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Do not fight with own Behavioral Patterns, make them your ally!

Updated: Nov 25, 2023

Have you notice that sometime it is easy to talk to friends; in any conversation, you always found the right words and everything just flow without any conflicts? With other people, however, everything just go wrong. What if there is a relatively simple, and proven, way to build relationship with everyone and to eliminate personality conflicts?

Did you noticed that Wonder Woman touched DISC theory?

Believe it or not, the Wonder Woman comic was created by American psychologist and writer William Moulton Marston and artist Harry G. Peter. Marston's wife Elizabeth and their life partner Olive Byrne are considered inspiration for the character's appearance. Marston's comics featured his thoughts on DISC theory.

Image by Abderrahman Hadd from Pixabay

William Moulton Marston created a systolic blood pressure test that was used in an attempt to detect fraud. The discovery resulted in the modern lie detector. But Marston was also the author of essays in popular psychology. In 1928 he published his work Emotions of Normal People, in which he investigated the differences in the behavior patterns of healthy people. Marston was a kind of pioneer who provided the foundations for what became known as the DISC model. Marston found a way to demonstrate how people were different. He noted distinct differences between personalities, which formed the basis for the model used in this book.

The four letters D, I, S, and C (Dominance, Inspiration, Submission, and Compliance) form the acronym of the DISC profile that is used throughout the world.

Marston finished researching this topic sometime in the 1930s. Many others have used his research and developed a tool that, according to the most recent data, has been used by nearly 50 million people for the past thirty-five years.

What’s the benefit of this?

It is no coincidence that I chose DISC as a key part, for solving both personal and team situations in project coaching and coaching in general (I chose from several methods, you can find more details in another blog).

There are many more advantages than disadvantages to using a disk.

The benefits include the following:

  • Increase commitment and cooperation

  • Build effective teams

  • Resolve and avoid conflict

  • Get support, trust, relationship

  • Know or understand others (interpersonal skills, communication preferences, strengths of behavior, potential areas for improvement)

  • or increase sales

It also has some disadvantages, such as:

  • There are many variations of the test, and not all of them have been vetted. This can lead to inaccurate results.

  • Highly complex test results require special training to validly interpret.

  • The results can be misinterpreted.

  • Most people mistaken DISC for a personality test, but it is actually a behavior assessment tool.

  • It blocks the human personality into a two-dimension model.

Organizations who use DISC concept increase effective communication and internal job satisfaction. They have more productive teams and more harmony in the workplace. Personal relationships are enhanced. Building rapport becomes easier. Interactions at work, home, or play are more positive. People have less stress and even better physical and mental health.

Coaching based on DISC

Based on your assessment, we will go through the styles of behavior and go where you belong according to the result. We will review four styles & tendencies measured in DISC report.

Based on the intensity scale and inspection in highlighted areas we discover how you should communicate with each style.

You will uncover your natural style and how you act on adapted style - for example in your work environment.

We will review and discuss graphs, compare shifts, scales of intensity and how much of your energy is being used to be in adapted style and will see if they results make sense.

What is your behavior and needs under stress?

Stress is everywhere, so that's very actual. What is others perception of you under stress? This can lead you to better communication with friends, colleagues, teams.

How is it with your team?

Let's brainstorm DISC results with team and get some answers for following questions:

  • Is there a predominance or under-representation of any particular DISC style? If so, what are the likely strengths and challenges/consequences?

  • Is the team adapting to meet group objective(s)?

  • Is adapting both necessary and effective?

  • Is the team adapting toward or away from the Leader(s)?

  • What are some areas to focus on to build more effective collaboration?

What's coach role?

As a project coach, I meet almost daily with project teams and team members who are dissatisfied with the work environment, culture or communication. Most of them feel exhausted and without energy.

DISC is a short description of YOU, custom designed in 10-15 minutes. It helps you to recognize your own style, see what works about you, and control your own style. It tells others how to communicate with you, anticipates normal tensions in relationships, shows you how to read others and adapt your communication.

From report we uncover potential areas for your Improvement. We choose top 2 areas that stand out and agree what best suits you like coaching or suggestions around strengthening those areas or building awareness to prevent them from being a limitation.

Coach will support you to recognize, understand, and help leverage your inherent strengths in your personal and professional life.

You can order the service on this webpage. After paying of the service, you will receive a link to the assessment and then a confirmation of the session on agreed time and date.

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