it. And what are these habits that it discusses? 😃
From the content:
Habit: Be proactive,
Habit: Begin with the end in mind,
Habit: Prioritize important things,
Habit: Think win/win,
Habit: Seek first to understand then to be understood,
Habit: Create synergy,
Habit: Sharpen the saw.
One of the really good 📖 books that I highly recommend for reading. The topic of neuroscience for coaches was tackled by the young author Amy Brann, http://www.amybrann.com/. Amy initially devoted herself to medicine and then spent time educating business teams, while simultaneously coaching, which she applied based on neuroscience. #projecoach
By the way, I did not find any evidence of formal education in coaching or affiliation with any organization, so I believe she bases her approach on the science as she learned it at the university.
What makes the book exceptional?
It is clearly structured 👍
It describes the current knowledge of the brain, compares current scientific work 👍
Each chapter is related to coaching - there is not a deep discussion, but lots of practical advice.👍
The book is concise 👍
What is the content? ❓
PART ONE Brain areas
PART TWO Brain chemicals
PART THREE Foundational brain concepts
PART FOUR Brain networks
PART FIVE The quantum brain
PART SIX Neuroscience of classic coaching area
PART SEVEN Neuroscience of not-so-classic coaching areas
For interest, what does the chapter structure look like?
For example: False memory:
What is it?
Why is it important for coaches?
What is the underpinning neuroscience?
What are any interesting studies in this area?
What can I do with a client this afternoon?